HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisUS Considering Raising Tariffs On China

US Considering Raising Tariffs On China

General Trend:

  • Asian equity markets trade generally higher, in line with Tuesday’s US session
  • Equity markets in China lag
  • Nintendo, Sony and Honda rise following earnings reports
  • Apple and Baidu gain in the afterhours post earnings
  • China Tower’s IPO said to price at lower end of range
  • US said to now consider 25% tariff on $200B in goods from China as a negotiation tactic (initial plan was a 10% tariff), according to a US financial press report.
  • Meanwhile, the US and China are said to plan to meet regarding trade, said an earlier released press report
  • China Caixin Manufacturing PMI confirms the slowdown seen in the official PMIs
  • PBoC fixed the USD/CNY rate above 6.82, weakest Yuan fix since May 2017
  • Japan JGB yields rise on today’s session following decline on Tuesday; 10-yr yields move above 0.10%
  • Japan Securities Clearing Corp (JSCC) said an ‘emergency’ margin call was triggered for JGB Futures
  • Australia Manufacturing PMIs slow in July
  • Australian housing prices decline for the 10th straight month (CoreLogic)
  • New Zealand unemployment and participation rates unexpectedly rose in Q2
  • Rio Tinto expected to report earnings on today’s session
  • Japanese companies which may report earnings today include Japan Tobacco, KDDI, Oji Holdings, Kobe Steel, Konica Minolta, Mazda, Shinsei Bank, Eisai and Casio.
  • US Fed decision expected later on Wed

Headlines/Economic Data


  • Nikkei 225 opened +0.4%
  • TOPIX Iron & Steel index +4%, Marine Transportation +1.1%, Electric Appliances +1.1%; Real Estate -0.8%, Securities -0.3%
  • Steelmakers track gains in JFE Holdings
  • Japanese automakers gain following earnings from Honda
  • Megabanks trade broadly higher
  • (JP) BOJ Gov Kuroda: Introduced forward guidance to increase commitment on price target; stronger framework aimed at hitting the 2% price target asap – post rate decision press conference (yesterday after the close)
  • Sharp, [+5%], 6753.JP Reports Q1 Net ¥19.2B v ¥14.5B y/y; Op ¥24.8B v ¥17.1B y/y; Rev ¥533.9B v ¥506.4B y/y
  • (JP) JAPAN JUL FINAL PMI MANUFACTURING: 52.3 V 51.6 PRELIM (11-month low)


  • Kospi opened +0.3%
  • (KR) North and South Korea held military talks in Panmunjom – North Korea KCNA
  • (KR) SOUTH KOREA JUL CPI M/M: 0.2% V 0.4%E; Y/Y: 1.5% V 1.7%E; CORE Y/Y: 1.1% V 1.2%E
  • (KR) SOUTH KOREA JUL TRADE BALANCE: $7.0B V $6.8BE; Exports y/y: 6.2% v 7.4%e; Imports y/y: 16.2% v 17.0%e
  • (KR) South Korea Jul PMI Manufacturing: 48.3 v 49.8 prior (20-month low)
  • (KR) Bank of Korea (BOK) sells KRW2.3T in 2-yr Monetary Stabilization Bonds (MSBs) at 2.060% v 2.025% prior

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened +0.6%, Shanghai Composite +0.2%
  • Hang Seng Property/Construction index -1.2%, Telecom -1%, Consumer Goods +1.6%, Info Tech +1.1%, Industrial Goods +1%, Services +0.9%, Financials +0.2%
  • (CN) China approved more IPOs in July – China Securities Journal
  • (CN) China Press Commentary piece: China faces large economic slowdown pressures
  • (CN) US considering 25% tariff on $200B worth of goods from China (initial plan was 10% on the $200B in goods); trying to encourage China to return to talks – US financial press
  • (CN) China investors have been seen buying domestic commercial property at a record pace; 2017 totaled $564.9B v $395.8B y/y
  • (CN) CHINA JUL CAIXIN PMI MANUFACTURING: 50.8 V 50.9E (matches Nov 2017 low)
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Skips OMO for the 9th consecutive session; Net drains CNY20B v drains CNY30B prior
  • (CN) China PBoC sets yuan reference rate at 6.8293 v 6.8165 prior (weakest fix since late May 2017)
  • (CN) China Politburo: Domestic economy stable in H1 but faces new challenges; to maintain proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy (after the close yesterday)
  • (HK) Macau July Gaming Rev MOP25.3B v MOP22.5B prior, Y/Y: 10.3% v 11.5%e (3rd consecutive miss on estimates)

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened +0.1%
  • ASX 200 Resources index +0.7%, REIT +0.5%, Financials -0.7%, Utilities -0.2%, Energy -0.1%
  • SMM.AU Announces recommended off-market takeover by Paladin Energy worth ~A$0.202/share
  • (AU) Australia Jul AiG Performance of Manufacturing Index: 52.0 v 57.4 prior
  • (NZ) NEW ZEALAND Q2 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 4.5% V 4.4%E (1st rise since Q4 2016);EMPLOYMENT CHANGE Q/Q: 0.5% V 0.4%E; Y/Y: 3.7% V 3.6%E
  • (AU) Australia Jul CoreLogic House Prices m/m: -0.6% v -0.3% prior (10th consecutive decline)
  • (AU) Australia sells A$1.0B v A$1.0B indicated in Nov 2029 bonds, avg yield 2.7136% v 2.6094% prior, bid to cover 2.88x v 3.50x prior

Levels as of 01:30ET

  • Hang Seng +0.1%; Shanghai Composite -0.3%; Kospi +0.4%; Nikkei225 +0.9%; ASX 200 +0.1%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.0%; Nasdaq100 +0.3%, Dax -0.3%; FTSE100 -0.3%
  • EUR 1.1676-1.1746; JPY 111.70.-111.98; AUD 0.7409-0.7429;NZD 0.6793-0.6820
  • Aug Gold -0.3% at $1,220/oz; Sept Crude Oil -0.5% at $68.42/brl; Sept Copper -0.8% at $2.80/lb
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