HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisJapan Q2 GDP And Private Consumption Miss Ests

Japan Q2 GDP And Private Consumption Miss Ests

General Trend:

  • Shanghai Composite rose by over 2% during morning session; Financials gain amid PBOC MLF operation
  • Financials index rises over 1.5% in Hong Kong
  • CanSino rises over 14% in HK after receiving Chinese approval for patent related to potential coronavirus vaccine
  • Xiaomi rises over 7%, to be added to the Hang Seng index
  • Geely cut FY sales volume target
  • Decliners in Japan include Pharmaceutical and IT/Communication companies
  • Telecom and Financial firms move lower in Australia
  • US Soybean FUTs rise after comments from Trump, Corn FUTs also rise
  • RBA is due to release the minutes from its Aug policy meeting on Tuesday (Aug 18th)

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened -0.1%
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) skips buying bonds v A$2.0B prior
  • (AU) Australia sells A$800M v A$800M indicated in 2.75% June 2035 bonds 1.2358%, avg yield, bid to cover 3.3x
  • (NZ) New Zealand PM Ardern: Delays NZ Elections until Oct 17th; To dissolve parliament on Sept 6th; Parliament to reconvene on Tuesday
  • (NZ) New Zealand Fin Min Robertson: Extends mortgage deferral plan to March 31st 2021 from Sept 27th 2020; Institutes new wage subsidy that will cost ~NZ$510M and protect 570K jobs in response to Auckland Lockdown
  • (NZ) Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) buys NZ$398M v NZ$185M prior in government bonds as part of QE v NZ$410M sought (3rd straight session buying under amount sought)
  • (NZ) New Zealand July Performance of Services Index: 54.3 v 54.3 prior

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened +0.1%, Shanghai Composite +0.4%
  • (CN) US-China six-month review of trade agreement reportedly postponed due to a scheduling issue; had been planned for tomorrow; parties have not set new date yet – press (from Aug 14th)
  • (US) Pres Trump: China is buying ‘a lot’ of things like corn and soybeans, they are doing it to keep me happy (from Aug 15th)
  • Alibaba, Xiaomi, WuXi Biologics to be added to the Hang Seng Index, effective Sept 7th; Sino land, Want Want China, China Shenhua Energy to be removed from Hang Seng Index (HSI); Alibaba, Xiaomi, Wuxi Biologics, Meituan to be added in Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
  • (HK) Hong Kong Govt is reported to be studying extension of Restaurant business hours – Press
  • (CN) China NDRC: China July Power consumption +2.3% y/y; China companies’ external debt ‘surged’ in June and July; approved CNY38.2B in fixed asset investments in July
  • (CN) China PBOC sets Yuan reference rate: 6.9362 v 6.9405 prior (Strongest yuan fix since March 9th)
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Injects CNY50B in 7-day reverse repos v Injects CNY150B in 7-day reverse repos prior


  • Nikkei 225 opened -0.4%
  • (JP) JAPAN Q2 PRELIMINARY GDP Q/Q: -7.8% V -7.5%E; GDP ANNUALIZED Q/Q: -27.8% V -26.9%E (economy remains in technical recession); Private Consumption Q/Q: -8.2% v -4.0%e (3rd consecutive contraction)
  • (JP) Econ Min Nishimura: Want to make sure Economy hit bottom in Apr-May period; Japan Consumption and exports are looking up in June and July
  • Nissan [7201.JP]: Earlier in 2020 officials in Japan had sought to merge Honda and Nissan, the proposal was rejected by both companies – FT
  • Softbank [9984.JP]: Commenting on press reports related to $1.1B commitment for WeWork: the $1.1B commitment was based on an agreement from Oct 2019, notes Softbank has not made an ‘additional commitment’ of $1.1B to WeWork
  • (JP) Japan PM Abe reportedly is admitted to hospital in Tokyo for a routine checkup – Japan Press
  • (JP) Japan June Final Industrial Production M/M: 1.9% v 2.7% prelim; Y/Y: -18.2% v -17..7% prelim; Capacity Utilization M/M: 6.2% v -11.6% prior


  • Kospi closed for holiday
  • (KR) South Korea confirms 197 additional coronavirus cases, total cases 15,515

Other Asia

  • (TH) Thailand Q2 GDP Q/Q: -9.7% v -11.2%e; Y/Y: -12.2% v -13.0%e


  • (UK) BOE Haldane (chief economist): the foundations for a rapid recovery in the UK economy are already in place – Daily Mail op/ed (from Aug 15th)
  • (UK) Aug Rightmove House Prices M/M: -0.2%; Y/Y: 4.6% v 3.7% prior

Levels as of 1:20 ET

  • Nikkei 225, -0.6%, ASX 200 -0.7% , Hang Seng +1.4%; Shanghai Composite +2.5% ; Kospi closed
  • Equity S&P500 Futures: +0.3%; Nasdaq100 +0.4%, Dax +0.3%; FTSE100 +0.3%
  • EUR 1.1867-1.1830 ; JPY 106.67-106.45 ; AUD 0.7197-0.7164 ;NZD 0.6553-0.6527
  • Gold +0.2% at $1,952/oz; Crude Oil +1% at $42.70/brl; Copper +0.2% at $2.8678/lb


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