FOMC preview: Rate hike for sure, focus on new projections

    Fed is widely expected to lift federal funds rate by 25bps to 2.00-2.25% today, without a doubt. The voting will be a point to note to seen how impatient the doves were. But it’s more likely to be unanimous than not at this stage. Also, there are expectations of a slight change in the language. That is, “the stance of monetary policy remains accommodative” could be changed to “somewhat accommodative” or even dropped. But this won’t trigger much market reactions, changed or not.


    The major focuses will be on the new economic projections. Firstly, 2021 figures will be released. Based on June’s projections, medium projected appropriate federal funds rate will be at 3.4% by the end of 2020. We’d be eager to know if Fed policy makers expect to stop there through 2021, or they would lean towards more tightening ahead. (Btw, at 3.4% which is above 2.9% projected longer run rate, that’s tightening. Now, it’s just accommodation removal, totally different stage.)

    Secondly, while all the figures, inflation, growth, unemployment, policy path matter, we believe the key is on the 2.9% estimated longer run rate. From the communications of Fed officials, the general consensus is for Fed to raise interest rate to “neutral” and see how it goes from there. A raise in the estimated longer run rate will be tied to a perceived higher neutral rate. And that would be, Fed’s rate hike cycle would likely be prolonged further. To us, this is the single most important figure that moves markets.


    Here are some suggested readings on FOMC:

    New Zealand recorded highest monthly trade deficit on record

      New Zealand trade deficit widened sharply to NZD -1.484m in August versus expectation of NZD -930m. That’s also the largest monthly deficit on record.

      Exports rose 9.9% yoy to NZD 4.1B. However, imports jumped sharply by 14% yoy to NZD 5.5B, the third highest total on record. It’s also the fourth straight month of imports above NZD 5B.

      Exports to China rose 20% yoy to NZD 870M, to EU rose 12% to NZD 462M, to USA rose 14% yoy to NZD 371m and to Japan rose 28% yoy to NZD 302m. However, export to Australia was down -7.4% yoy to NZD 791m.

      Petroleum and products led the imports rise, up NZD 186m (50%) to NZD 563m.

      Full release here.

      New Zealand ANZ Business Confidence jumps, but no change in RBNZ’s tune

        New Zealand ANZ Business Confidence had a notable bounce by 12 pts to -38 in September. While’s it’s still a negative reading, it’s already the highest level since May. Own activity index also rose 4 pts to 8.

        ANZ noted in the release that It is encouraging that nearly all activity indicators out of the ANZ Business Outlook survey rebounded this month, with only investment intentions deteriorating further. The growth signal coming out of the survey remains weak, certainly. But if the indicators continue to rebound, it will increase the odds that while the economy may have hit a pothole, the wheels are not falling off.

        On RBNZ, ANZ said the Reserve Bank made it clear in the August Monetary Policy Statement that they believe the economy needs to accelerate to get inflation sustainably back to the target midpoint in an acceptable timeframe. We expect that at the OCR Review this week the message will therefore continue to be that the next move in the Official Cash Rate “could be up or down”, despite the stronger-than-expected June quarter GDP outturn.

        Full release here.

        USTR Lighthizer blames Canada for not making essential concessions

          US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer complained that “Canada is not making concessions in areas where we think they’re essential”. And, there was “some distance” between the two sides on NAFTA negotiations. Lighthizer added that “We’re going to go ahead with Mexico … If Canada comes along now, that would be the best. If Canada comes along later, then that’s what will happen.”

          Lighthizer also noted “we’re sort of running out of time,” referring to the US-imposed deadline of October 1.

          Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland’s spokesman Adam Austen reiterated that “Our focus is the substance, not timelines. We will continue to negotiate with a view to getting a deal that is in Canada’s national interest.”

          Asian Development Bank lowered China 2019 growth forecast to 6.3%, 2018 unchanged

            The Asian Development Bank lowered China’s 2019 growth forecast from 6.4% to 6.3%. For 2018, growth projection was kept unchanged at 6.6%. It cited “slower demand growth and an unfavorable trade environment” as the reasons for the downgrade. On US-China trade conflict, ABD said it could “deflate consumer and investor confidence, severely disrupt supply chains, impede technology transfer and foreign investment, and hit export-oriented industries in the PRC. ”

            ADB Chief Economist Mr. Yasuyuki Sawada said, “services and consumption will continue lifting the PRC’s economy for the rest of 2018 although slower growth is expected next year, as ongoing trade tensions with the United States (US) are expected to affect net exports.” He added that “supportive monetary and fiscal policy will help ease the short-run strains” But also urged that “continued reform progress is needed to sustain future growth.”

            Looking at the details, net exports are expected to hold back GDP growth for the rest of 2018 and 2019 as ” trade tensions with the US continue to intensify, coupled with a dimmer outlook on global trade and investment activities.” ADB expected current account surplus of China to lower to 0.7% in 2018 and further down to 0.2% in 2019.

            For developing Asia as a whole, growth in 2018 is expected meet 6.0% forecast. However, 2019 growth projection was also trimmed by -0.1% to 5.8%. The US-China trade measures implemented by September 24 are expected to lower China GDP by -0.5% and US GDP by -0.1%. And they would have a “negligible effect on the rest of developing Asia”. It also noted that “with the trade conflict escalation, the US trade deficit with the PRC would shrink, but the overall US trade deficit would not change much as US imports would be redirected to other countries while US exports to the PRC declined.”

            Also, ADB warned that “prolonged trade conflict can damage confidence and deter investment. This indirect fallout will be large for many economies in the region and globally, especially if automobiles and other parts become embroiled in the trade conflict.”

            ADB’s press release on China here.

            The Asian Development Outlook 2018 update here.

            Chinese stocks and AUD surge as MSCI mulls lifting index weighting 4 times

              Chinese stocks rise sharply higher today on news that MSCI is considering to increase its A shares in the MSCI indexes.

              MSCI noted that the 5% initial inclusion of China A implemented in May and August 2018 got “overwhelming positive feedback from market participants”. It’s has now launched a consultation on further weight increase. The investment community could provide MSCI with proposals till February 15, 2019 and the decision would be made on or before February 28, 2019.

              The current proposals including adding the weight of China A Large Cap securities from 5% to 7% in two phases, 7.5% each in May and August 2019. Also ChiNext could be added to the list of eligible stock exchange segments in May 2019. China A Mid-Cap securities with 20% included factor in one phase in May 2020.

              MSCI’s full document here.

              At the time of writing, China Shanghai SSE composite is trading up 1.37% at 2819, finally back above 2800 handle.

              The news has apparently lifted Australian Dollar too. With today’s rise and 0.7228 minor support defended, AUD/USD is possibly extending the corrective rebound from 0.7084 through 0.7303 before completing it.

              EUR/AUD’s rebound from 1.6051 could also be finished at 1.6252. And, the correction from 1.6353 would likely have another take on 1.6051 support before completion.

              US consumer confidence rose to 138.4, 18-year high

                US Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index rose to 138.4 in September, up from 133.4 and beat expectation of 130.5. Present Situation Index rose to 173.1, up from 172.8. Expectations Index, on the other hand, further to 115.3, up from 109.3.

                Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board, said in the release “After a considerable improvement in August, Consumer Confidence increased further in September and hovers at an 18-year high.” It’s also “not far from the all-time high of 144.7 reached in 2000.”

                Also from US, house price index rose 0.2% mom in July. S&P Case Shiller 20 cities house price rose 5.9% yoy in July.

                Into US session: Swiss Franc and Canadian Dollar weakest

                  Canadian Dollar and Swiss Franc are the clearly weaker ones in a slow day, in terms of price actions. Sterling and Euro are the strongest but their strength is far from being convincing. For now, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/JPY and GBP/JPY are staying in familiar range. While Australian Dollar and Canadian Dollar fall against the greenback, both are held above near term support level at 0.7728 and 1.2975 respectively. It looks like Dollar traders are refusing to commit ahead of tomorrow’s FOMC rate hike and economic projections.

                  In other markets, European stock indices are slightly higher today with DAX up 0.17% and CAC up 0.21% at the time of writing. FTSE is displaying some strength as it opened lower and dripped to 7455.22 but it’s now back pressing 7500 handle, up 0.55%. Earlier in Asia, Nikkei closed up 0.29% and Singapore Strait Times rose 0.53%. China Shanghai SSE dropped -1.62% to close at 27499.39. WTI crude oil continues this week’s rally and is up 0.5% at 72.44 for now. Gold is still gyrating in tight range around 1200 handle.

                  ECB Praet: Price pickup a long process conditioned on very easy monetary conditions

                    ECB Chief Economist Peter Praet said today that “clearly we see progress in the underlying (prices), what is behind the inflation process.” However he emphasized that “it’s a long process and conditioned on very easy monetary conditions.”

                    Yesterday, Euro spiked higher on ECB President Mario Draghi’s comments that “domestic price pressures are strengthening and broadening”. However, Praet talked it down and said there was “nothing new” in Draghi’s comments.

                    Also, Praet added the the biggest risk to price stability is a “growth accident”. That is, a sudden stop in the growth cycle. And that could come from from rising protectionism or emerging markets slowdown.

                    German BDI lowered growth and export forecasts, risks arise with almost every US protectionist measure

                      The Federation of German Industries (BDI) lowered 2018 GDP growth forecast to 2.0%, down from prior estimate of 2.25%. Also, export growth is expected to be 3.5% in real terms, down from prior forecast of 5%.

                      BDI president Dieter Kempf urged the country to “prepare for the downturn” in a statement. He noted that “the high phase of the global economic recovery is over, investment activity has flattened.” And, for German companies “risks arise with almost every protectionist measure – even if they are directed by the US against China.”

                      Kempf also completed that “the industry is waiting impatiently for economic policy of the Federal Government, especially in the tax, digitization and energy policy.”

                      At the same time, he also emphasized that “in our society, xenophobia has no place.” And, “investments by foreign companies and the integration of skilled workers from other countries contribute significantly to prosperity and jobs in Germany.”

                      Full statement in German here.

                      China to US: No trade talks under threats and pressure

                        Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said at a news conference today that whether trade talk could restart depends on the “will” of the US. But he emphasized that trade meeting will not take place against the backdrop of “threats and pressure” from the US.

                        He said, “now that the United States has adopted such a huge trade restriction measure … how can the negotiations proceed? It’s not an equal negotiation.”

                        Wang also added that “if this continues, it will destroy in an instant the gains of the last four decades of China-U.S. relations.”

                        BoJ Kuroda: Must consider positive and side effects of loose monetary policy in balanced manner

                          BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said today that the central bank is now at a stage that the benefits and side-effects of the ultra-loose monetary policy must be considered in a “balanced manner”. He pointed to strengthening in the recovery and pickup in wages and prices. But he also echoed the July meeting minutes that it takes more time than expected to achieve the 2% inflation target.

                          Kuroda added that “under such a fairly complex economic and price situation, monetary policy must take into account various developments in a comprehensive manner”. And, “this means that, in continuing with powerful monetary easing, we now need to consider both its positive effects and side-effects in a balanced manner.”

                          Meanwhile, he maintained the pledge that “BOJ will continue to make its utmost efforts to firmly support corporate activity, taking into account economic, price and financial developments.”

                          BoJ July minutes: Sentiments could worsen if US-China trade friction intensifies

                            The minutes of July 30-31 BoJ meeting showed that the board members expected Japan’s economy to grow above potential in fiscal 2018. For 2019 and 2020, growth would likely continue “partly supported by external demand”. However, the pace would decelerate “due to a slowdown in domestic demand. On prices, most members agreed that CPI would likely increase increase gradually towards 2% as “firms’ stance gradually would shift toward further raising wages and prices”. But these members agreed that “it would take more time than expected to achieve 2 percent inflation”. Thus, the inflation projection in the July Outlook Report was lowered from April’s.

                            The minutes also noted that the global financial markets had temporarily become unstable through early July, “mainly against the background of uncertainties over trade policy, especially between the United States and China”. And, many members warned that “risk sentiment could worsen again if trade friction between the United States and China intensified.” Also, one member added that ” if the Chinese yuan depreciated further, due mainly to concerns over the possible negative impact on the Chinese economy, there was a risk of this having a negative impact on investors’ sentiment regarding emerging markets in Asia.”

                            Full minutes here.

                            US and South Korea signed trade agreement, Japan trade talk postponed

                              South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Trump formally signed a new bilateral trade agreement yesterday, as sideline of a UN summit in New York. Under the agreement, South Korea will exempt up to 50,000 US cars from safety requirements, doubling the current amount. It also agreed on improvements in customs procedures and amendments in drug pricing policies. The 25% US tariffs against South Korean Trucks are extended from 2021 to 2041. On the other hand, the US exempt a certain amount of South Korean steel from the tariffs announced back in Mach, equivalent to 70% of the country’s import.

                              On the other hand, the meeting between Japanese Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer was postponed from Monday to Tuesday due to scheduling issue. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the talks “will focus on further expanding trade and investment between Japan and the U.S. to bring benefits to both nations”.

                              Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a dinner with Trump on Sunday and he said they had a “very constructive discussion on trade and investment”. Before the dinner Trump continued with his bullying tactic and tweeted “We have done much to help Japan, would like to see more of a reciprocal relationship. It will all work out!”

                              Position trading update: Entered GBP/USD short

                                As planned in our weekly report, we entered GBP/USD short today at 1.3150, as the pair recovered to 1.3166. Stop is placed at 1.3300, slightly above 1.3297 resistance.

                                Our view is unchanged that corrective rise from 1.2661 has completed with three waves up to 1.3297, just ahead of 38.2% retracement of 1.4376 to 1.2661 at 1.3316. Another fall is expected through 1.3042 support to retest 1.2661 low.

                                There is prospect of resuming whole decline from 1.4376. Hence, if the trade turns out as expected, we’ll monitor downside momentum to decide whether to exit at around 1.2661, or hold through it.

                                Euro surges as ECB Draghi said domestic price pressures are strengthening and broadening

                                  Euro surges as ECB President Mario Draghi sounds rather upbeat in his European Parliament ECON committee hearing. On growth he noted “an ongoing broad-based expansion of the euro area economy”, with “high levels of capacity utilisation”. Also, “labour markets are tightening with signs of labour shortages in some countries and sectors” And “higher income supports private consumption”.

                                  More important, Draghi noted “domestic price pressures are strengthening and broadening”. And, “underlying inflation is expected to increase further over the coming months as the tightening labour market is pushing up wage growth.”

                                  Overall guidance on monetary policy is unchanged though. That is, subject today, ECB will end the asset purchase program after December. And interest rates will stay at current level “through the summer of 2019”. Draghi said the guidance firstly incorporated a “calendar-based element” which tells the market when the first hike could come. Secondly, there is a “state-dependent component” indicating that rate could still stay unchanged if necessary, and for as long as needed.

                                  Full introductory statement in the hearing here.

                                  Into US session: Sterling pares losses, Aussie weakest

                                    Entering into US session, Sterling is trading as the strongest one for today, reversing much last last week’s losses. It’s followed by Euro and then Dollar. On the other hand, commodity currencies are generally lower, as led by Australian Dollar. There were a lot of comments on Brexit from UK and EU, but there were just nothing more than words. UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet will meet on Brexit today and the result out the there would be watched.

                                    Meanwhile, new round of US-China tariffs are set to kick in today. Ahead of that, China’s State Council released a 36k white paper on its position, criticizing US “bullying” and pledged to defend it’s own interests. It doesn’t matter much on how much truth the white paper tells, as what China says is always doubtful. Most important thing is that China is not going to back down from trade war. That’s a factor weighing down Aussie and Kiwi.

                                    In other markets, European stocks are generally lower today. FTSE is down -0.24% at the time of writing, DAX down -0.38%, CAC down -0.21%. China and Japan are on holiday. Hong Kong HSI closed down -1.62%, Singapore Strait Times closed up 0.05%. WTI crude oil was lifted by OPEC decision to stick with its production plan and is up 1.65% at 71.95. Gold is hovering around 1200.

                                    Sterling recovers as UK PM May’s cabinet meets on Brexit

                                      Sterling appears to be lifted by reports that German European affairs minister Michael Roth said Brexit deal is still possible by November. And he also warned that a no-deal Brexit would be the worst case scenario for all parties. However, Roth also emphasized that “we will not undo the single market or create special rules which could result in competitive disadvantages for our companies.” Also, he added that Germany fully support chief negotiator Michel Barnier. There is no softening on Germany’s stance indeed.

                                      Separately, French President Emmanuel Macron’s office also said he expected the UK to put forward new proposals in October. And he preferred not to drag on. His office said that “It’s a way of raising pressure, … It’s not necessarily ‘take it or leave it’, it’s really to say there’s a lot of work to be done by November, we must do it, and not let this thing drag on.”

                                      UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman said the cabinet is due to discuss Brexit negotiations today. And he emphasized “the cabinet gave its full support to the white paper (Chequers plan), and that continues to be the case.”

                                      However, Jacob Rees-Mogg, chairman of the European Research Group of anti-EU lawmakers in May’s ruling Conservative party, said “the prime minister is a lady of singular wisdom and therefore is likely to recognize the reality that Chequers does not have much support either in this country or abroad.”

                                      China released 36k-word white paper showing it’s not backing down on trade war with US

                                        China’s State Council release a “White Paper on China-US Economic and Trade Frictions and China’s Position” today. This 36000 words paper consists of six sections, detailing the benefits of the bilateral trade, the economic and trade relations, US protectionism and trade hegemonism, the threat of US practice to world economy and China’s own position.

                                        In particular, the paper condemns the under the “America First” bandwagon, the new US government “abandoned the basic norms of international exchanges such as mutual respect and equal consultation, and implemented unilateralism, protectionism and economic hegemonism.”And the US used different means to “carry out economic intimidation, and impose extreme pressure its own interests impose its own interests on China.” The paper also detailed the new protectionist measures of the US. These include measures that discriminate products of other countries, abused national security investigations, subsidies on local industries.

                                        China’s own position include defending the “dignity and core interests of the country”, “promote healthy trade relationship with the US”, “promote and improve multilateral trade system”, “protect property and intellectual property rights”, “protect rights of foreign businesses in China”, “continue deepening reforms on opening the markets”, work on win-win relationships with developed and developing countries”, etc.

                                        All-in-all, the main message is that China is not going to back down in the trade conflicts. That’s what we get. Below are the links to the details as reported by the official Xinhua (in simplified Chinese). Look like they’re pretty serious.

                                        UK Raab: Stubborn tone of EU just blips blown a little out of proportion

                                          UK Brexit Minister Dominic Rob said today “we keep on negotiating in good faith, we try and get the best deal we can, but we are ready for all eventualities.” He also urged not to overreact to the “stubborn” tone of the EU. He emphasized “these blips in the world, they’re blown a little bit out of proportion, but we double down, we don’t throw our toys out the pram, hold our nerve, keep our cool.”

                                          However, Rob also pointed out “at the same we need to be ready for the possibility … that the ambitions that we are bringing to these negotiations to try and get a win-win deal isn’t matched by the other side and it does take two to tango.”

                                          He added “what they need to see is some unity of purpose from the UK which is why all this Labour nonsense about a second referendum is not only undemocratic but it’s the last thing we should be doing right now with our EU partners because it encourages them to offer us a lousy deal which makes a no deal more likely.”  Raab also said “the vast majority, the silent majority in this country just want us to get on with it and that’s what we’re doing.”