HomeLive CommentsYet another vote on May's Brexit deal ahead after parliament voted for...

Yet another vote on May’s Brexit deal ahead after parliament voted for seeking extension

UK parliament passed the motion to seek Brexit delay by 413 to 202 votes. Under the motion, if a Brexit deal is approved, the government will seek 30 days Article 50 extension till June 30, 2019. If a deal is not approved, the length of the extension will depends on the purpose of it. But in the latter case, it will most likely be a long extension.

Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to bring her twice-defeated Brexit deal back to the Commons for another meaningful vote on Tuesday March 19, just ahead of EU Council meeting on March 21-22. Meanwhile, May also promised that she will give Parliament the chance to take over on March 25 if her deal is defeated again. The development after March 25 is wide open, with possibilities of a softer Brexit, a second referendum and a general election.


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