HomeLive CommentsAustralia employment grew 32.6k, but demand met by people working more hours

Australia employment grew 32.6k, but demand met by people working more hours

Australian’s June employment data showed persistent tightness in the job markets. The 32.6k growth in employment significantly surpassed expectations of 15.0k. Employment-population ratio remained at record high. Monthly hours worked outpaced employment growth, suggesting that labor demand was met by people working more hours.

Among the 32.6k job growth, rise of 39.3k full-time employment was offset by a decrease of -6.7k in part-time roles. Unemployment rate remained steady at 3.5%, below expectation of 3.6%. Participation rate dipped slightly from 66.9% to 66.8%. Monthly hours worked rose 0.3% mom, faster than growth in employment at 0.2% mom.

Bjorn Jarvis, ABS head of labour statistics, stated: “The rise in employment in June saw the employment-to-population ratio remain at a record high 64.5 per cent, reflecting a tight labour market in which employment has recently increased in line with population growth.”

He further emphasized that the current labour market is stronger than it was prior to the pandemic. Jarvis elaborated, “In addition to there being over a million more employed people than before the pandemic, a much higher share of the population is employed. In June 2023, 64.5 per cent of people 15 years or older were employed, an increase of 2.1 percentage points since March 2020.”

Jarvis also highlighted the ongoing demand for labour, saying: “The strength in hours worked since late 2022, relative to employment growth, shows the demand for labour is continuing to be met, to some extent, by people working more hours.”


Full Australia employment release here.

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