HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisUS Stocks Ended Thursday Mostly Lower

US Stocks Ended Thursday Mostly Lower

General Trend:

  • Asian equity markets pare early gains amid focus on China, US stocks ended Thursday mostly lower
  • Taiwan Semi bucks the overall trend and rises after recent earnings report
  • Shanghai Composite at risk of declining for 6 straight sessions; Property index underperforms
  • Hang Seng trades near 10-month low
  • China PBoC set the yuan fixed for the 7th straight session
  • The yuan is ‘dropping like a rock’, says US President Trump
  • Yuan weakness weighs on Asian and commodity currencies
  • China State-Owned Banks said to have been seen selling US dollars (USD) in the yuan market around 6.81 (financial press)
  • PBoC to keep ‘loose bias’ in H2, says the China Securities Times
  • Japan June CPI data was mixed, core figure rose for the first time since Feb
  • Australia 3-month bank bill rate fixed below 2.00%, first time since early June
  • The G20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors is due to be held on July 21-22 (Saturday-Sunday)
  • Australia Q2 CPI data due next week (Wed July 25th)
  • Tokyo Steel expected to report quarterly earnings after the close

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened +0.2%
  • ASX 200 REIT index +0.8%, Telecom +0.8%, Energy +0.6%, Consumer Discretionary +0.5%, Utilities +0.4%, Financials +0.3%
  • (NZ) New Zealand Jun Net Migration SA: 4.8K v 5.1K prior
  • (NZ) New Zealand ANZ Q2 Quarterly Business Micro Scope survey noted confidence among small companies hit a 9-year low – US financial press
  • (NZ) New Zealand Jun Credit Card Spending M/M: +2.1% v -1.6% prior; Y/Y: 5.7% v 3.7% prior

China/Hong Kong

  • Shanghai Composite opened -0.1%, Hang Seng +0.2%
  • Hang Seng Industrial Goods index -1.8%, Materials -1.7%, Property/Construction -1.2%, Consumer Goods -1.1%, Info Tech -1%, Financials -0.7%; Utilities +0.9%
  • (CN) CHINA PBOC SET YUAN REFERENCE RATE AT 6.7671 V 6.7066 PRIOR (7th straight weaker yuan fix, weakest fix since July 14, 2017)
  • (CN) For the week, the PBoC injected a net CNY540B in its OMOs v CNY90B drain w/w
  • (CN) China said to plan to tighten supervision of equities market in H2 2018 – China Securities Journal
  • (CN) PBoC Stats Dept Head: China at leverage stabilization stage – Chinese Press
  • (CN) China Finance Ministry (MOF) sells 30-year bonds: yield 3.97% v 3.93%e; bid to cover 1.68x v 1.75x prior


  • Nikkei 225 opened -0.1%
  • TOPIX Marine Transportation index -1.8%, Iron & Steel -1.7%, Securities -1.2%
  • (JP) JAPAN JUN NATIONAL CPI Y/Y: 0.7% V 0.8%E; CPI EX FRESH FOOD (CORE): 0.8% V 0.8%E (first rise since Feb)
  • (JP) BoJ said to start discussion in Aug on post-Libor benchmark – Japanese Press
  • (CN) China and Japan to hold talks on Belt and Road in Sept – Japanese Press


  • Kospi opened flat
  • (KR) South Korea Jun PPI Y/Y: 2.6% v 2.2% prior
  • (KR) South Korea President Moon said to consider meeting North Korea leader Kim again at the end of Aug – South Korean Press


  • (MY) Malaysia Finance Ministry said to cut 2018 GDP growth forecast to 5%
  • For the week, the PBoC injected a net CNY540B in its OMOs

North America

  • US equity markets ended mostly lower: Dow -0.5%, S&P500 -0.4%, Nasdaq -0.4%, Russell 2000 +0.5%
  • S&P500 Financials -1.5%, Telecom -0.7%; Real Estate +1%, Utilities +0.9%
  • (US) Commerce Sec Ross: too soon to say if auto market trade probe will result in a national security ruling – hearing on auto imports
  • (US) Weekly Fed Balance Sheet Total Assets for week ending July 18th: $4.34T, +$5.2B w/w, -$183.3B y/y; Reserve Bank Credit $4.26T, +$5.4B w/w, -$184.2B y/y


  • (DE) Germany H1 Tax Revenue Y/Y: +7.3% – Finance Ministry Monthly Report
  • (DE) Germany Bundesbank Beermann: Target2 balances are not at risk – German Press

Levels as of 01:30ET

  • Nikkei 225 -0.5%, ASX 200 +0.3%, Hang Seng -0.1%; Shanghai Composite +0.6%; Kospi +0.2%%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.1%; Nasdaq100 +0.2%, Dax -0.2%; FTSE100 flat
  • EUR 1.1626-1.1660 ; JPY 112.27-112.64 ; AUD 0.7317-0.7377 ;NZD 0.6720-0.6756
  • Aug Gold -0.5% at $1,218/oz; Aug Crude Oil -0.2% at $68.14/brl; Jul Copper -0.6% at $2.701 /lb
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