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Equity Markets Opened Mixed After Friday’s Drop In US Markets, Equity Futures Rise

General Trend:

  • China Vice Premier Liu He is due to visit the US between Jan 13-15th (Mon-Wed) for the signing of the Phase 1 trade deal; Offshore yuan (CNH) rises amid stronger yuan fixing and focus on trade deal signing date
  • US/China said to resume Comprehensive Economic Dialogue (CED), these talks were suspended at the beginning of the Trump administration
  • Financial and Property shares rise in HK
  • Automakers rise in Hong Kong, BYD Co up over 8%; China said new energy vehicle subsidies will not be cut significantly in 2020
  • West China Cement rises over 3% in HK on guidance, noted increase in cement prices
  • COFCO Meat drops over 4% in HK; FY hog production -22.2% y/y, fresh pork sales -23.3% y/y
  • Shanghai Composite rises as yuan gains, IT sector outperforms amid focus on phase 1 trade deal signing
  • Shanghai-listed banks underperform in early trading, Bank of Shanghai drops after responding to allegations about illegal lending
  • Equity markets decline in Australia amid losses in the Energy and Resources sectors Japan markets are closed for holiday
  • Australian lithium-related names trade generally higher on China auto subsidy news
  • Aussie adds to Friday’s gain as yuan strengthens ahead of US/China trade signing date
  • Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) extends gain, recent central bank comments on currency in focus
  • South Korean exports rise in early Jan on chip shipments
  • Local governments in China release 2019 GDP figures, 2020 economic targets; China Q4 GDP data due on Friday (Jan 17th)

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened -0.3%
  • (AU) Australia Federal Resources Min Canavan: Govt is considering a number of options in response to a number of issues that arose following Northern Oil & Gas Australia falling into voluntary administration and leaving an uncovered and estimated A$120M repair and remediation bill – AFR
  • (AU) Australia Dec Melbourne Institute Inflation m/m: 0.3% v 0.0% prior; y/y: 1.4% v 1.5% prior
  • (AU) S&P: Australia fires pose no immediate risk to rating; there is capacity within current ratings on sovereign (current and state governments to absorb fiscal costs


  • Nikkei 225 closed for holiday
  • 7267.JP May halt sales of small vehicles in the US market as soon as 2021 – Nikkei
  • 7201.JP Executives said to be behind the scenes accelerating a secret contingency plan to split from Renault – FT


  • Kospi opened -0.1%
  • (KR) South Korea Jan 1-10th Exports y/y: +5.3% v 7.7% prior; Chip Exports y/y: +11.5% v -23.4% prior (1st increase since oct 2018)
  • (KR) North Korea paper Rodong Sinmun calls for growing manufacturing and other major industries in a “self-reliant” manner to better fight “murderous” sanctions
  • (KR) South Korea chief negotiator Jeong Eun-bo: South Korea and the United States have made progress “to some extent” in their negotiations on defense cost talks – Yonhap
  • (KR) According to Yonhap poll Bank of Korea (BOK) is expected to keep rates unchanged at 1.25% this week

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened +0.5%; Shanghai Composite opened 0.0%
  • (CN) China and US have agreed to resume semiannual talks on trade, reform and disputes (US/China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue or CED); separate from phase 2 trade deal talks
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Skips reverse repos for the 15th consecutive session; Net drain CNY0B v drain CNY0B prior
  • USD/CNY (CN) China PBOC sets Yuan Reference Rate: 6.9263 v 6.9351 prior (strongest setting since Aug 5, 2019)
  • (CN) Another China government think tank said to forecast 6.0% GDP growth for China in 2020 – China Securities Journal
  • (CN) China said there will be no significant reduction in new energy vehicle subsidies in 2020 – financial press
  • 293.HK Said to be looking at offering unpaid leave to some staff as protests continue to take their toll – SCMP

Other Asia

  • (TW) Taiwan Pres Tsai Ing-Wen wins reelection by a large margin of victory

North America

  • (US) Treasury Sec Mnuchin: China’s commitments in the Phase 1 trade deal with the United States were not changed during a lengthy translation process and will be released this week after being signed
  • (IR) US Pres Trump: National Security Adviser suggested today that sanctions & protests have Iran “choked off”, will force them to negotiate. Actually, I couldn’t care less if they negotiate. Will be totally up to them but, no nuclear weapons and “don’t kill your protesters.” – tweet


  • HSBA.UK Due to political uncertainty has delayed plans to form ÂŁ1.0B fund with China Investment Corporation (CIC) that would invest in UK companies that was to grow in China – UK press
  • (FR) France said to have provisionally pulled proposed retirement age that has been at the core of protesting; PM sent letter to unions looking to seek compromise – press
  • (UK) Bank of England (BOE) member Vlieghe: Will vote for a rate cut this month if there are no signs the economy is improving after general election – FT
  • (DE) Germany Bundesbank Official Balz: Pace of economic expansion in EU expected to stabilize in 2020; reiterates sees 2020 EU GDP at 1.1% – speaking from Hong Kong at the Asian Financial Forum

Levels as of 12:15ET

  • Hang Seng +1.0%; Shanghai Composite +0.3%; Kospi +0.8%; Nikkei225 closed; ASX 200 -0.4%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 +0.3%; Nasdaq100 +0.4%, Dax +0.3%; FTSE100 +0.3%
  • EUR 1.1131-1.1113; JPY 109.64-109.50; AUD 0.6920-0.6895; NZD 0.6653-0.6630
  • Commodity Futures: Gold -0.2% at $1,556/oz; Crude Oil 0.0% at $59.05/brl; Copper +0.5% at $2.83/lb
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