Trump offered concession ahead of US-China trade talks, Hong Kong HSI gains 1.35%

    China’s Vice Premier Liu He, President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser is traveling to Washington to start the second round of trade talks tomorrow, with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Liu and his team will stay from May 15 to 19 according to a Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

    Ahead of the meeting, Trump said he was working with Xi to help get Chinese telecoms company ZTE back in to business.

    And he added that

    White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters confirmed that US officials were in contact with Beijing about ZTE. And, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is expected to “exercise his independent judgment, consistent with applicable laws and regulations, to resolve the regulatory action involving ZTE based on its facts.”

    This is seen a concession by Trump ahead of the trade talks. And the news lifted Hong Kong stocks sharply higher. Hong Kong HSI gained 419.02 pts, or 1.35%, to close at 31541.08.

    Cleveland Fed Mester: Fed fund rates could overshoot long run level

      In a speech titled “Issues for U.S. Monetary Policy“, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester expressed her support for further rate hike. She noted that “the medium-run outlook supports the continued gradual removal of policy accommodation; it seems the best strategy for balancing the risks to both of our policy goals and avoiding a build-up of financial stability risks.

      Regarding inflation, she noted that it will take a year or two to stabilize around the 2% target. And, she added that “we want to give inflation time to move back to goal … this argues against a steep path” on tightening. But, “as the expansion continues, it could be that in order to maintain our policy goals, we may need to move the fed funds rate, for a time, a bit above the level of the funds rate that is expected to prevail over the longer run”.

      She also pointed to Fed’s March economic projections that fed funds rates could move a bit above the longer-run level at 3% by 2020. She noted that “2020 is a long time away and the policy path actually followed will be responsive to changes in the outlook.

      ECB Villeroy de Galhau: Ending asset purchase in September or December not “a deep existential question”

        ECB Governing Council member, Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau said today that “the time when our net asset purchases will end is approaching”. Currently, ECB’s EUR 30B per month asset purchase program is set to end after September. Villeroy de Galhau said whether it will end in September, or December is not “a deep existential question”.

        Regarding interest rates, he added that “we could give additional guidance on its timing–well past meaning at least some quarters but not years–and its contingency on the inflation outlook.”

        UK PM May reiterated commitment on nuclear pact to Iran

          UK Prime Minister Theresa May reiterated UK’s commitment to the Iran nuclear deal to Iran President Hassan Rouhani over a phone call during the weekend. And she urged release of jailed British Iranians “on humanitarian grounds”. A Downing Street spokesman said that ” it is in both the UK and Iran’s national security interests to maintain the deal and welcomed president Rouhani’s public commitment to abide by its terms, adding that it is essential that Iran continues to meet its obligations.”

          Foreign Ministers of the UK, Germany and France will meet this Tuesday to discuss on keeping the Iran nuclear after after US withdrawal.

          Separately, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire urged EU to ” to work among ourselves in Europe to defend our economic sovereignty.” And, EU should hold “collective discussions with the United States to obtain… different rules” covering European companies that do business with Iran. Le Maire added that “Do we accept extraterritorial sanctions? The answer is no.” And, “Do we accept that the United States is the economic gendarme of the planet? The answer is no.”

          No breakthrough in NAFTA talks as May 17 deadline looms

            The latest round of NAFTA negotiations ended last week without a breakthrough. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer just said pledge to continue working with Mexico and Canada.

            House Speaker Paul Ryan has given a May 17 deadline for notification of the new agreement. That’s a working deadline for having the new agreement to go through the current Congress by December.

            But both Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo are more focused on the “quality” of the deal rather than the pressure of time.

            Freeland said that “the negotiations will take as long as it takes to get a good deal.”

            Guajardo emphasized that “we’re not going to sacrifice the quality of an agreement because of pressure of time.”

            Bolton: Europeans Companies could face US sanctions

              Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton talked bout the decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear pact on Sunday. He indicated that it’s “possible” for the US to impose sanctions on European companies that continue to do business with Iran. And, he noted that “it depends on the conduct of other governments”.

              Bolton also added, “the president said in his statement on Tuesday that countries that countries that continue to deal with Iran could face U.S. sanctions. Europeans are going to face the effective U.S. sanctions, already are really, because much of what they would like to sell to Iran involves U.S. technology, for which the licenses will not be available.” But he said he’s “hopeful in the days and weeks ahead” there would be a deal that really works.

              ECB Draghi suggested a new, common “fiscal instrument” for extra layer of stabilization

                ECB President Mario Draghi delivered a speech titled “Risk-reducing and risk-sharing in our Monetary Union” at the European University Institute today.

                He suggested that Eurozone needs a new, common “fiscal instrument” to ensure that member states wouldn’t be pulled apart during economic shocks. He said “we need an additional fiscal instrument to maintain convergence during large shocks, without having to over-burden monetary policy.” And, “its aim would be to provide an extra layer of stabilization, thereby reinforcing confidence in national policies.”

                St. Louis Fed Bullard: Interest rate may have reached neutral level already

                  St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said today that interest rates may have already reached the so called “neutral” level. Beyond this point, monetary policy will become restrictive. And Bullard said that there are “reasons for caution in raising the policy rate further given current macroeconomic conditions.”

                  At the same time, Bullard pointed to market-based inflation expectations and said investors “believe there is currently little inflationary pressure in the U.S.” Thus, leave interest rates unchanged would “re-center inflation expectations at the target.”

                  Canada employment dropped -1.1k, missed expectation, USD/CAD slightly higher

                    Canadian employment market contracted -1.1k in April, much worse than expectation of 20.5k. Unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8%, in line with consensus.

                    From US, import price index rose 0.3% mom in April, below expectation of 0.50%.

                    USD/CAD recovers in reaction to the release, but there is no follow through buying yet. It has to overcome a minor support at 1.2813 before forming a temporary bottom. For now, further decline is still expected in the pair before the weekly close.

                    AUD boosted by surge in Iron Ore futures in China’s DCE

                      AUD surges broadly and the rally started as markets entered into European session.

                      Strength in Iron ore price is likely a key factor. Iron Ore futures in China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange soared after lunch and gain 2.76% for the day.

                      In the background, there is some optimism on iron ore and steel price as inventory falls. Reuters reported ANZ research note saying that “Chinese steel demand continues to beat expectations. Real estate investment and housing starts are picking up, while infrastructure spending remains elevated.” And, “after some restocking in late March ahead of a key maintenance period, the scene is set for steel mills to re-enter the market.”

                      ANZ also noted that the outlook for iron ore also picked up in recent weeks, as seen from recent Chinese data. In addition, prolonged mine outage in Brazil and falling exports from India and Sierra Leone will support prices.

                      BoJ Kuroda: Some steps remaining for government on fiscal reforms

                        BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda spoke to the parliament today and hailed that the government has made significant progress on fiscal reforms. And, there is “some lagbefore the steps already taken begin to affect the economy”.

                        But he also emphasized that there are “still some steps remaining that the government needs to take on structural reform and growth strategy.”

                        DOW finally showed conviction in upside momentum

                          DOW finally showed some conviction in its recent rally overnight. It ended up 196.99 pts, or 0.80%, at 24739.53. More importantly the flat 55 day EMA, as well as near term falling trend line resistance, were firmly taken out. The question now is, has the consolidation pattern from 26616.71 completed as a triangle at 23531.31? Or rise from 23531.31 is just another leg in the pattern? It’s early to tell. We’ll see how powerful the current rise is to determine. But for now, firstly, break of 24585.97 resistance should be seen shortly and there is prospect of reaching 25800.35 resistance. Secondly, 23344/60 should be a solid base that will hold on another attempt.

                          US House Speaker Ryan urged NAFTA agreement notification by May 17

                            US House Speaker Paul Ryan told the NAFTA negotiation parties that May 17 is the deadline for the new NAFTA deal for eventual passage for the current Congress to vote on within this year. Ryan said “We have to have the paper – not just an agreement, we have to have the paper – from USTR by May 17 for us to vote on it this year, in December, in the lame duck”. But later, his spokesman said he referred to a notification of intent to sign the NAFTA agreement, not the full text. The new elected Congress will take office in January.

                            Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said after meeting with US legislators that “we are definitely getting closer to the final objective.”

                            Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said he’ll know by the end of Friday ” if we really have what it takes to be able to land these things in the short run.”

                            New Zealand BusinessNZ PMI rose to 58.9, highest since Jan 2016

                              New Zealand BusinessNZ Performance of Manufacturing Index rose to 58.9 in April, up from 53.1. That’s also the highest level since January 2016.

                              BusinessNZ’s executive director for manufacturing Catherine Beard:

                              “The fact that the sub-indexes of production, new orders and deliveries of raw materials were all around the 60-point mark helped the overall result. Also, the proportion of positive comments in April (58.5%) has continued its upwards trajectory compared with March (55.1%), February (51.4%) and January (50.7%). Those who provided positive comments typically noted a lift in construction, as well as a pick-up in offshore orders.”

                              “Although April represents a good result for the sector, the key will be to continue the expansion momentum over the coming months.”

                              AUD & CAD strongest for today, GBP & NZD weakest. But how real is that?

                                It’s rather rare to see AUD/NZD as the top mover but there it is. And, just from a quick glance, AUD/NZD, GBP/AUD, NZD/CAD, GBP/CAD, we know then AUD and CAD are the strongest while GBP and NZD are the weakest.

                                It’s easily reflected in the D heat map. But are the strong ones that strong and the weak ones that weak?

                                A look in the W heat map, we see that NZD is in red all the way, and is trading below last week’s low against USD, JPY , CAD and AUD. Yes, the weakness is apparent.

                                How about GBP? It’s just down again USD and CAD for the week. If BoE is as dovish as some people said, we should be seeing GBP all the way in red like NZD. But no. When BoE is still on track for a hike, it’s not dovish. And as we pointed out earlier, the overall announcement was still more hawkish than the least hawkish scenario.

                                CAD is clearly in all deep blue, even against USD, except versus JPY and AUD. Trump’s boost to oil price is apparent. Still, CAD will face a test of employment data tomorrow. We’ll see when it can pocket the gains for the week.

                                AUD? It’s just mixed. For now, it’s even trading down for the week against GBP!


                                GBP/USD breaks 1.3485 support. But bears need to show more commitment

                                  Fresh selling is seen in GBP three hours after BoE rate announcement. GBP/USD breaches 1.3485 to 1.3470 so far. We’ll see if it can settle below this support to confirm decline resumption.

                                  For now, GBP/JPY is still holding above 147.04 support.

                                  EUR/GBP is also held below 0.8844 resistance.

                                  GBP bearish will need to show more commitment.

                                  USD finally starting to pull back after clearing CPI risk

                                    Dollar drops broadly, except versus pound after inflation data.

                                    Headline CPI accelerated to 2.5% yoy in April, up from 2.4% yoy and met expectation. However, core CPI was unchanged at 2.1% yoy, below expectation of 2.2% yoy.

                                    Also from US, initial jobless claims was unchanged at 211k in the week ended May 5, sticking to the lowest level in 49 years for the second straight week. Four-week moving average dropped -5.5k to 216k, touching the lowest level since December 1969. Continuing claims rose 3k to 1.79m in the week ended April 28.

                                    The momentum in the post data USD selloff argues that traders are finally relieved that can take profits from recent long stretched rally. 1.1938 minor resistance in EUR/USD and 0.9982 minor support in USD/CHF will be the key levels to watch to confirm this case.

                                    BoE strikes the middle ground of hawkishness

                                      The key takeaway from today’s BoE announcement are:

                                      • Hawks remained hawks. Ian McCafferty and Michael Saunders voted for rate hikes again.
                                      • Q1’s slowed down was seen by the MPC as ” in part to have reflected adverse weather in late February and early March.”
                                      • “Despite the near-term softness, the MPC’s central forecast for economic activity is little changed”
                                      • “Wage growth and domestic cost pressures are firming gradually, broadly as expected.”
                                      • “Impact of the past depreciation of sterling on CPI inflation, while remaining significant, is likely to fade a little faster than previously thought.”
                                      • “CPI inflation is projected to fall back slightly more quickly than in February, reaching the target in two years.”
                                      • “For the majority of members, an increase in Bank Rate was not required at this meeting. All members agree that any future increases in Bank Rate are likely to be at a gradual pace and to a limited extent.”

                                      Taken into account the revised projections, the MPC members are not too concerned with Q1 slowdown, and the impact on growth ahead. Though, inflation could be slowing down more quickly than originally expected, thus giving BoE more room to keep their hands tight.

                                      The condition path showed that the projections took one rate hike this year into consideration, unchanged from February. But the rate hike is more likely to happen in Q3 than Q4 as implied by forward rates. That is, it could happen in August, and it’s earlier November as implied in February’s Inflation Report.

                                      So, it’s actually still a “hawkish hold”, just less hawkish than some hoped for, but more hawkish than the least hawkish scenario.

                                      And, while it seems GBP is under pressure after the release, it’s so far, holding above 1.3485 against USD and 147.04 against JPY.

                                      BoE cut 2018 GDP forecast. Also lowered 2018, 2019, 2020 inflation forecasts

                                        In the updated projections, BoE revised down four-quarter real GDP growth forecast in Q2 2018 to 1.4%, down from February’s 1.8%. Four-quarter GDP real GDP growth forecast in Q2 2019, Q2 2020 are held unchanged at 1.7%.

                                        Four-quarter inflation rate forecast for Q2 2018 was revised down to 2.4%, down from February’s 2.7%. For Q2 2019, inflation forecast was revised down from to 2.1%, from 2.2%. Q2 2020 inflation forecast was revised down to 2.0%, from 2.1%.

                                        The updaed conditioning path for Bank Rate showed that the economic projections are based on the assumption of 1 rate hike this year, in Q3. That is, probably in August.

                                        Full Inflation Report here.

                                        BoE keeps Bank Rate unchanged at 0.50% with 7-2 vote. Full Statement

                                          BoE keeps Bank Rate unchanged at 0.50% with 7-2 vote. Asset purchast target held at GBP 435B by 9-0 vote.

                                          Statement below. Full Inflation Report here.

                                          Bank Rate Maintained at 0.50%

                                          The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets monetary policy to meet the 2% inflation target, and in a way that helps to sustain growth and employment. At its meeting ending on 9 May 2018, the MPC voted by a majority of 7-2 to maintain Bank Rate at 0.5%. The Committee voted unanimously to maintain the stock of sterling non-financial investment-grade corporate bond purchases, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, at £10 billion. The Committee also voted unanimously to maintain the stock of UK government bond purchases, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, at £435 billion.

                                          The MPC’s updated projections for inflation and activity are set out in the May Inflation Report. The outlook and the main factors shaping it are broadly similar to those set out in the previous Report.

                                          The preliminary estimate of GDP growth in the first quarter was 0.1%, 0.3 percentage points lower than expected in February. This is likely in part to have reflected adverse weather in late February and early March. Survey indicators suggest that growth was somewhat stronger in Q1 than implied by the preliminary estimate.

                                          Despite the near-term softness, the MPC’s central forecast for economic activity is little changed from that in the previous Report. In the MPC’s central forecast, conditioned on the gently rising path of Bank Rate implied by current market yields, GDP is expected to grow by around 1¾% per year on average over the forecast period. On the expenditure side, growth continues to rotate towards net trade and business investment and away from consumption. Although business investment is still restrained by Brexit-related uncertainties, it is being supported, like exports, by strong global demand and accommodative financial conditions. Household consumption growth remains subdued, in line with the modest growth in real income over the forecast period.

                                          Wage growth and domestic cost pressures are firming gradually, broadly as expected. The MPC continues to judge that the UK economy has a very limited degree of slack. Hiring intentions have remained strong and, over the past three months, the unemployment rate has fallen slightly further. While modest by historical standards, the projected pace of GDP growth over the forecast is nonetheless slightly faster than the diminished rate of supply growth, which averages around 1½% per year. In the MPC’s central projection, therefore, a small margin of excess demand still emerges by early 2020, feeding through into higher rates of pay growth and domestic cost pressures.

                                          CPI inflation fell to 2.5% in March, lower than expected at the time of the February Report. The inflation rates of the most import-intensive components of the CPI appear to have peaked. The MPC judges that the impact of the past depreciation of sterling on CPI inflation, while remaining significant, is likely to fade a little faster than previously thought. Taking external and domestic influences together, CPI inflation is projected to fall back slightly more quickly than in February, reaching the target in two years. These projections are conditioned on a gently rising path for Bank Rate over the next three years.

                                          In the exceptional circumstances presented by Brexit, as specified in its remit, the MPC has been balancing any significant trade-off between the speed at which it intends to return inflation sustainably to the target and the support that monetary policy provides to jobs and activity. The prospect of excess demand over the forecast period has reduced the degree to which it is appropriate for the MPC to accommodate an extended period of inflation above the target. The Committee’s best collective judgement therefore remains that, were the economy to develop broadly in line with the May Inflation Report projections, an ongoing tightening of monetary policy over the forecast period would be appropriate to return inflation sustainably to its target at a conventional horizon. As previously, however, that judgement relies on the economic data evolving broadly in line with the Committee’s projections. For the majority of members, an increase in Bank Rate was not required at this meeting. All members agree that any future increases in Bank Rate are likely to be at a gradual pace and to a limited extent.