HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisUS Stocks Rose Amid Fed Decision

US Stocks Rose Amid Fed Decision

General trend

  • Chinese markets and Evergrande have pared gains.
  • Shanghai Composite ended morning trading off of the best levels [China Merchants Bank lagged; Property index trimmed gain].
  • Hang Seng has pared gain after rising >2% [Property index opened higher by more than 5%].
  • Evergrande’s debt remains in focus; Scheduled debt payments for today [Sept 23rd] include $83.5M of interest on 8.25%, 5-year USD bond and $36M on an onshore bond.
  • Chinese property developers downgraded ahead of Oct debt repayment deadlines [Sinic Holdings, Xinyuan Real Estate].
  • S&P ASX 200 has risen after the flat open [Energy and Financial indices gain].
  • Global officials continue to comment on Evergrande.
  • BOE rate decision due later today.
  • China Ministry of Finance (MOF) to sell CNY5.0B in 2-year bonds and CNY2.0B in 5-year bonds in Hong Kong on Sept 23rd.
  • China PBOC to sell CNY5B in 6-month bills in Hong Kong on Sept 24th (Friday).

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened flat.
  • (AU) AUSTRALIA SEPT PRELIMINARY PMI MANUFACTURING: 57.3 V 52.0 PRIOR; PMI Services: 44.9 v 42.9 prior.
  • (AU) Australia ASIC: Warns of social media led pump and dump campaigns; Working with Market operators to identify and disrupt campaigns.
  • (AU) Australia total weekly payroll jobs change from Aug 15th to Aug 28th: -0.4% v -0.7% prior.
  • (NZ) Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ): To proceed with proposal on Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) restrictions on owner occupied mortgages to reduce risky lending (as expected), effective Nov 1st.
  • (NZ) New Zealand sells NZ$500M v NZ$500M indicated in 2024, 2031 and 2037 bonds.

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened +1.6% , Shanghai Composite +0.6%.
  • (CN) China Cabinet: Reiterates view that economy is challenged by pandemic and rising commodity costs continuity; Looks to strengthen macroeconomic policy; to stabilize market expectations; Reiterates call for cross-cyclical adjustment; Looking at measures to further increase consumption; Approves 5-year plan to increase its new infrastructure (seeks both private and overseas capital).
  • (CN) China President Xi: Reiterates China to give priority to agriculture and accelerate the modernization of the sector.
  • (CN) China Aug Smartphone Shipments Y/Y: -9.9% v +30.6% prior – CAICT.
  • (HK) Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) comments after US Fed meeting: HKD exchange rate and interest rates remain steady; HK money markets continue to operate smoothly.
  • (CN) China Sec Daily: China Loan Prime rates are more likely to decline in Q4.
  • (CN) Fitch cuts China 2021 GDP forecast to 8.1% from 8.4%, cites property slowdown.
  • (CN) China PBOC Open Market Operation (OMO): Injects CNY60B in 7-day reverse repos v CNY60B in 7-day reverse repos prior; injects CNY60B in 14-day reverse repos v CNY60B prior; Net inject CNY110B v Net inject CNY90B prior.
  • (CN) China PBOC sets Yuan reference rate: 6.4749 v 6.4693 prior.
  • (CN) PBOC to auction CNY70B in Ministry of Finance Deposits on Sept 26th (Sunday).
  • (CN) China MOF to sell CNY12.0B of bonds in Hong Kong in Oct and Nov – Chinese press.


  • (JP) Nikkei 225 closed for holiday.


  • Kospi opened -0.5%.
  • (KR) Bank of Korea (BOK): Will strengthen monitoring of risks including Evergrande; Ready to respond to stabilize markets if needed.
  • (KR) South Korea Finance Ministry: Financial Market volatility could rise in the future; US FOMC results in line with expectations; To closely monitor US Fed tapering speed and risks from Evergrande.
  • (KR) South Korea Finance Minister to meet with Bank of Korea (BOK) Gov Lee on Sept 30th (Thurs).
  • (KR) South Korea Sept 1-20 Exports y/y: 22.9% v 40.9% prior; Imports y/y: 38.8% v 52.1% prior.
  • (KR) Said that South Korea will increase power prices in Q4 – Yonhap.

Other Asia

  • (SG) Singapore Aug CPI M/M: 0.5% v 0.5%e; Y/Y: 2.4% v 2.4%e; CPI Core Y/Y: 1.1% v 1.0%e.

North America

  • (US) Fed Chief Powell: We could reach conclusion that both tests have been met for tapering as soon as the next meeting; Taper test is ‘all but met’; There is very broad support on timing and pace of taper; Would take reasonably good jobs report in next month to feel taper test has been met; Would not need a ‘knock out’ report; Evergrande situation seems ‘very particular to China’; China has very high debt for an emerging market economy – rate decision Q&A.
  • (US) ‘Centrist” Democrats said to have discussed cutting the size of the Social-Welfare bill to below $3.0T – US financial press.
  • (US) President Biden: Committed to delivering on infrastructure and spending plans.
  • (BR) BRAZIL CENTRAL BANK (BCB) RAISES SELIC TARGET RATE BY 100BPS TO 6.25%; AS EXPECTED; Sees a rate hike of the same magnitude at the next meeting.

Levels as of 01:20 ET

  • Nikkei 225, closed, ASX 200 +1% , Hang Seng +0.7%; Shanghai Composite +0.4% ; Kospi -0.3%.
  • Equity S&P500 Futures: +0.3%; Nasdaq100 +0.3%, Dax +0.4%; FTSE100 +0.5%.
  • EUR 1.1709-1.1683 ; JPY 109.92-109.76 ; AUD 0.7251-0.7222 ;NZD 0.7013-0.6981.
  • Gold -0.8% at $1,764/oz; Crude Oil +0.2% at $72.38/brl; Copper -0.3% at $4.2095/lb.


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