HomeLive CommentsFOMC Minutes: Yield caps and targets not warranted in the current environment

FOMC Minutes: Yield caps and targets not warranted in the current environment

The minutes of the July 28-29 FOMC minutes provided little inspiring regarding economic and policy outlook. Members g “agreed that the ongoing public health crisis would weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term and was posing considerable risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.”

Also, “a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy would likely be needed for some time to support aggregate demand and achieve 2 percent inflation over the longer run.”

On the issue of yield curve control, most participants “judged that yield caps and targets would likely provide only modest benefits in the current environment, as the Committee’s forward guidance regarding the path of the federal funds rate already appeared highly credible and longer-term interest rates were already low.”

“In light of these concerns, many participants judged that yield caps and targets were not warranted in the current environment but should remain an option that the Committee could reassess in the future if circumstances changed markedly,” the minutes added.

Full minutes here.

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