Eurozone Sentix Investor Confidence dropped to -42.9 in April, down from -17.1. That’s the lowest level on record. Current Situation index dropped from -14.3 to -66.0, also a record low and the largest decline on record. Expectations index, however, improved from -20.0 to -15.8. Sentix said Eurozone economy is in a “deep recession”, which will “go much deeper and longer”.
It also said, “the corona virus is keeping the global economy in a stranglehold: without exception, all regions of the world are in a deep recession. Never before has the assessment of the current situation collapsed so sharply in all regions of the world within one month”.
Germany Investor Confidence dropped from -16.9 to -36.0, lowest since 2209. Germany Current Situation dropped from -13.3 to -59.3, lowest since 2009. Germany Expectations improved from -20.5 to -9.0. US Investor Confidence dropped from 0.2 to -39.1, lowest since 2009. US Current Situation dropped from 17.8 to -59.0, lowest since 2009. US Expectations dropped from -16.0 to -16.5, lowest since October 2019.