GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2645; (P) 1.2680; (R1) 1.2747; More…

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains neutral and consolidation from 1.2731 could extend further. But further rally is expected as long as 1.2590 minor support holds. On the upside, decisive break of 1.2731 will resume the rally from 1.2036 for retesting 1.3141 high next.

In the bigger picture, price actions from 1.3141 are seen as a corrective pattern to rise from 1.0351 (2022 low). Strong rebound from 38.2% retracement of 1.0351 (2022 low) to 1.3141 at 1.2075 suggests that current rise from 1.2036 is already the second leg. However, while further rally could be seen, upside should be limited by 1.3141 to bring the third leg of the pattern.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2463; (P) 1.2526; (R1) 1.2569; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD stays on the downside at this point. Firm break of 61.8% projection of 1.3141 to 1.2618 from 1.2799 at 1.2476 could prompt downside acceleration to 100% projection at 1.2276. On the upside, above 1.2586 minor resistance will turn intraday bias neutral first.

In the bigger picture, fall from 1.3141 medium term top is seen as a correction to up trend from 1.0351 (2022 low). Deeper decline would be seen to 38.2% retracement of 1.0351 to 1.3141 at 1.2075. Strong support would be seen there to bring rebound on first attempt. But outlook will be neutral at best as long as 1.3141 resistance holds, and consolidation from there is set to extend, until further development.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2824; (P) 1.2915; (R1) 1.2963; More…..

Intraday bias in GBP/USD stays neutral at this point. Fall from 1.3482 will remain in favor to extend as long as 1.3007 resistance holds. On the downside, sustained break of 38.2% retracement of 1.1409 to 1.3482 at 1.2690 will argue that the rise from 1.1409 might be completed, and bring deeper fall to 61.8% retracement at 1.2201. Nevertheless, on the upside, firm break of 1.3007 resistance will suggest that decline from 1.3482 is merely a corrective move and has completed. Intraday bias will be turned back to the upside for retesting 1.3482.

In the bigger picture, while the rebound from 1.1409 was strong, it’s limited by both 1.3514 resistance, as well as 55 month EMA (now at 1.3310). The development keeps outlook bearish. Sustained break of 55 week EMA (now at 1.2756) will add to medium term bearishness for a new low below 1.1409 at a later stage, resuming the down trend from 2.1161 (2007 high).

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2310; (P) 1.2366; (R1) 1.2399; More

GBP/USD’s decline from 1.3141 is extending today and intraday bias stays on the downside. Decisive break of 100% projection of 1.3141 to 1.2618 from 1.2799 at 1.2276. will target 1.2075 fibonacci level next. On the upside, above above 1.2423 minor resistance will turn intraday bias neutral again. But near term outlook will stay bearish as long as 1.2618 support turned resistance holds, in case of strong recovery.

In the bigger picture, fall from 1.3141 medium term top is seen as a correction to up trend from 1.0351 (2022 low). Deeper decline would be seen to 38.2% retracement of 1.0351 to 1.3141 at 1.2075. Strong support would be seen there to bring rebound on first attempt. However, sustained break of 1.2075 will raise the chance of bearish trend reversal.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2177; (P) 1.2246; (R1) 1.2331; More

Range trading continues in GBP/USD and intraday bias remains neutral. Outlook stays bearish as long as 1.2666 resistance holds. On the downside, break of 1.1932 will resume larger down trend from 1.4248. However, firm break of 1.2666 will suggest medium term bottoming and bring stronger rebound back towards 1.3158 support turned resistance.

In the bigger picture, fall from 1.4248 (2018 high) could be a leg inside the pattern from 1.1409 (2020 low), or resuming the longer term down trend. Deeper decline is expected as long as 1.2666 resistance holds. Next target is 1.1409 low. However, firm break of 1.2666 will bring stronger rise back to 55 week EMA (now at 1.3175).

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3040; (P) 1.3074; (R1) 1.3102; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains neutral as consolidation from 1.2999 is still extending. Further decline is mildly in favor with 1.3297 resistance intact. On the downside, firm break of 1.2999 will resume larger down trend from 1.4248. However, firm break of 1.3297 will turn bias back to the upside for stronger rebound.

In the bigger picture, current development suggests that the up trend from 1.1409 (2020 low) has completed at 1.4248. Decline from 1.4248 could still be a corrective move, or it could be the start of a long term down trend. In either case, deeper decline would be seen back to 61.8% retracement of 2.1161 to 1.1409 at 1.2493. In any case, break of 1.3748 resistance is needed to indicate medium term bottoming, or outlook will stay bearish.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3049; (P) 1.3078; (R1) 1.3135; More

GBP/USD’s rebound form 1.2692 is still in progress and intraday bias stays on the upside for 1.3257/3297 resistance zone. As this rise is seen as the third leg of consolidation pattern from 1.2661, we’d expect strong resistance from 1.3316 fibonacci level to limit upside to bring down trend resumption eventually. On the downside, below 1.2951 minor support will turn bias back to the downside for 1.2692 instead.

In the bigger picture, whole medium term rebound from 1.1946 (2016 low) should have completed at 1.4376 already, after rejection from 55 month EMA. The structure and momentum of the fall from 1.4376 argues that it’s resuming long term down trend. And this will be the preferred case as long as 38.2% retracement of 1.4376 to 1.2661 at 1.3316 holds. However, firm break of 1.3316 would bring stronger rebound to 61.8% retracement at 1.3721. And, the eventual depth of the fall from 1.4376, and the chance of hitting 1.1946 low, will depend on the strength of the interim corrective rebound from 1.2661.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2816; (P) 1.2891; (R1) 1.2941; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD is now on the downside. Sustained trading below 1.2847 resistance turned support will indicate that larger correction is underway. Deeper fall would be seen to 55 D EMA (now at 1.2692). On the upside, break of 1.2963 minor resistance will turn bias back to the upside retest 1.3141 high instead.

In the bigger picture, rise from 1.0351 medium term bottom (2022 low) is in progress. Next target is 100% projection of 1.0351 to 1.2445 from 1.1801 at 1.3895. Break there will target 1.4248 key long term resistance (2021 high) next. This will now remain the favored case as long as 1.2678 resistance turned support holds.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2685; (P) 1.2744; (R1) 1.2776; More….

With 1.2795 minor resistance intact, intraday bias in GBP/USD remains on the downside. Current fall from 1.3381 is in progress for retesting 1.2391 low. Larger decline from 1.4376 might be resuming. Break of 1.2391 will target 61.8% projection of 1.4376 to 1.2391 from 1.3381 at 1.2154 next. On the upside, above 1.2795 minor resistance will turn intraday bias neutral for consolidation first before staging another decline.

In the bigger picture, current development suggests that medium term decline from 1.4376 (2018 high) is not completed, and is possibly ready to resume. Decisive break of 1.2391 would target a test on 1.1946 long term bottom (2016 low). For now, we don’t expect a firm break there yet. Hence focus will be on bottoming signal as it approaches 1.1946. In any case, medium term outlook will stay bearish as long as 1.3381 resistance holds, in case of rebound.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2480; (P) 1.2547; (R1) 1.2647; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains neutral for the moment. Consolidation from 1.2410 could extend further. But upside of recovery should be limited below 1.2999 support turned resistance. On the downside, break of 1.2410 will target 161.8% projection of 1.3641 to 1.2999 from 1.3297 at 1.2258.

GBP/USD 4 Hours Chart

In the bigger picture, rise from 1.1409 (2020 low) has completed at 1.4248, ahead of 1.4376 long term resistance (2018 high). Based on current momentum, fall from 1.4248 is probably the start of a long term down trend. The break of 61.8% retracement of 2.1161 to 1.1409 at 1.2493 is affirming this bearish case too. For now, deeper decline would be seen as long as 1.3158 support turned resistance holds. Next target is 1.1409 low.

GBP/USD Daily Chart

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3654; (P) 1.3700; (R1) 1.3770; More….

Intraday bias in GBP/USD stays neutral for consolidation below 1.3758 temporary top. With 1.3608 support intact, further rise is expected. On the upside, break of 1.3758 will extend the whole up trend from 1.1409 to 61.8% projection of 1.1409 to 1.3482 from 1.2675 at 1.3956 next. On the downside, however, break of 1.3608 support will now suggest short term topping, on bearish divergence condition in 4 hour MACD. Intraday bias will be turned back to the downside for deeper pull back.

In the bigger picture, rise from 1.1409 medium term bottom is in progress. Further rally would be seen to 1.4376 resistance and above. On the downside, break of 1.2675 support is needed to indicate completion of the rise. Otherwise, outlook will stay cautiously bullish even in case of deep pullback.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2565; (P) 1.2608; (R1) 1.2640; More…

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains on the downside at this point. Fall from 1.2731 short term top should extend to 55 D EMA (now at 1.2427). For now, risk will stay on the downside as long as 1.2731 resistance holds, in case of recovery.

In the bigger picture, price actions from 1.3141 are seen as a corrective pattern to rise from 1.0351 (2022 low). Strong rebound from 38.2% retracement of 1.0351 (2022 low) to 1.3141 at 1.2075 suggests that current rise from 1.2036 is already the second leg. However, while further rally could be seen, upside should be limited by 1.3141 to bring the third leg of the pattern.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3066; (P) 1.3154; (R1) 1.3203; More

GBP/USD drops to as low as 1.3104 so far and focus is now on 1.3101 support. Break will resume fall from 1.4376 and target 61.8% retracement of 1.1946 to 1.4376 at 1.2875 next. In case of another recovery, we’d continue to expect upside to be limited by 1.3471 resistance to bring decline resumption.

In the bigger picture, current development suggests that whole medium term rebound from 1.1936 (2016 low) has completed at 1.4376 already, with trend line broken firmly, on bearish divergence condition in daily MACD, after rejection from 55 month EMA (now at 1.4177). 61.8% retracement of 1.1936 (2016 low) to 1.4376 at 1.2874 is the next target. We’ll pay attention to the reaction from there to asses the chance of long term down trend resumption. For now, outlook will stay bearish as long as 1.3471 resistance holds, even in case of strong rebound.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2780; (P) 1.2834; (R1) 1.2904; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains neutral for the moment. Further decline is in favor as long as 1.2994 resistance holds. Break of 1.2761 will target 55 D EMA (now at 1.2720) and below. Nevertheless, on the upside, break of 1.2994 resistance will argue that the pull back has completed, and bring retest of 1.3141 high.

In the bigger picture, as long as 1.2678 resistance turned support holds, rise from 1.0351 (2022 low) is expected to continue. Next target is 100% projection of 1.0351 to 1.2445 from 1.1801 at 1.3895. However, sustained break of 1.2678 will argue that it’s at least correcting this rally, with risk of bearish reversal.

GBP/USD Weekly Outlook

Range trading continued in GBP/USD last week and outlook is unchanged. Initial bias stays neutral this week first. On the downside, firm break of 1.2615, and sustained trading below 1.2678 resistance turned support will argue that it’s already in a larger correction. Deeper decline would then be seen to 1.2306 support next. Nevertheless, break of 1.2817 minor resistance will indicate that the pull back from 1.3141 has completed, and turn bias back to the upside for stronger rebound.

In the bigger picture, a medium term top could be in place at 1.3141 already, on bearish divergence condition in D MACD. Sustained trading below 55 D EMA (now at 1.2723) should confirm this case, and bring deeper fall to 38.2% retracement of 1.0351 to 1.3141 at 1.2075, as a correction to up trend from 1.0351 (2022 low). For now, rise will stay mildly on the downside as long as 1.3141 resistance holds, in case of strong rebound.

In the long term picture, sustained trading above 55 M EMA (now at 1.2902) will add to the case of long term bullish reversal, and target 1.4248 cluster resistance (38.2% retracement of 2.1161 (2007 high) to 1.0351 at 1.4480) for confirmation. Nevertheless, rejection by 55 M EMA will maintain long term bearishness for downside resumption at a later stage.

GBP/USD Weekly Outlook

GBP/USD edged higher to 1.3043 last week but retreated since then. Initial bias remains neutral this week for consolidations first. Downside should be contained by 1.2859 resistance turned support to bring another rally. Break of 1.3043 will resume the rise from 1.2298 and target 100% projection of 1.2298 to 1.2859 from 1.2612 at 1.3173, which is slightly above 1.3141 key medium term resistance. However, firm break of 1.2859 will turn bias to the downside for deeper decline.

In the bigger picture, corrective pattern from 1.3141 medium term top (2023 high) could have completed with three waves to 1.2298 already. This will now remain the favored case as long as 1.2612 support holds. Firm break of 1.3141 will target 61.8% projection of 1.0351 (2022 low) to 1.3141 from 1.2298 at 1.4022.

In the long term picture, as long as 1.2298 support holds, rise from 1.0351 long term bottom is expected to continue. But still, firm break of 1.4248 structural resistance is needed to indicate bullish trend reversal. Otherwise, price actions from 1.0351 are tentatively seen as a consolidation pattern only.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3546; (P) 1.3572; (R1) 1.3617; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains on the upside at this point. Corrective fall from 1.4248 could have completed with three waves down to 1.3158, after hitting 1.3164 medium term fibonacci level. Sustained trading above 1.3570 will pave the way to 1.3833 resistance next. On the downside, though, break of 1.3489 minor support will mix up the outlook and turn intraday bias neutral first.

In the bigger picture, strong support was seen from 38.2% retracement of 1.1409 to 1.4248 at 1.3164. The development suggests that up trend from 1.1409 (2020 low) is still in progress. On resumption, next target will be 38.2% retracement of 2.1161 to 1.1409 at 1.5134. Nevertheless sustained break of 1.3164 will argue that whole rise from 1.1409 has completed and bring deeper fall to 61.8% retracement at 1.2493.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3191; (P) 1.3250; (R1) 1.3292; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains neutral with focus on 1.3164 medium term fibonacci level. Sustained break there will carry larger bearish implication, and target 161.8% projection of 1.4248 to 1.3570 from 1.3833 at 1.2736. Nevertheless, break of 1.3369 minor resistance will turn bias back to the upside for 1.3512 resistance first.

In the bigger picture, immediate focus is now on 38.2% retracement of 1.1409 to 1.4248 at 1.3164. Sustained break there will argue that whole rise from 1.1409 has completed at 1.4248, ahead rejection by 1.4376 long term resistance. That will revive some medium term bearishness and and target 61.8% retracement at 1.2493.

GBP/USD Mid-Day Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.2693; (P) 1.2729; (R1) 1.2783; More….

GBP/USD’s break of 1.2615 minor support suggests that rebound from 1.2576 has completed at 1.2814 already, after rejection by 1.2811 resistance. Intraday bias is turned back to the downside for 1.2476 first. Break there will resume larger decline from 1.4376. However, considering bullish convergence condition in daily MACD, firm break of 1.2811/4 will be an early signal of trend reversal and bring further rally to 1.3174 resistance.

In the bigger picture, whole medium term rebound from 1.1946 (2016 low) should have completed at 1.4376 already, after rejection from 55 month EMA. The structure and momentum of the fall from 1.4376 argues that it’s resuming long term down trend from 2.1161 (2007 high). And this will now remain the preferred case as long as 1.3174 structural resistance holds. GBP/USD should target a test on 1.1946 first. Decisive break there will confirm our bearish view.

GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.3043; (P) 1.3085; (R1) 1.3119; More

Intraday bias in GBP/USD remains on the downside. Current fall from 1.4376 should target 61.8% retracement of 1.1946 to 1.4376 at 1.2875 first. Break there will target 61.8% projection of 1.4376 to 1.3101 from 1.3471 at 1.2683 next. On the upside, break of 1.3314 resistance is needed to indicate short term bottoming. Otherwise, outlook will remain bearish in case of recovery.

In the bigger picture, current development suggests that whole medium term rebound from 1.1936 (2016 low) has completed at 1.4376 already, with trend line broken firmly, on bearish divergence condition in daily MACD, after rejection from 55 month EMA (now at 1.4177). 61.8% retracement of 1.1936 (2016 low) to 1.4376 at 1.2874 is the next target. We’ll pay attention to the reaction from there to asses the chance of long term down trend resumption. For now, outlook will stay bearish as long as 1.3471 resistance holds, even in case of strong rebound.