HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisAsian Indices Trade Mixed, Japanese Equities Lag After Recent Gains And Move...

Asian Indices Trade Mixed, Japanese Equities Lag After Recent Gains And Move By Tokyo To Go On Lockdown

General Trend:

  • Sectors declining in Japan include Iron & Steel, Marine Transportation and Real Estate; Softbank drops over 8% after recent gains
  • Australian equities outperform, sectors moving higher include Energy and Consumer Discretionary while Financials lag
  • Shanghai Composite trades flat during morning session, Banks rise while Telecom firms decline
  • Commodity currencies trade generally lower in Asia, Crude Oil and Copper prices also move lower
  • BoK to offer ‘unlimited’ amount of liquidity through its temporary weekly repo operations, Korean bond yields decline by over 10bps
  • Singapore’s gov’t cut 2020 growth forecast, Q1 growth contracted more than expected
  • G20 leaders are expected to hold video conference later on Thursday (March 26th), Trump and Xi are expected to participate in the video conference

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened +0.7%
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) adds A$2.69B to banking system through repos v A$2.43B prior
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA): Excess cash at exchange settlement (ES) accounts at A$59.3B v A$53.6B prior
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA): To place on hold review of retail payments regulation
  • VAH.AU CEO: Of the 8,000 staff that have been stood down, 1,000 will be laid off – local media
  • FLT.AU Announces job cuts, 6.0K jobs to be stood down; cuts board and executive pay by 50%; to close 30% of Australia leisure outlets
  • (AU) South Australia will announces A$650M stimulus package aimed at jobs – press
  • (AU) Australia sells A$2.0B v A$2.0B indicated in June and Sept 2020 notes
  • (AU) Australia Stats office: Businesses are reporting widespread impacts from coronavirus; 50% surveyed note an adverse impact starting mid-March; 86% expect to be impacted in future months
  • (AU) Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lent A$0.05B in 84-day USD repo operation
  • (NZ) New Zealand sells NZ$250M v NZ$250M indicated in April 2025 bonds, avg yield 0.7627% v 0.9668% prior, bid to cover 2.8x v 2.8x prior


  • Nikkei 225 opened -1.6%
  • (JP) Japan govt has started talks on ¥56T (~10% of GDP) economic stimulus package that would include ~¥200-300K cash payments to households; seen going into effect in May – Nikkei
  • (JP) Japan Feb PPI Services Y/Y: 2.1% v 2.2%e
  • (JP) Olympic Committee (IOC) looking at rescheduling games to July or August of 2021 in Tokyo – Japan press
  • (JP) Delayed Olympics to cost Japan an additional $2.7B – Nikkei
  • (JP) Japan Investors Net Buying of Foreign Bonds: -¥65.7B v -¥595.1B prior week; Foreign Net Buying of Japan Stocks: -¥1.5T v -¥1.2T prior week
  • 8002.JP Cuts FY19/20 guidance Net to -¥190B v ¥200B prior; notes charges related to oil & gas and other operations
  • (JP) Japan Econ Min Nishimura: Will set up a panel to consider emergency declaration; PM Abe instructed to move quickly on panel
  • (JP) Japan MoF sells ¥400B v ¥400B indicated in 0.50% 40-year JGBs, highest accepted yield 0.45% v 0.40% prior, bid to cover: 2.66x v 2.86x prior (lowest BTC since Aug 2015)


  • Kospi opened -0.3%
  • (KR) South Korea Vice Fin Min Kim: FX Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) to be cut to 70% (prior 80%) for the next 90-days; Local credit markets and short term lending markets are facing liquidity issues; FX reserves may be temporarily be reduced as they will be used to inject liquidity
  • (KR) South Korea said to be considering easing capital gains tax for large shareholders – Korean press
  • (KR) Bank of Korea (BOK): Planning weekly repo purchase system; to provide unlimited liquidity for 3-months starting in April
  • (KR) South Korea reports 104 additional coronavirus cases in the last 24-hours v 76 prior; Total 9241 v 9137 prior; total deaths 131 v 126 prior

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened +0.3%; Shanghai Composite opened -0.7%
  • (CN) China Retail Car sales in 3rd week of March -40% y/y – PCA (Industry Association)
  • (CN) China Fin Min Liu Kun: China proactive fiscal policy will play a bigger role in improving quality and efficiency and supporting the expansion of domestic demand; remain confident of maintaining stable and healthy economic development – comments from recent G20 meeting
  • (CN) China National Health Commission Coronavirus Update for March 25th: 67 additional cases (all imported) v 47 prior; Additional deaths: 6 v 4 prior; Hubei: 0 additional cases v 0 prior; additional deaths: 6 v 3 prior
  • (CN) USTR to grant more tariff exclusions for medical products from China; including refillable dispensers, sterile urology drain bags, ice bags and wristbands
  • (CN) China PBOC sells CNY10B v CNY10B indicated in 6-month bills in Hong Kong; avg yield 2.19% v 2.89% prior
  • (CN) China PBOC sets Yuan reference rate: 7.0692 v 7.0742 prior
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Skips reverse repo operations for the 27th consecutive session, Net CNY0B v CNY0B prior


  • (SG) SINGAPORE Q1 ADVANCED GDP Q/Q: -10.6% V -8.1%E; Y/Y: -2.2% V -1.5%E; Cuts 2020 GDP from -0.5% to +1.5% to -1.0% to -0.4%, due to coronavirus
  • (SG) Singapore Feb Industrial Production M/M: -22.3% v -15.8%e; Y/Y: -1.1% v -3.2%e

North America

  • (US) SENATE VOTES TO PASS $2.0T CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL; AS EXPECTED; UNANIMOUSLY; US House Majority Leader Hoyer (D): The House will vote Friday via voice vote
  • (US) House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA): Optimistic stimulus bill will pass in the House
  • (US) Treasury Sec Mnuchin: Stimulus will unlock $4.0T for US Fed and Treasury; Stimulus should cover 3 months; expect bill to pass in senate tonight
  • (US) President Trump: Large sections of the US can re-open faster than others; Independent Contractors and Self Employed to be eligible for unemployment benefits; Will sign relief package the moment it gets to his desk; Open to more stimulus if needed
  • (US) House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA): House could act as soon as US Senate passes the stimulus, but do not think the House can pass stimulus bill under unanimous consent; House will give its members at least 24 hours’ notice before voting on bill (likely to be Thursday)
  • (US) FAA: To grants training waivers for pilots, flight attendants and dispatchers, to airlines due to coronavirus
  • BA Close to $60B support agreement for itself and suppliers with US Govt – financial press
  • (US) Senator Graham (R-SC): Likely that stimulus bill will be passed in Senate tonight, looks like we will likely break the “logjam”
  • (US) TTN March 24th Avg Traffic Intensity Index in Select US cities y/y: 10.6% v 9.0% prior (2nd consecutive increase)


  • (UK) COVID-19 cases in UK rise to 9,529 v 8,077 prior, +17.9% (v +21.5% yesterday); death toll at 463 v 422 prior
  • (DE) Germany Fin Min Scholz: doesn’t look like there will be a financial crisis for Germany
  • (UK) Manufacturer Dyson Ltd says it has received initial order for 10K ventilator units from UK govt; will be ready in early April

Levels as of 1:15ET

  • Hang Seng -0.4%; Shanghai Composite -0.1%; Kospi +1.2%; Nikkei225 -3.5%; ASX 200 +2.3%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.8%; Nasdaq100 -0.6%, Dax -1.2%; FTSE100 -1.6%
  • EUR 1.0934-1.0870; JPY 111.31-110.45; AUD 0.5959-0.5870; NZD 0.5854-0.5777
  • Commodity Futures: Gold -0.6% at $1,623/oz; Crude Oil -1.2% at $24.19/brl; Copper -1.0% at $2.19/lb
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