The White House issued strong worded statement regarding trade relationship with China today.
From a fact sheet titled “President Donald J. Trump is Confronting China’s Unfair Trade Policies”, it’s said that “China has consistently taken advantage of the American economy with practices that undermine fair and reciprocal trade.”
And it accused that “China has aggressively sought to obtain technology from American companies and undermine American innovation and creativity.”
The statement noted that “President Trump has taken long overdue action to finally address the source of the problem, China’s unfair trade practices that hurt America’s workers and our innovative industries.” And, “President Trump has worked to defend America’s intellectual property and proprietary technology from theft and other threats.”
Simultaneously, there’s another statement outlining the Steps to Protect Domestic Technology and Intellectual Property from China’s Discriminatory and Burdensome Trade Practices.
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce responded in a statement that the US statements were unexpected yet expected. It said the today’s statement contradict the consensus reached in Washington not long ago. And the MOFCOM pledged that “China has confidence, ability, and experience to safeguard the interests of the Chinese people and the country’s core interests. China urges the United States to act in accordance with the spirit of the joint statement.”
To us, yes, it’s unexpected yet expected.
Recalling what European Council President Donald Tusk said, he accused the US of “capricious assertiveness”. And in his own words again: