HomeLive CommentsUS Treasury denies rumors that Mnuchin mulls China tariff rollback

US Treasury denies rumors that Mnuchin mulls China tariff rollback

WSJ reported yesterday that US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was considering the idea of lifting some of even all of extra tariffs on Chinese imports to facilitate trade negotiation with China. But a Treasury spokesman quickly denied.

The spokesman said “neither Secretary Mnuchin nor Ambassador Lighthizer have made any recommendations to anyone with respect to tariffs or other parts of the negotiation with China.” And, “this an ongoing process with the Chinese that is nowhere near completion.”

Mnuchin is widely considered a dove in the trade war with China, and he has rather good relationship with Chinese Vice Premier Liu. So we won’t be surprised if Mnuchin has considered or even brought out such idea. But he is often seen as isolated by others in the team on the issue. So, it doesn’t really mean a thing even if he did make that suggestion.

Liu has confirmed his scheduled to visit Washington on January 30-31. The result of the meeting with USTR Robert Lighthizer then is the real key and the whole negotiation.

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