Eurozone Sentix Investor Confidence overall index dropped to 12 in September, down from 14.7, below expectation of 13.8. Current situation index dropped to 35.0, down from 37.3. Expectations index also dropped to -8.8, down from -5.8. Sentix noted that “the weakness of the emerging markets, especially in Asia and Latin America, is weighing on economic assessments. But also homemade European problems.”
Sentix also noted that two developments are “particularly noticeable in the search for the causes” for the deteriorations. One is “weakness in the international arena”, in particular in Asia and Latin America. And, “due to the solid US dollar and political crises, the emerging markets are in the crossfire.”
For Europe itself, there are problems “especially at the political level”. Also, “external, international catalyst, which is also intensified by the trade dispute between the USA and almost the rest of the world, is now having a noticeable negative impact.”