HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisAsian Equity Markets Trade Generally Lower As China Remains On Holiday

Asian Equity Markets Trade Generally Lower As China Remains On Holiday

General Trend:

  • Hang Seng declines after returning from holiday
  • Financials index weighs on the Australian market
  • Fast Retailing expected to report SSS after the market close
  • Q3 business confidence data weighs on the NZD
  • Few surprises seen in the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) policy decision, notes tighter credit conditions

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened +0.1%
  • (AU) Australia ACCC commences inquiry into foreign exchange (FX); expected to provide the final report to the Treasurer in May 2019
  • (AU) Australia Dept of Industry expects 2018/19 resource exports to rise to A$252B (record) v A$227B y/y
  • (AU) Australia Sept CBA Manufacturing PMI: 54.0 v 53.2 prior
  • (NZ) New Zealand Q3 NZIER Adjusted business confidence: -28 v -21 prior (lowest level since March 2009)

China/Hong Kong

  • Shanghai Composite closed, Hang Seng opened -0.3%
  • (CN) China’s narrowing interest rate spread with the US and declining current account surplus have led to some concerns about capital outflows – FT
  • (CN) White House Econ Adviser Kudlow: A trade deal with China is not imminent; Pres Trump and China Pres Xi may meet at the G20 summit – TV interview
  • (US) US Treasury Sec Mnuchin: China needs to have ‘real action’ – Fox


  • Nikkei 225 opened +0.5%
  • (JP) Japan Sept Monetary Base End of Period: ÂĄ505T v ÂĄ502T prior; Y/Y: 5.9% v 6.9% prior
  • (JP) Japan PM Abe said to plan to replace Japan’s Defense Minister Onodera as part of cabinet reshuffle – Japanese Press


  • Kospi opened flat
  • (KR) South Korea Aug Industrial Production M/M: 1.4% v 0.4%e; Y/Y: 2.5% v 1.3%e
  • (KR) South Korea Oct Business Survey: Manufacturing: 78 v 77 prior
  • (KR) South Korea Finance Min: Negative job growth on a y/y basis cannot be ruled out in Sept

North America

  • US equity markets ended mixed: Dow +0.7%, S&P500 +0.4%, Nasdaq -0.1%, Russell 2000 -1.4%


  • (IT) Italy Fin Min Tria: 2.4% deficit to GDP target is not in line with EU rules but it has precedents; Many other countries have not respected EU fiscal rules in the past
  • (IT) Eurogroup Chief Centeno: need more detail to evaluate Italy’s 2019 draft budget; draft needs to be finalized
  • (UK) UK PM May said to be preparing to limit the UK’s ability to strike free trade agreements after Brexit in a concession to the EU – UK Press
  • (UK) Former Foreign Min Johnson said to have told senior conservatives that he’d postpone Brexit by at least six months if he became PM
  • (FR) Customs Minister Darmanin: French customs ready for worst-case Brexit – French press
  • ThyssenKrupp [TKA.DE]: Said to be preparing to exit the DAX index – German Press

Levels as of 01:30ET

  • Nikkei 225, flat, ASX 200 -0.8%, Hang Seng -2.1%; Shanghai Composite closed; Kospi -1.1%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.2%; Nasdaq100 -0.2%, Dax -0.3%; FTSE100 -0.2%
  • EUR 1.1581-1.1560 ; JPY 114.03-113.81 ; AUD 0.7240-0.7218 ;NZD 0.6618-0.6592
  • Dec Gold +0.3% at $1,195/oz; Oct Crude Oil +0.3% at $75.53/brl; Dec Copper -0.4% at $2.775/lb
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