ECB Lautenschläger very much in favor of policy normalization

    ECB Executive Board member Sabine Lautenschläger said in an interview that she is “very much in favor of normalizing monetary policy”. That is, “gradually increase interest rates again”. However, she emphasized that’s on a precondition that Eurozone is “on a sustainable path towards price stability”.

    Also, she noted that “after pursuing such an expansionary monetary policy, it would be wrong to now move abruptly in the other direction”. And that “wouldn’t help either the economy or price stability.”

    The interview was done with Welt am Sonntag on July 30, published on August 5. It could be found in ECB’s website here.

    UK TM Fox: 60-40 chance of no-deal Brexit due to EU intransigence

      UK Trade Minister Liam Fox said in an interview with the Sunday Times that he saw “not much more than 60-40” chance of a no-deal Brexit. And he put the blame on EU as the “intransigence of the (European) commission is pushing us towards no deal.” He also warned that if EU chooses “theological obsessions of the unelected” over “economic wellbeing of the people”, then it’s a “bureaucrats’ Brexit, not a people’s Brexit”. He went further and said it’s up to EU to choose “ideological purity” or “real economies:”

      Domestically, Fox also criticized that “there are people trying to undermine, to block and to thwart Brexit and having fought so long and hard to get to this point, I don’t want anything done to jeopardise our exit from the EU.” He added “the most important thing is that we actually leave the EU in March of next year. And my job is making sure that Britain is match fit for whatever Brexit outcome we have.”

      Kudlow: China is increasingly isolated with a weak economy

        White House’s National Economic Council head Larry Kudlow warned China that “they better not underestimate the president,” and Trump is “going to stand tough” on trade war.

        He added that “we are coming together with the European Union to make a deal with them, so we’ll have a united front against China and, I think, most of our trade team would tell you, we’re moving close on Mexico.” So, “China is increasingly isolated with a weak economy.”

        Regarding the trade negotiations with the EU, he said “we will have a number of announcements coming up, I hope, in the next thirty or so days with respect to transactions and market opening and increased investments with the European Union.”

        US NFP grew 157k, missed expectation. But average hourly earnings grew solidly by 0.3% mom

          US non-farm payroll grew 157k in July, below expectation of 193k. But prior month’s figure was revised up from 213k to 248k. Unemployment rate dropped back to 3.9% as expected. Most importantly, average hourly earnings grew 0.3% mom, matched expectation.

          Also from US, trade deficit widened to USD -46.3B in June, slightly higher than expectation of USD 3.1B.

          From Canada, trade deficit narrowed to CAD -0.6B in June, much smaller than expectation of CAD -2.3B.

          China announces additional tariffs on 5207 US imports, valued at USD 60B, rates from 5% to 25%

            More from China, the Finance Ministry announced the counter measures to US threat of imposing 25% products on USD 200B in Chinese goods. The State Council’s Customs Tariff Commission decided to impost additional levies on 5207 US products, totalling around USD 60B in value.

            Additional 25% tariff will be imposed on 2493 products, additional 20% on 1078 products, additional 10% on 974 products and additional 5% on 662 products. The effect date is to be determined.

            Here is the official statement in simplified Chinese.

            China raises FX RRR to 20% to stabilize Yuan from free fall, Dollar tumbles broadly. Is that manipulation?

              Offshore Chinese Yuan staged a strong rebound, while Dollar tumbles across the board, after China’s Central bank announced measure to curb capital outflow and stabilize the falling Yuan exchange rate.

              The People’s Bank of China said after market close that it raises the “foreign exchange risk reserve ratio of forward sales from 0% to 20%, effective August 6, 2018. According to the statement, it’s an act to “prevent macro financial risks, promote the stable operation of financial institutions, and strengthen macro-prudential management.”

              In the next step, PBoC will “continue to strengthen the monitoring of the foreign exchange market,” and, “take effective measures to carry out countercyclical adjustments, maintain the smooth operation of the foreign exchange market, and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.”

              Full statement in simplified Chinese.

              USD/CNH (offshore Yuan) tumbles sharply after hitting 6.912 earlier today, and it looks like it’s set to take on 6.8 handle soon.

              Dollar tumbles across the board in the current 4H bar, just ahead of NFP. It’s also the weakest major currency for today now.

              We’ve mentioned many times that the Chinese Government won’t allow free fall of the Yuan happens. If they’re going to do something, they will either halt its decline, or at best, slow the Yuan’s decline.

              This is clear exchange rate manipulation to us. Where is Mnuchin? Where is Trump? Don’t move goal post, and stop your lies. Come out and tell China to stop the manipulation!

              Gold breached 2017 low, 1200 vulnerable as downtrend resumes

                Gold’s downside resumed yesterday and hits as low as 1204.58 so far. 2017 low at 1205.02 is breached. There is no sign of bottoming yet even though it’s facing 1200 psychological support. And, near term outlook will stay bearish as long as 1235.24 resistance holds.

                We’d expect current down trend to continue to 61.8% retracement of 1046.54 to 1375.15 at 1172.07. Based on oversold condition in weekly MACD and RSI, gold could be contained there in first attempt. However, sustained break of this fibonacci level will pave the way to 1046.54/1122.81 support zone.

                UK PMI services dropped to 53.5, back into slow lane

                  UK PMI services dropped to 53.5 in July, down from 55.1 and missed expectation of 54.7.

                  Tim Moore, Associate Director at IHS Markit, which compiles the survey:

                  “The service sector moved back into the slow lane in July as business activity growth lost momentum for the first time since the start of spring. While it’s difficult to quantify the precise impact of the recent heat wave on overall business performance, some survey respondents reported that a combination of hot weather and the World Cup had weighed on consumer footfall. These short-term disruptions and a general slowdown in new business growth appear to have offset the boost to tourism-related activity from the extended dry period in July.

                  “Looking at demand fundamentals, service providers commented that Brexit uncertainty had held back new project wins, reflecting risk aversion and a wait-and-see approach to investment spending among international clients.

                  “Tight labour market conditions and rising wage pressures are also a key challenge for service sector companies, which contributed to the slowest pace of job creation since August 2016. Survey respondents are increasingly citing worries about the availability of suitably skilled candidates to fill vacancies, although this is also helping drive efforts to boost productivity across the service sector.

                  “Meanwhile, input cost inflation eased back from June’s nine-month high, which helped to moderate the rate at which service sector firms increased their own charges. The combination of slower output growth and softer price pressures during July will reinforce expectations that any further Bank of England rate rises will be both gradual and limited.”

                  Full release here.

                  BoE Carney: No-deal Brexit risks uncomfortably high, but we’re prepared

                    BoE Governor Mark Carney said in a BBC radio interview that the risk of no-deal Brexit is “a relatively unlikely possibility but it is still a possibility”. And it would be “highly undesirable”. He added that “the possibility of a no deal is uncomfortably high at this point.”

                    In case of a no-deal Brexit, there would be disruption in trade, economic activity and higher prices for a period of time. He emphasized that “our job in the Bank of England is to make sure that those things don’t happen. It’s relatively unlikely but it is a possibility. We don’t want to have people worrying that they can’t get their money out.”

                    Nonetheless, he also noted that the financial system is robust and “banks have the capital, the liquidity that they need and we have the contingency plans in place”.

                    But he also said “the UK has taken all the steps, all the secondary legislation it needs to. The European authorities still have some steps they need to take. We’re having conversations and we expect those to be addressed.”

                    Eurozone PMI services finalized at 54.3, points to 0.3% GDP growth in Q3

                      Eurozone PMI services was finalized at 54.2 in July, revised down from 54.4. That compares to June’s final reading of 55.2. PMI composite was finalized at 54.3, down 0.6 from June’s 54.9.

                      Among the countries, Germany PMI composite was a 4-month high of 55.0. France PMI composite was at a 2-month low of 54.4. Spain PMI composite hit 56-month low at 52.7.

                      Rob Dobson, Director at IHS Markit said:

                      “The final PMI numbers confirm the euro area economy started quarter three on a softer footing. July saw rates of expansion in both output and new orders cede the momentum recaptured in the prior survey month, returning to a picture of sliding growth rates seen through much of the year-to-date. “If the headline index continues to track at its current level, quarterly GDP growth over the third quarter as a whole would be little-changed from the softer-thanexpected expansion of 0.3% signalled by official Eurostat data for quarter two.

                      “The outlook seems to be turning into a straight choice between the upturn being sustained at its current subdued pace or rising headwinds reining in growth further during the months ahead. On this front, downside risks are more prevalent, as the slower expansion in new order inflows during July was partnered by a tandem dip in business optimism to a 20-month low. Both are reflecting the uncertainty about global market conditions, especially given the ongoing rhetoric about trade wars and the potential spillover effects to the broader economy and to manufacturing in particular.

                      “Improved domestic demand may offset some of this in the near-term, but will need to strengthen further if it is to maintain that role. The faster growth seen in Germany, if sustained, should also help in this regard, especially if it can aid in reversing the weaker expansions seen in its eurozone partners such as France, Italy and Spain during July. However, given rising signs of slowdown and the current uncertain outlook, the ECB will likely maintain its cautious approach to policy at present.”

                      BoJ minutes: No pronounced signs on improvement in trade tensions

                        BoJ released minutes of the June 14/15 meeting today (not the one earlier this week). The discussions during this meeting were of much less important to the one on July 30/31, after which BoJ announced strengthening of the easing framework. Nonetheless, there were still some interesting points to note.

                        One member questioned that BoJ’s credibility and commitment of achieving the 2% inflation target was undermined “because the description on the timing of reaching around 2 percent inflation had been deleted from the April 2018 Outlook Report.” And there communication strategy was a deeply discussed topic. There was consensus on emphasizing the bank’s commitment to achieving price stability.

                        The minutes also noted the “sluggish growth in the CPI since the start of fiscal 2018”. Some members pointed to “short term factors” including Yen’s appreciation. Theses members also pointed to “increasingly competitive environment surrounding the retail sector”. Some members took a long-term perspective and attribute to ” the fact that the mindset and behavior based on the assumption that wages and prices would not increase easily had been deeply entrenched among firms and households.” One member said inflation was constrained by “social mode” which was brought about by “prolonged period of low growth and deflation”.

                        On risks the minutes noted US economic policies, Brexit and geopolitical risks as the main ones. In particular, “a few members said that, although the U.S. protectionist trade policy had been criticized at international conferences such as the Group of Seven (G-7) meetings, there were no pronounced signs at the moment that the situation surrounding the policy would improve.”

                        Full minutes here.

                        Near 50% of UK businesses not anticipating any Brexit contingency plan

                          According to a survey by the Institute of Directors, only 31% of respondents are have carried out Brexit contingency plan. 8% have the plan implement already, 11% are drawing up the plans, and 12% have drawn up bot not implemented the plans yet. 19% of them haven’t even drawn up any plans even though the anticipate doing so. And 49% have no intention to do any Brexit contingency plans.

                          From the figures, it looks like business are not to worried about the impact of Brexit and transitions on businesses. But Director-General of the IoD Stephen Martin has another interpretation. He said that firms have been “left in the dark” when it comes to the planning. And “the reality is that many companies feel they can only make changes once there is tangible information about what they are adjusting to.” And he urged that “as long as no deal remains a possibility, it is essential that the government steps up to the plate and provides advice on preparing for such an outcome.”

                          Very good advancement in bilateral US-Mexico NAFTA talk

                            Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo met with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in a bilateral NAFTA meeting yesterday. Guajardo said after the meeting that there is “very good advancement” in at least 20 items. But they have yet to discuss the stickier issues like the “sunset clause”. The meeting will continue on in Washington today.

                            It’s believed that the differences between the US and Mexico have somewhat narrowed after leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s victory in the presidential election on July 1. A large part of the convergence was in both sides’ push to raise wages for auto workers. There’s a change that both US and Mexico could agree on most of the items before letting Canada join in again to make it trilateral.

                            An update on GBP/CHF short

                              Based on the position trading strategy noted in the weekly report, we’ve sold GBP/CHF on break of 1.2971 this week.

                              Overall outlook is unchanged with the cross staying well below falling 55 day EMA. It’s also held well inside medium term falling channel from 1.3854. This decline fall from 1.3854 is expected extend to 61.8% projection of 1.3854 to 1.3049 from 1.3265 at 1.2768 as first target.

                              There is prospect of further decline to 100% projection at 1.2460 before bottoming. But we’ll monitor downside momentum in the current fall to gauge the chance.

                              Stop will be put slightly above today’s high at 1.3040.

                              US factory orders rose 0.7%, initial jobless claims rose 1k to 218k

                                Released from US, factory orders rose 0.7% in June, in line with expectation.

                                US initial jobless claims rose 1k to 218k in the week ended July 28. Four-week moving average of initial claims dropped -3.5k to 214.5k.

                                Continuing claims dropped -23k to 1.724m in the week ended July 21. Four-week moving average of continuing claims dropped -4.5k to 1.74175m.


                                Full release here.

                                China condemns US for playing two-handed strategy in trade war

                                  China finally issued a rather strong statement in response to Trump’s initiative to impose 25% tariffs on USD 200B in Chinese imports. The Ministry of Commerce criticized the US for playing a “two handed” strategy. Firstly, the US spread rumors of re-engagement. Secondly, it announced the above tariff intention. the MOFCOM condemned the US for “disregarding the interests of the whole world, as well as those of the common Americans, businessmen and consumers”. And China emphasized that such practice will have “no effect on China”.

                                  MOFCOM also pledged that China is “fully prepared for counter-measures to defend the country’s dignity and the interests of the people, defend free trade and the multilateral system, and defend the common interests of all countries in the world”. And it reiterated the stance on resolving differences through dialogue, “but only under the principal of equality and keeping promises”.

                                  Here is the full statement in simplified Chinese.

                                  BoE Carney’s post meeting press conference, live stream


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                                    Summary on interest rates

                                    “With domestically-generated inflation building and the prospect of excess demand in the economy emerging, a modest tightening of monetary policy is now appropriate to return inflation to its 2 percent target, and to keep it there.”

                                    “Gradual tightening of monetary policy is likely to be required in order to return inflation sustainably to its target at a conventional horizon.

                                    “Structural factors that have pushed down the trend equilibrium real rate are likely to persist.

                                    “Domestic short-term factors (particularly headwinds from uncertainty and fiscal drag) will fade slowly.

                                    “R* expected to rise gradually. Policy needs to walk – not run- to stand still”.

                                    BoE Inflation Report shows slowing conditioning rate path

                                      The new projections in the Inflation report suggests that after this rate hike, there would be a lot of room for BoE to wait and see. And, there could be only one more hike within the forecast horizon through Q3 2021.

                                      In the quarterly Inflation Report, the rate path as condition by BoE for economic forecasts is slow than May’s.

                                      In the current conditioning path, the Bank rate will hit 0.9% in Q4 2019 1.1% in Q4 2020 and stay there till Q3 2021.

                                      In May’s conditioning path, the Bank rate will reach 1.0% already in Q3 2019, and then 1.2% in Q3 2020 and stays there till Q2 2021.

                                      That is, the current path argues that the next hike could happen in Q1 2020, instead of Q3 2019. And there could be no more rate hike in the forecast horizon.

                                      With such conditioning path, GDP (exclude backcast) is projected to growth faster by 1.5% in the four-quarter to Q3 2018, and 1.8% in the four-quarter to Q3, 2019. But GDP growth in the four-quarter to Q3 2020 is unchanged at 1.7%. Inflation will return to target later at 2.0% in Q3 2021, instead of Q3 2020. But, at 2.2% in Q3 2019 and 2.1% in Q3 2020, it’s reasonably close to target.

                                      Full inflation report.

                                      BoE voted unanimously to raise Bank rate by 25bps to 0.75%

                                        BoE voted unanimously by 9-0 to raise Bank Rate by 25bps to 0.75%. That’s the second hike since the global financial crisis in more than a decade. Asset purchase target is held at GBP 435B, also by unanimous vote.

                                        The updated economic projections are “broadly similar” to May’s. GDP is projected to growth by around 1.75% on average over the forecast period. The rate is slightly slower than “diminished rate of supply growth” averaging around 1.50%. There is “very limited degree of slack in the economy”. And “small margin of excess demand” will emerge by late 2019 to feed into inflation.

                                        On inflation, taken all considerations, conditioned by market pricing on interest rates, “CPI inflation remains slightly above 2% through most of the forecast period, reaching the target in the third year.”

                                        BoE maintained tightening bias and said “ongoing tightening of monetary policy over the forecast period would be appropriate” But the pace of rate hike will be gradual and limited.

                                        Below is the full statement.

                                        Monetary Policy Committee voted unanimously to raise Bank Rate to 0.75%

                                        The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets monetary policy to meet the 2% inflation target, and in a way that helps to sustain growth and employment. At its meeting ending on 1 August 2018, the MPC voted unanimously to increase Bank Rate by 0.25 percentage points, to 0.75%.

                                        The Committee voted unanimously to maintain the stock of sterling non-financial investment-grade corporate bond purchases, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, at £10 billion. The Committee also voted unanimously to maintain the stock of UK government bond purchases, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, at £435 billion.

                                        Since the May Inflation Report, the near-term outlook has evolved broadly in line with the MPC’s expectations. Recent data appear to confirm that the dip in output in the first quarter was temporary, with momentum recovering in the second quarter. The labour market has continued to tighten and unit labour cost growth has firmed.

                                        The MPC’s updated projections for inflation and activity are set out in the August Inflation Report and are broadly similar to its projections in May.

                                        In the MPC’s central forecast, conditioned on the gently rising path of Bank Rate implied by current market yields, GDP is expected to grow by around 1¾% per year on average over the forecast period. Global demand grows above its estimated potential rate and financial conditions remain accommodative, although both are somewhat less supportive of UK activity over the forecast period. Net trade and business investment continue to support UK activity, while consumption grows in line with the subdued pace of real incomes.

                                        Although modest by historical standards, the projected pace of GDP growth over the forecast is slightly faster than the diminished rate of supply growth, which averages around 1½% per year. The MPC continues to judge that the UK economy currently has a very limited degree of slack. Unemployment is low and is projected to fall a little further. In the MPC’s central projection, therefore, a small margin of excess demand emerges by late 2019 and builds thereafter, feeding through into higher growth in domestic costs than has been seen over recent years.

                                        CPI inflation was 2.4% in June, pushed above the 2% target by external cost pressures resulting from the effects of sterling’s past depreciation and higher energy prices. The contribution of external pressures is projected to ease over the forecast period while the contribution of domestic cost pressures is expected to rise. Taking these influences together, and conditioned on the gently rising path of Bank Rate implied by current market yields, CPI inflation remains slightly above 2% through most of the forecast period, reaching the target in the third year.

                                        The MPC continues to recognise that the economic outlook could be influenced significantly by the response of households, businesses and financial markets to developments related to the process of EU withdrawal.

                                        The Committee judges that an increase in Bank Rate of 0.25 percentage points is warranted at this meeting.

                                        The Committee also judges that, were the economy to continue to develop broadly in line with its Inflation Report projections, an ongoing tightening of monetary policy over the forecast period would be appropriate to return inflation sustainably to the 2% target at a conventional horizon. Any future increases in Bank Rate are likely to be at a gradual pace and to a limited extent.

                                        Yen and Dollar strong on trade war, Chinese stocks lost another -2%

                                          Yen and Dollar are so far the biggest winner today on concerns of US-China trade war. Australian Dollar and New Zealand Dollar lead the way down.

                                          Trump’s administration formally announced the intention to impose 25% on USD 200B in Chinese imports yesterday, more than double of the 10% rate in the original plan.

                                          China is surprisingly quiet on the topic today.  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang just made “two statement” regarding the news in a regular press conference. Firstly, “we would advise the United States to correct its attitude and not try to engage in blackmail. This won’t work on China.” Secondly, “we would advise the U.S. side to return to reason, and not blindly let emotions affect their decisions, because in the end this will harm themselves.”

                                          That’s it, not even any elaboration.

                                          Nonetheless, the reactions in China stocks are loud and clear. The Shanghai SSE composite closed down -2.0% at 2768.02. The breach of 2753.83 support affirmed our view that rebound from 2691.02 has completed at 2915.29, ahead of 55 day EMA and key well inside medium term falling channel. The index should revisit the key support zone between 2016 low of 2638.30 and 2700. This is an area which could prompt serious government intervention. Let’s seen if the Chinese national team would do anything there.

                                          The USD/CNH (offshore Yuan). Rises to as high as 6.876 so far today and the Yuan’s downtrend extends. We’ve argued here that Yuan’s weakness is primarily due to economic weakness and loosening policies. Adding the severe impact of a full blown trade war with the US, the momentum of depreciation in Yuan doesn’t seem right. We’d urge US Treasurer Steven Mnuchin to look into whether China is doing anything to slow Yuan’s decline. If there is, Mnuchin should openly ask China not to perform such manipulations.

                                          Also, remember that there was a report saying that Mnuchin is in private talks with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on going back to the negotiation table? Hours later, there was another report regarding the 25% tariffs, which was formally announced within 24 hours. Who leaked the story to the media or it’s a made up? If the unnamed source was from the Chinese side, the US response was quick and clear, no negotiation before concession. If the unnamed source was from the US side, whose team would he be in? Or does it signal that Mnuchin was once again isolated by the trade hawks?