Italy tells EU it will stick to hard but necessary budget

    In a formal response to the EU, Italian Economy Minister Giovanni Tria indicated the country will stick to its draft budget plan. That is, the deficit to GDP target for 2019 will be kept at 2.4%. Though, Tria expressed the eagerness to engage in conversation with EU. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte also emphasized that 2.4% is the cap that “for sure we won’t exceed”.

    Tria said the budget was a “hard, but necessary decision in light of Italy’s delay in catching up to pre-crisis levels of GDP and the desperate economic conditions in which the most disadvantaged citizens find themselves in”. And, “the government trusts that what it has explained is sufficient to clear up the setup of its budget and that the (fiscal) law will not put at risk the financial stability of Italy or other EU state members.”

    Also, he said “while recognizing the divergence of the respective evaluations, the Italian government will remain in a constructive and fair dialogue.” And, “the government is confident it can get investment and GDP growth moving again and that the recent rise in the government bond yields will be reabsorbed as the investors learn about all the details of the measures in the budget law.”

    China SSE composite in medium term correction after strong two-day rebound

      China’s Shanghai SSE Composite closed sharply higher by 4.09% today to 2654.88. The two day rebound after hitting 2449.19 on climax selling suggests medium term bottoming. And, this year’s down trend from 3587.03 has likely completed a five wave sequence to 2449.19.

      That is, the index is now in medium consolidation phase that could last a few months. 2700 psychological level will be the hurdle to overcome. It’s close to 2691.02 support turned resistance and 55 day EMA at 2721.67. Firm break of this level will pave the way to 38.2% retracement of 3587.03 to 2449.19 at 2883.84. We’d expect strong resistance from there to limit upside. If everything turns out as expected, the long term down trend should resume some time next year after consolidation completes.

      UK PM May rejects EU’s proposal on Irish backstop again

        UK Prime Minister Theresa May is set to tell the Parliament that Brexit agrement is now 95% done. But she also repeated her rejection of EU’s proposal on Irish backstop.

        In her prepared speech, May said “taking all of this together, 95 per cent of the Withdrawal Agreement and its protocols are now settled”, referring to what she has achieved. And, “the shape of the deal across the vast majority of the Withdrawal Agreement is now clear.”

        However, on Irish border backstop, May said “As I set out last week, the original backstop proposal from the EU was one we could not accept, as it would mean creating a customs border down the Irish Sea and breaking up the integrity of the UK,” She reiterated that “I do not believe that any UK Prime Minister could ever accept this. And I certainly will not.”

        So, the deadlock is still there and the deal is not finished yet. No matter how much May’s done, without that outstanding 5% completed, it’s still a no-deal Brexit.

        Bundesbank expects German economy to expand considerably again in Q4

          Germany’s Bundesbank said today that the economy “may have come to a temporary halt” in Q3. The “booming” constructor sector have even “decelerated” after strong Q2. Also, retail sales were “relatively subdued”. However, the bank does not expect the pause in growth to be long-lived. And, business expectations the auto sector “rose significantly of late.”

          Bundesbank expects “economic output to expand considerably again in the current three-month period.” The bank also noted “rather sharp fall” in unemployment, which could be attributable in part to “the expansion of labour market policy measures at the end of the summer holiday period.”

          Full article release here.

          German-Italian spread breaks below 300, but stays close

            EUR/USD is apparently lifted by the sharp fall in Italian yield today, the the rebound quickly fades.

            10 year yield hit as low as 3.318 but recovers. It’s now trading at 3.437, down -1.444. It’s notably lower than last week’s high of 3.784. However, it should also be noted that German 10 year yield is now at 0.469, up 0.006. German-Italian spread 297, below 300 but still close to 300. That is, yes, concerned eased, but sentiments haven’t really turned around. The next move will depend on the response from Italy to EU and then EU’s counter response, regarding the budget.

            EU Moscovici doesn’t want crisis with Italy, Austria said must reject the budget

              European Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici talked about Italy again in Franc Inter radio today. He emphasized that the European Commission does not want any crisis with Italy over it’s budget. However, questions are there and the Commission is awaiting Italy’s answers.

              Moscovici said that “the European Commission does not want a crisis between Brussels and Rome.” And “my state of mind is that of constructive dialogue.” Though, he also reiterated that “when you are an EU member and a member of the single currency, of the euro zone, you must respect a number of joint rules.” Moscovici has been rather cautious in handling Italy. While last week’s letter to Italy regarding the budget was strongly worded, Moscovici later said he wanted to reduce tensions, and solve the budget issue through “constructive dialogue”.

              On the other hand, Austria Chancellor Sebastian Kurz warned that “if it is not amended, the European Commission must reject the budget” of Italy. Kurz added that “Austria is not prepared to stand up for the debts of other states while these states knowingly contribute to uncertainty in financial markets”. And he urged the EU to “prove that it has learned from the Greece crisis.”

              UK Raab open to Brexit transition extension only if it’s short and solves Irish backstop issue

                UK Brexit Minister Dominic Raab said he’s open to the so called transition extension if it could salve the Irish border backstop problem. Raab told BBC TV that “If we need a bridge from the end of the implementation period to the future relationship … I am open minded about using a short extension of the implementation period.” But he also added that it’s possible “as long as it is short, perhaps for a few months” and it “has to solve the backstop issue”.

                Raab also said it’s now the “end stage” of the negotiation, and there will be “jitters on all sides of this debate”. But he also emphasized thtat it’s “time to play for the team”.

                Italy to response to EU on budget today, Di Maio pledged to stay in Euro

                  Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said the government is going to send EU a formal response on the “serious concerns” over its draft budget today. The response will provide explanations on raising budget deficit to 2.4% of GDP next year. Di Maio hoped that would provide “over a long discussion process … could lead the Commission to share the goals we have set.”

                  Di Maio, leader of the 5-star movement, reiterated that there is a concern of Italy leave the Euro or the EU, based on the jump in yield spreads. But he emphasized that “there is no Plan B (to leave Europe) but only Plan A which is to change Europe.” And he pledged that “As long as I’m head of this movement and a minister of this government I’ll always guarantee that Italy remains within the euro and in Europe.”

                  Nonetheless, European Commission is expected to formal reject Italy’s budget tomorrow, and ask for a resubmission. In a letter to Italy last week, EU described Italy’s draft budget as an “obvious significant deviation” of the recommendations adopted by the European Council” and “size of the deviation (a gap of around 1.5% of GDP) are unprecedented”.

                  Moody’s downgraded Italy to Baa3, with stable outlook

                    Moody’s lowered Italy’s credit rating to Baa3, from Baa2, on notch above junk status. Also rating outlook was assigned as “stable”. The rating cut was generally expected and indeed, markets were calmed by the stable outlook.

                    Moody’s expressed concern over the budget deficit target of 2.4% of GDP in 2019, which is three times higher than prior target of 0.8%. The shift towards an expansionary fiscal policy would make “Italy vulnerable to future domestic or externally-sourced shocks, in particular to weaker economic growth.” Also, “most of the government’s spending increases are structural in nature, implying that they will be difficult to reverse,”

                    In addition, Moody’s warned that “the economic plans of the government, while supportive of growth in the near term, do not amount to a coherent program of reforms that will lift Italy’s mediocre growth performance on a sustained basis.”

                    Though, with a stable outlook, “Italy still exhibits important credit strengths that balance the weakening fiscal prospects.”

                    BoE Carney on Brexit preparation: Not hoping for the best but preparing for the worst

                      BoE Governor Mark Carney said the central bank “does not focus on the most likely outlook” in Brexit preparation. Instead, BoE focuses on the possible consequences of a disorderly, cliff-edge exit from the EU, however unlikely that may be.” That is, Carney added “we aren’t hoping for the best, we’re preparing for the worst in several ways.”

                      On global financial regulations, Carney emphasized that “we need to tailor not taper. It is critical that the process of evaluation and adjustment does not compromise overall system resilience.”

                      Fed Kaplan: Two or more rate hikes to reach netural

                        Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said the current monetary policy remained “modestly” accommodative. It will take two or three more rate hikes to become “neutral” which is neither accommodative nor restrictive. And he’s not decided whether Fed should continue rate hikes above neutral level.

                        Referring to the economy, Kaplan said Fed is “basically meeting its dual mandate”.Ka

                        Euro recovers, Italian yeild reverses as EU Moscovici wants to reduce tensions with Italy

                          That’s the power of words. Euro recovers notably while Italian yield reversed after European Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said he wanted to reduce tensions with Italy, regarding the budget, through “constructive dialogue”. He emphasized that both EU shared the populist coalition government’s goal of boosting growth and cutting debt. And he also reiterated that no formal decision was made from the Commissions side yet. Yesterday, EU sent a letter warning Italy’s budget as “obvious significant deviation” of the recommendations adopted by the European Council.

                          Italian 10 year yield is now at 3.581, down -0.097, after hitting as high as 3.784 earlier today.

                          EUR/USD also recovered notably after defending 1.1431 support.

                          Canada CPI slowed to 2.2%, retail sales contracted, CAD dives as BoC hike in question

                            Canadian Dollar dives notably after a set of much weaker than expected data.

                            Headline retail sales dropped -0.1% mom in August versus expectation of 0.4% mom. Ex-auto sales dropped -0.4% mom versus expectation of -0.2% mom.

                            Headline CPI dropped sharply by -0.4% mom in September versus expectation of -0.1% mom. Annually, CPI slowed to 2.2% yoy, down from 2.8% yoy and missed expectation of 2.9% yoy.

                            CPI core common slowed to 1.9% yoy, down from 2.0% yoy. CPI core median slowed to 2.0% yoy, down from 2.1% yoy. CPI core trim slowed to 2.1% yoy, down from 2.2% yoy.

                            The set of data, in particular the sharp fall in CPI, raises the important question of whether BoC is still going to hike next week on October 24.

                            Full CPI and retail sales release.

                            German-Italian yield spread breaks 330 after EU’s warning letter to Italy

                              German-Italian yield spread widens further today after EU finally confronted Italy on its budget. A letter was passed to Italian Economy Minister Givoanni Tria, detailing why the budget is an “obvious significant deviation” of the recommendations adopted by the European Council under the 2019 Stability and Growth Pact. Italy will now have until October 22 to respond to the letter. But it’s unlikely for the populist coalition to back down.

                              At the time of writing, Italian 10 year yield is up 0.075 at 3.753.

                              On the other hand, German 10 year yield is down -0.016 at 0.405. That is, German-Italian yield spread is now at 334!.

                              Euro is just mixed for today, even though it’s the second weakest for the week after Sterling.

                              China Q3 GDP slowed to 6.5%, Shanghai SSE recovery capped by 2500

                                China’s Shanghai SSE Composite dived to as low as 2449.20 in initial trading, following the steep selloff in the US. The index recovered after the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBRC) announced measures to encourage private equity funds to buy public traded shares. However, weaker than expected Q3 GDP data appears to cap SSE’s recovery as it fails to get hold of 2500 handle.

                                Released from China, Q3 GDP growth slowed to 6.5% yoy, down from 6.7% yoy in Q2 and missed expectation of 6.6 yoy. That’s also the weakest reading since Q2 of 2009. On quarterly basis, growth slowed to 1.6% qoq, down from Q2’s 1.8% qoq. Also release, industrial production grew 5.8% yoy in September, down from 6.1% and missed expectation of 6.0% yoy. But retail sales rose 9.2% yoy, up from 9.0% yoy and beat expectation of 9.0% yoy. Fixed asset investment rose 5.4% ytd yoy, up from 5.3% ytd yoy and beat expectation of 5.3% ytd yoy.

                                Statistics bureau spokesman Mao Shengyong said China is still able to reach the full-year growth target of around 6.5% in 2018 even though downward pressure increases. He added that infrastructure investment growth will stabilize and “consumption upgrade” will continue. Nonetheless, Mao also admitted that external environment will pose uncertainties on stabilizing growth.

                                EU: Italy’s budget an obvious significant deviation of Stability and Growth Pact

                                  EU Commissioners Valdis Dombrovskis and Pierre Moscovici wrote a joint letter to warn Italy of its budget plan. Handing the letter directly to Italian Economy Minister Giovanni Tria, the EU started the first formal step to reject the budget which will lead to direct clash between Rome and Brussels. Italy will now have until October 22 to respond to the letter.

                                  EU said in the letter that Italy’s plan is an “obvious significant deviation” of the recommendations adopted by the European Council under the 2019 Stability and Growth Pact. Also, while the Council suggested fiscal adjustment, the Italy plans fiscal expansion of close to 1% of GDP, and the “size of the deviation (a gap of around 1.5% of GDP) are unprecedented”.

                                  EU also criticized that the macroeconomic forecasts under the plan has not been endorsed by the Parliamentary Budget Office. And this appears “not to respect” the rules of having forecasts produced or endorsed by an “independent body”.

                                  Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said they’re ready to reply to EU’s concern and he’s not worried.

                                  EU’s letter to Italy here.

                                  Fed Quarles: Right strategy is to maintain the gradual course

                                    Fed Governor Randal Quarles said in a speech yesterday that monetary policy shouldn’t “drift” because of the uncertainties around many macroeconomic inputs Instead, Fed policymakers should “chart a course that is stable, gradual, and predictable; communicate it clearly; and then follow that course through the temporarily shifting and sometimes conflicting signs from the economy”. And, to him, given that “the economy has performed fundamentally as I expected”, the “right strategy is to maintain the gradual course”.

                                    On the one hand, the “productive capacity” of the US might be increasing so there is no need to “accelerate our pace”. On the other hand, there there is enough doubt that “current inflation as an infallibly reliable measure of current resource constraints”. Hence, “continued gradual removal of accommodation is appropriate.”

                                    Quarles’ full speech “Don’t Chase the Needles: An Optimistic Assessment of the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy“.

                                    Mid-US update: Yen overtakes Aussie as strongest as stock selloff intensifies

                                      Yen overtakes Australian Dollar as the strongest currency today as risk aversion intensifies. At the time of writing, DOW is down -1.38%, S&P 500 down -1.30%. NASDAQ is the worst and is down -1.88%. Treasury yields also reversed earlier gains. 10 year yield hit as high as 3.215 earlier today but is now back at 3.173, down -0.006. It’s clear sign of flight to safety. For now, Australian and New Zealand Dollar are the next strongest ones.

                                      On the other hand, Sterling remains the worst performing, as weighed down by Brexit impasse, retail sales miss and yesterday’s CPI miss. Canadian Dollar is the second weakest as WTI crude oil stays soft, even though it’s back above 69. Euro is the third weakest on Italian Concern.

                                      In European markets:

                                      • FTSE closed down -0.39% at 7026.99
                                      • DAX closed down -1.07% at 11589.21
                                      • CAC closed down -0.55% at 5116.79.
                                      • German 10 year yield drops -0.0441 to 0.420
                                      • Italian 10 year yield rose 0.1334 to 3.677.
                                      • That is, German-Italian spread is above 320!

                                      Upcoming in Asian session, focus will be on Japan CPI and a batch of Chinese data included GDP.

                                      EU Juncker hails Italian Conte presented budget with big talent

                                        European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte presented the budget to EU leaders. And Juncker hailed that Conte did that “with big talent and in a very clear way”.

                                        Nonetheless, Juncker also said “we did not discuss the Italian draft budget in detail, that was not the meeting to doing so, but I know from the past that the Commission has always been accused of being too generous when it came to Italian budgets.”

                                        Though, he emphasized that “we have no negative prejudice against the Italian budget”. And, “we were very kind, gentle and positive when it came to Italy. Because Italy is Italy.”

                                        Separately, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said “everyone is determined to put a package on the table by the December summit that describes the banking union of the future and also says something about the roadmap – i.e. the way to a deposit guarantee and describes progress on the capital markets union.”

                                        Quick view on today’s top mover: GBPAUD

                                          For now, GBP/AUD is trading as the top mover for today. Sterling is weighed down by Brexit impasse, retail sales miss as well as yesterday’s CPI miss. On other hand, Australian Dollar is supported by rally in iron ore prices. Here is a quick near term view on the cross.

                                          Technically, we believed that a short term top is formed at 1.8726, with mild bearish divergence condition in daily MACD. Also, it’s close to 61.8% projection of 1.6161 to 1.8507 from 1.7282 at 1.8732. Hence, there is prospect of deeper pull back.

                                          For the near term, GBP/AUD should be targeting 38.2% retracement of 1.7282 to 1.8726 at 1.8174 and possibly further to 55 day EMA (now at 1.8118). But there is no clear sign of trend reversal yet. So downside might be contained there. This will be the preferred case as long as 1.8563 minor resistance holds, even in case of recovery.