HomeContributorsTechnical AnalysisAUDUSD – Hourly Cloud To Hold Consolidation Before Final Push To 0.7739...

AUDUSD – Hourly Cloud To Hold Consolidation Before Final Push To 0.7739 Target

Bull-leg from 0.7489 (09 Mar correction low) is showing strong hesitation at 0.7700 barrier, signaled by repeated failure to clearly break above it.

Near-term structure, however, remains bullish and underpinned by rising daily cloud that also contained recent corrective phase (0.7739/0.7489).

Easing from fresh recovery highs at 0.7717 so far found footstep at 0.7663 (Fibo 23.6% of 0.7489/0.7517 rally top of thick hourly cloud), but extended dips cannot be ruled out.

Strong support at 0.7630 (hourly cloud base / Fibo 38.2%) should contain to prevent risk of deeper pullback and reversal signal.

Near-term focus remains at 0.7739 (23 Feb high) and 0.7776 (08 Nov peak) in extension.

Res: 0.7692, 0.7717, 0.7739, 0.7758
Sup: 0.7663, 0.7630, 0.7600, 0.7576

Windsor Brokers Ltd
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