Italy Services PMI down to 55.0 vs exp 57.3, Slower growth compared to January recorded

    Italy Services PMI down to 55.0, vs exp 57.3, from prior 57.7.

    Key findings:

    • Slower growth compared to January recorded
    • Activity and new business nonetheless still increase at marked rates
    • Further jobs added as workloads continue to

    Paul Smith, Director at IHS Markit which compiles the Italy Services PMI survey, said:

    “Following a stellar start to the year, the Italian service sector saw growth weaken in February but sustained at a decent clip. Midway through the first quarter of 2018 the economy is firmly on course to deliver a similar sized level of quarterly GDP growth to those seen over the past year or so.

    “Demand conditions remain favourable, and rising workloads mean that companies continue to take on additional workers, albeit in a relatively careful and considered manner.

    “Recruitment is also being supported by positive expectations for growth, with service providers retaining an optimistic outlook and indicating plans to raise investment levels over the coming 12 months.”

    Full release.

    RBA Preview – Westpac: RBA to hold

      RBA will announce rate decision tomorrow.

      Exerpts from the Westpac report:

      • The Reserve Bank Board meets next week on March 6. Of course we expect there will be no change in the overnight cash rate.
      • We also do not expect to see any significant change in the Governor’s rhetoric from last month.
      • Overall, we are expecting a cumulative fall (in USD’s) in Australia’s Commodity Price Index of around 25% between June 2018 and December 2019.
      • Readers will be aware that Westpac expects a considerable widening in the negative Australia/US interest rate differential as the FEDERAL RESERVE continues to raise rates and the RBA remains on hold.
      • Readers should be aware that Westpac has reviewed its currency forecasts and, while continuing to see an AUD low of USD 0.70 in 2019, has pushed out the timing to September 2019 from March.

      Details in Australia & New Zealand Weekly: RBA on Hold, AUD to Weaken through 2018 and 2019

      Masayoshi Amamiya: Benefits of BoJ monetary stimulus outweighs side effects

        Masayoshi Amamiya, another BoJ deputy nominee said in confirmation hearing at lowe house:

        • Japan’s banking system remains stable now
        • But the environment surrounding financial institutions is becoming more severe
        • Benefits of monetary stimulus outweighs side effects
        • Hitting 2% inflation target was more difficult than expected.
        • But inflation momentum is on the way

        Masazumi Wakatabe: Prematurely shifting the BOJ’s easy policy could pull Japan back to deflation

          A nominee for BOJ deputy governor Masazumi Wakatabe: Said in confirmation hearing at lower house:

          • What’s most important is to make a full exit from deflation.
          • The BOJ’s 2 percent inflation target is effective and meaningful for this purpose.
          • Prematurely shifting the BOJ’s easy policy could pull Japan back to deflation.

          Italian parliamentary election results in a hung parliament

            More in Italy election:

            “The result of the Italian parliamentary election appears to be a hung parliament, as earlier polls pointed to already. Anti-establishment parties such as the Five Star Movement and Northern League nevertheless registered strong gains, but none of the three major political blocs seem to be able to secure an outright majority. At the time of writing, the Five Star Movement was projected to get around 31% of the votes and the Northern League around 19%, whereas the PD party’s result disappointed with 20%.”

            A good read here: Italian Election Monitor: Eurosceptic Shift

            Trump: EU has been brutal to us

              Trump counter-attacked on EU’s criticism on his steel and aluminum tariff. He tweeted again during the weekend that the European Union has been “brutal to us”. And he warned that “if the E.U. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on U.S. companies doing business there, we will simply apply a Tax on their Cars which freely pour into the U.S.”

              That was in reaction to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s statement that “we will not sit idly while our industry is hit with unfair measures that put thousands of European jobs at risk.

              SPD members vote on German grand coalidtion: 66% for, 34% against

                Angela Merkel secured her fourth term as Chancellor of Germany. Members of the Social Democrats voted for the coalition deal with Merkels’ CDU/CSU. Months of political uncertainty has now ended. The SPD’s vote results were overwhelming, with 66% supporting, and only 34% rejecting.

                Italy election: No clear winner, Euro steady

                  In Italy, based on the early vote counts, there will be no clear winner in the election. Center-right coalition of former Primer Minister Silvio Berlusconi is heading for a win in the election, but falls short of a majority. That means, it will take weeks of negotiations before a government could be formed. Anti-establishment Five Star movements to come in second place. Center-left coalition by the governing Democratic Party will come in third.

                  Euro has little reaction and is steady.

                  NTC Director Peter Navarro: Exemptions on steel and aluminum tariffs possible, but no exclusions

                    White House Director of the National Trade Council, Peter Navarro commented on Trumps’ tariffs on Sunday:

                    • Exemptions and exclusions are different
                    • “There’ll be an exemption procedure for particular cases where you need to have exemptions so that business can move forward.”
                    • ” At this point in time, there’ll be no country exclusions.”
                    • “As soon as he (Trump) starts exempting countries, he has to raise the tariff on everybody else.”
                    • “As soon as he exempts one country, his phone starts ringing with the heads of state of other countries.”

                    Trump is expected to formally sign an order for the 25% tariff on steel and 10% on aluminum this week.