HomeLive CommentsAustralia's employment rises 61.5k in Nov, unemployment rate ticks up

Australia’s employment rises 61.5k in Nov, unemployment rate ticks up

Australia’s employment sector grew significant by 61.5k in November substantially surpassing the expected 10.0k. This growth was primarily in full-time employment, which saw an increase of 47k, while part-time employment also rose by 14.5k.

Despite these positive developments in job creation, the unemployment rate edged up slightly to 3.9%, against expectations of remaining at 3.8%. Participation rate increased by 0.2% to reach 67.2%, and monthly hours worked were flat at 0.0%.

Bjorn Jarvis, ABS head of labour statistics, stated, “The combination of strong growth in both employment and unemployment in November saw the employment-to-population ratio return to a record high of 64.6 percent and the participation rate reach a new high of 67.2 percent.”

Jarvis also noted that the slowing in hours worked suggests that the overall growth rates in employment and hours worked have become more aligned over the past 18 months. This convergence indicates a “less tight” labor market than previously experienced.

Full Australia employment release here.

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