HomeLive CommentsTrump: Probably unlikely for something to happen at US-China trade talks

Trump: Probably unlikely for something to happen at US-China trade talks

US President Donald Trump sounded rather cautious ahead the closely watched top-level trade negotiations with China this week. He reiterated he’s shooting for a “big deal”. However, when pressed to elaborate the chances of progress, he said “Can something happen? I guess, maybe. Who knows. But I think it’s probably unlikely.”

Additionally, he urged China to find a humane a peaceful resolution to the unrest in Hong Kong. And, “If anything happened bad, I think that would be a very bad thing for the negotiation. I think politically it would be very tough.”

China’s Ministry of Commerce confirmed that Vice Premier Liu He would travel to Washington for trade talks on Thursday and Friday. Along with Liu include Commerce Minister Zhong Shan, central bank Governor Yi Gang, and the National Development and Reform Commission’s deputy head Ning Jizhe.

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