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EUR/GBP False Breakout?

EUR/GBP drops after the false breakout above the 50% Fibonacci line (ascending dotted line). Could come down to retest the 0.9000 psychological level before will try to resume the upside movement. We have a bullish bias on the Daily chart, but a drop below the psychological level will open the door for a drop towards the median line (ML) of the major ascending pitchfork. Resistance can be found at the wl3 as well.

MultiBank Exchange Group
MultiBank Exchange Grouphttp://www.mexgroup.com
Multibank Exchange Group (MEX Group) is a multinational financial derivatives dealer. Established in California in 2005, MEX has offices in several countries around the world, including the US, the UK, Australia and China. Mex Group is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia, the Ras al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAK) in the United Arab Emirates and the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in the British Virgin Islands.

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