HomeLive CommentsGermany Ifo rose to 93.6, worries abating, but lacks dynamism

Germany Ifo rose to 93.6, worries abating, but lacks dynamism

Germany Ifo Business Climate rose slightly from 93.2 to 93.6 in April, below expectation of 94.0. Current Assessment index dropped from 95.4 to 95.0, below expectation of 96.1. Expectations index rose from 91.0 to 92.2, above expectation of 91.6.

By sector, manufacturing rose from 6.5 to 6.7. Services dropped from 8.8 to 6.8. Trade dropped from -10.1 to -10.7. Construction rose from -17.5 to -16.7.

Ifo said: “German business’s worries are abating, but the economy is still lacking dynamism.

Full Germany Ifo release here.

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