HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisEquity Markets Generally Reverse Gains

Equity Markets Generally Reverse Gains

General trend

  • Equity indices pare gains amid trading halts for Evergrande and Evergrande Property Services; Evergrande speculated to sell majority stake in Property Services unit to Hopson Development.
  • Vaccine makers trade generally lower after news related to Merck’s COVID pill.
  • Japanese shipping cos. extend losing streak.
  • Fast Retailing [largest Nikkei component] is due to issue monthly sales after the Tokyo close.
  • HK casino names reverse gains on Macau/Zhuhai news.
  • S&P ASX 200 rises after sharp drop on Friday [-2%]; Financials, Resources and Consumer Discretionary indices gain.
  • Singapore traded higher on reduced quarantine period for travelers arriving and easing of entry requirements.
  • NZD declined ahead of Wed’s RBNZ decision, there has also been some focus on the new COVID cases.
  • Soybean FUTs decline ahead of US comments on China trade strategy.
  • Shanghai markets are closed for holiday from Oct 1-7 (Fri-Thurs).

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened 0.0%.
  • (NZ) RBNZ Shadow Board: Lockdown divides Shadow Board’s views on tightening.
  • (NZ) Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ): Maintaining focus on economic wellbeing and prosperity – Annual Report.
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA): Excess cash at exchange settlement (ES) accounts at A$369.3B v A$365.8B prior.
  • CBA.AU Completes A$6.0B off market share buyback at A$88.62/shr (79.4% scale back rate applied above priority allocation).
  • (NZ) New Zealand PM Ardern: Extends Auckland Lv 3 lockdown, to be reviewed weekly; Rest of country to remain at lv 2.


  • Nikkei 225 opened +1.0%.
  • (JP) Japan LDP Sec Gen Amari said government will immediately compile a large extra budget after the general elections – financial press.
  • 9984.JP Vision Fund 2 portfolio has quintupled the number of investments in startups in less then 9 months (115 so far) – press.
  • (JP) Japan Fin Min Aso (outgoing): Believe international tax agreement will be official this month, currency has remained stable, at one point proposed to BOJ to lower 2% CPI target.
  • (JP) Said that incoming Japan PM Kishida will hold a lower house election on Oct 31st – Press.
  • (JP) Japan parliament officially elects Kishida as PM.


  • Kospi closed for holiday.
  • (KR) North Korea to restore inter-Korean hotline starting today – Yonhap.

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened -0.4%; Shanghai Composite to reopen Friday.
  • 6666.HK Hopson to acquire 51% stake for HK$40B – Chinese press.
  • (HK) Hong Kong largest independent trade union, Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), disbanded on Sunday due to Security Law.
  • (HK) Hong Kong Govt adviser David Hui: Reopening border with China will take 4-5 months of talks – SCMP.
  • (HK) Hang Seng to announce Q3 review results Nov 19th.
  • (HK) Macau halts border resumption plan with China Zhuhai city (Guangdong Province).
  • 992.HK Shanghai Exchange accepts application related to CDR issuance.


  • (TW) China sent 77 warplanes into Taiwan defense zone over the past 2 days – Taiwan press citing Govt.

North America

  • (US) Fed Vice Chair Clarida in 2020 financial disclosure traded into stocks day before Powell made statement on pandemic [in Feb 2020], said they were pre-planned for rebalancing – press over weekend.
  • (CN) US Trade Rep Tai set to unveil China trade policy Monday after concluding top to bottom review of last administration’s trade policy; expected to say that China is not complying with the Phase 1 trade deal; US said to consider potential actions against China [including possible additional tariffs], cites non-compliance with trade deal..
  • NEO Guardant Health said to have decided against takeover offer – press.


  • (UK) Govt has drawn up proposal to permanently replace agreement with the EU that’s in place to maintain an open border between Ireland and Northern Ireland – UK press.
  • (UK) Reportedly UK Fin Min Sunak planning £500M fund to help people get into work – press.
  • (UK) Trade Sec Truss: A post Brexit agreement with US President Biden, is not the “be all to end all” of trade deals, refuses to commit to signing a FTA with US by 2030 – UK press.
  • (EU) Former ECB chief Trichet: In Europe, currently, you could say that the thesis that inflation is transitory can be accepted; the same claim in the US calls for some skepticism – press.

Levels as of 01:15ET

  • Hang Seng -2.1%; Shanghai Composite closed for holiday; Kospi closed for holiday; Nikkei225 -1.1%; ASX 200 +1.2%.
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.1%; Nasdaq100 -0.3%, Dax -0.4%; FTSE100 -0.2%.
  • EUR 1.1614-1.1588; JPY 111.11-110.89; AUD 0.7283-0.7252; NZD 0.6953-0.6927.
  • Commodity Futures: Gold +0.2% at $1,761/oz; Crude Oil -0.4% at $75.61/brl; Copper -0.3% at $4.19/lb.
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