HomeLive CommentsTusk: EU remains open but still unconvinced by Johnson's Brexit proposals

Tusk: EU remains open but still unconvinced by Johnson’s Brexit proposals

European Council President said EU “remain open but still unconvinced” by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s new Brexit proposals. And the bloc remained fully united behind Ireland.

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said “my judgment is that Boris Johnson does want a deal and that the paper that was published yesterday was an effort to move us in the direction of a deal. But…if that is the final proposal, there will be no deal”. And, “I think the prime minister’s room for maneuver is very tight, but the truth is he boxed himself into that corner.”

German government spokesperson Steffen Seibert said, “for us, it remains the case that a settlement must secure the safeguarding of the internal market, a settlement must be operable, and it must avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.”

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