Sterling shrugs stellar UK retail sales, awaits BoE

    UK retail sales came in stronger than expected in November. But the pound paid little attention to the data, as BoE rate decision looms. Also, Sterling is overwhelmed by strength of Euro and Swiss Franc, and selloff in Dollar.

    • Retail sales including auto and fuel rose 1.4% mom, 3.6% yoy versus expectation of 0.3% mom, 1.9% yoy.
    • Retail sales excluding auto and fuel rose 1.2% mom, 3.8% yoy versus expectation of 0.2% mom, 2.3% yoy.

    ONS noted that
    “retailers reported strong growth on the month due to Black Friday promotions in November, which continues the shifting pattern in consumer spending to sales occurring earlier in the year”.

    Full release here.

    Suggested readings on BoE:

    MOFCOM: Both US and China took proactive measures on to resolve trade frictions, more talks in Jan

      Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng confirmed in a regular press briefing there were talks between China and US on trade yesterday. Both sides exchanged opinions on topics including balancing trade and intellectual property protection. Further than that, there are plans for more US-China trade talks in January. He said that both sides had maintained very close communications after Xi-Trump meeting earlier this month.

      Also Gao hails that both sides took “proactive” measures on resolving trade conflicts and released “positive signals”. And he emphasized this is ” an important condition for the smooth progress of the consultations” on trade and economic frictions. Gao pointed to US formally suspended additional tariffs on Chinese imports till March 2. Also, China suspended additional tariffs on US autos still March 31.

      Full Q&A in simplified Chinese.

      BoJ Kuroda laid out options for additional easing if necessary

        In the post meeting press conference, BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda warned of downside risks to the economy “particularly via overseas economic developments”. He added, “if trade frictions persist, that could have a broad impact on Japanese and overseas economies.” Nevertheless, he also pointed to tankan survey and BoJ’s internal hearings, and noted “trade frictions on Japan’s economy is limited for now”. There is so far no change in the view that the economy is “expanding moderately”. Also, ” momentum for achieving our price target is sustained.”

        Kuroda also sounded open to more easing and noted “If we think doing so would be necessary to sustain the momentum for achieving our price target, we will ease monetary policy further as appropriate.” The options for additional easing include cutting the short-term interest rate target, lowering the long-term yield target, ramping up asset buying and accelerating the pace of increase in base money.

        BoJ stands pat as widely expected, with 7-2 vote

          BoJ left monetary policy unchanged today as widely expected. Short term policy rate is held negative at -0.1%. The central bank will continue with asset purchase at around JPY 80T a year to keep 10 year JGB yield at around 0%. The decision was again made by 7-2 vote. Y. Harada against said allowing long-term yields to move to some extent was too ambiguous. G. Kataoka continued to push for strengthen easing.

          On economic outlook, BoJ said the economy is “likely to continue its moderate expansion”. Domestic demand is likely to follow an uptrend, “with a virtuous cycle from income to spending being maintained in both the corporate and household sectors”. CPI is “likely to increase gradually toward 2 percent, mainly on the back of the output gap remaining positive and medium- to long-term inflation expectations rising”.

          BoJ also maintained the risks include US macroeconomic policies, protectionist moves, emerging markets, Brexit and geopolitical risks.

          Full release here.

          Australia employment grew 37k, but full time jobs dropped -6.4k

            Australian employment market grew 37.0k, seasonally adjusted, in November, much better than expectation of 20.0k. However, the growth was mainly driven by part-time jobs, which rose 43.4k. Full-time employment has indeed dropped -6.4k. Unemployment rate also rose 0.1% to 5.1%, above expectation of 5.0%. Participation rate rose 0.2% to 65.7%.

            The set of data provided no support to Australian Dollar. Risk aversion is a factor weighing down the Aussie. Also, it’s sold off against Dollar on less dovish than expected Fed, and against Euro in Italy-EU budget deal. AUD/USD’s fall from 0.7393 is on track to retest 0.7020 low.

            EUR/AUD is also on track for retesting 1.6357 high.

            New Zealand GDP grew only 0.3%, sharp contraction in construction and manufacturing

              New Zealand Dollar drops sharply today after big miss in GDP data. GDP grew 0.3% qoq in Q3, sharp slow down from Q2’s 1.0% qoq and missed expectation of 0.6% qoq. Deep contraction is seen in both construction and manufacturing. Construction fell -0.8%, driven by a decrease in heavy and civil construction. Manufacturing dropped -0.8% “with 6 of 9 manufacturing industries declining.” Services growth also eased to 0.5%, slowest rate of growth in six years. Also from New Zealand, trade deficit shrank to NZD -861M in November.

              NZD/USD’s recovery this week proved to be rather short-lived. Fall from 0.6969 resumed and reached as low as 0.6736 so far. Such decline is expected to extend to 61.8% retracement of 0.6424 to 0.6969 at 0.6632. For now, we’d expect strong support from there to bring rebound. Price actions from 0.6424 medium term bottom would develop into a consolidative pattern that lasts for a while.

              Stocks tumble, yield curve flattens as Fed is not dovish enough

                US stocks tumbled sharply overnight, together with bond yields as markets saw Fed’s dovish turn as being not dovish enough. Dollar also rebounded. At least, Fed isn’t pausing yet after yesterday’s rate hike. In particular, Fed maintained in the statement that “some further gradual increases” in federal funds rate will be consistent with sustaining the expansion and keeping inflation near target. Fed Chair Jerome Powell, while admitting that global growth is “softening”, also said “policy does not need to be accommodative” as the US economy continues to perform well.

                After initial recovery, DOW resumed recent decline and hit as low as 23162.64 before closing at 23323.66, down -1.49%. S&P 500 dropped -1.54% while NASDAQ dropped -2.17%. As long as 24057.34 resistance holds, the medium term corrective fall from 26951.81 will extend to 38.2% of 15450.56 (2016 low) to 26951.81 (2018 high) at 22558.33 before completion.

                US treasury yields tumbled sharply, specially at the long end. 10-year yield dropped -0.047 to 2.778. 30-year yield dropped -0.064 to 3.015, and it’s now risking 3% handle. More importantly, yield curve flattened further and it’s now inverted from 1-year (2.648) to 5-year (2.622).

                Dollar is so far mixed for the week, up versus commodity currencies by down against others.

                Dollar rebounds despite Fed’s dovish economic projections

                  Dollar rebounds after Fed’s rate hike, in particular against Aussie Yen also strengthens together against Euro and Swiss Franc. Meanwhile, Stock pares back some initial gains. The driving force for Dollar’s rebound is to be investigated. But overall, Fed’s new projections are quite dovish. (Yet, a possible reason might be….. Fed is not stopping after today’s hike yet).

                  First and most important on longer run federal funds rate, seen as Fed’s view on neutral:

                  • Median – revised to 2.8%, down from 3.0%
                  • Central tendency – revised to 2.5-3.0%, somewhat down from 2.8-3.0%
                  • Range – unchanged at 2.5-3.5%

                  For 2019

                  • Median – revised to 2.9%, down from 3.1%
                  • Central tendency – revised to 2.6-3.1%, down from 2.9-3.4%

                  Overall, the revision argues that Fed might have one or at most two more rate hikes in 2019, rather than three as implied in September projections.

                  On growth:

                  • 2019 median growth projection was revised to 2.3%, down from 2.5%
                  • 2020 median growth projection was unchanged at 2.0%

                  On unemployment:

                  • 2019 median unemployment rate projection was unchanged at 3.5%
                  • 2020 median unemployment rate projection was revised to 3.6%, up from 3.5%

                  On core inflation:

                  • 2019 median core PCE projection was revised to 2.0%, down from 2.1%
                  • 2020 median core PCE projection was revised to 2.0%, down from 2.1%

                  Fed hikes by 25bps to 2.25-2.50% by unaimous vote, full statement

                    Fed raised federal funds rate by 25bps to 2.25-2.50% as widely expected. The decision was made by unanimous vote.

                    Full statement below.

                    Federal Reserve Issues FOMC Statement

                    Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November indicates that the labor market has continued to strengthen and that economic activity has been rising at a strong rate. Job gains have been strong, on average, in recent months, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Household spending has continued to grow strongly, while growth of business fixed investment has moderated from its rapid pace earlier in the year. On a 12-month basis, both overall inflation and inflation for items other than food and energy remain near 2 percent. Indicators of longer-term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance.

                    Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee judges that some further gradual increases in the target range for the federal funds rate will be consistent with sustained expansion of economic activity, strong labor market conditions, and inflation near the Committee’s symmetric 2 percent objective over the medium term. The Committee judges that risks to the economic outlook are roughly balanced, but will continue to monitor global economic and financial developments and assess their implications for the economic outlook.

                    In view of realized and expected labor market conditions and inflation, the Committee decided to raise the target range for the federal funds rate to 2-1/4 to 2‑1/2 percent.

                    In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its maximum employment objective and its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.

                    Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Jerome H. Powell, Chairman; John C. Williams, Vice Chairman; Thomas I. Barkin; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Mary C. Daly; Loretta J. Mester; and Randal K. Quarles.

                    Into US session: Euro strongest as Italian budget deal made, Dollar soft ahead of FOMC

                      Entering US session, Euro is trading as the strongest one today. European Commission finally agreed with Italy on its 2019 budget, thus the so called “Excessive Deficit Procedure”. Italian 10 year yield tumble to as low as 2.778. German-Italian spread also narrowed to 253. Swiss Franc is, as a result of relief rally in European stocks too, trading as the weakest one for today. Dollar is the second weakest as markets await FOMC rate decision.

                      In short, Fed is widely expected to raise federal funds rate by 25bps to 2.25-2.50% today. The question is on the rate path in 2019 after all the political pressures Fed policymakers faced. The new economic projections will provide the key guidance to market expectations. More on the projections here.

                      Also, here are some suggested readings on FOMC:

                      In European markets, at the time of writing:

                      • FTSE is up 1.00%
                      • DAX is up 0.73%
                      • CAC is up 0.72%
                      • German 10 year yield is down -0.004 at 0.243
                      • Italian 10 year yield is down -0.169 at 2.778

                      Earlier in Asia:

                      • Nikkei dropped -0.60%
                      • Hong Kong HSI rose 0.20%
                      • China Shanghai SSE dropped -1.05%
                      • Singapore Strait Times rose 0.43%
                      • Japan 10 year JGB yield rose 0.0048 to 0.033

                      EU Dombrovskis confirmed budget agreement with Italy to avoid EDP

                        European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis confirmed that an agreement is made with Italy regarding 2019 budget. He tweeted that “A lot of hard work and negotiation went into finding solution on the Italian budget. Let’s face it: the solution on the table is not ideal. But it allows us to avoid an Excessive Deficit Procedure at this stage, provided that the agreed measures are fully implemented.”

                        He added that “I hope this solution would also be the basis for balanced budgetary & economic policies in Italy. Italy urgently needs to restore confidence in its economy to ease financial conditions and support investment. Ultimately, this is what will support purchasing power of all Italians.”


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                        Low level US and China officials clashed at WTO

                          Reuters reported that two rather low level US and China officials clashed at the WTO today in closed-door talks. US Ambassador to WTO Dennis Shea accused China of doing “outright steal” technology of the US and said “this is not acceptable”.

                          China’s envoy said US administration’s “reckless actions” were the root cause of the crisis in global multilateral trade system. And he hoped that both countries can “move in the same direction with mutual respect to contribute to the stability of world economic and trade environment”.

                          UK CPI dropped to 2.3%, core down to 1.8%, EUR/GBP a touch higher

                            UK CPI slowed to 2.3% yoy in November, down from 2.4% and matched expectations. But core CPI also slowed to 1.8% yoy, down from 1.9% yoy and missed expectation of 1.9% yoy. RPI also slowed to 3.2% yoy, down from 3.3% yoy and missed expectation of 3.3% yoy.

                            PPI input slowed to 5.6% yoy, down from 10.3% yoy, below expectation of 9.6% yoy. PPI output slowed to 3.1%yoy, down from 3.3% yoy, matched expectations. PPI output core slowed to 2.4% yoy, down from 2.5% yoy, above expectation of 2.3% yoy.

                            House price index slowed to 2.7% yoy in October, missed expectation of 3.3% yoy.

                            EUR/GBP is a touch higher after the release, but there is no follow through selling in the Pound.

                            Italian yield falls as government got EU approval on budget, Euro lifted

                              Italian 10 year yield drops notably at open today on news that the coalition government had finally got agreement from European Commission on its 2019 budget plan, thus avoiding disciplinary actions.

                              It’s now trading down -0.163 at 2.784 and is set to challenge September’s low. German 10 year yield is now up 0.0053 at 0.252. Spread is back at 253.

                              EUR/CHF benefits from the development and is extending recent rebound from 1.1224.

                              FOMC previews and recap of September projections

                                Despite all the political pressure, Fed is widely expected to raise federal funds rate by 25bps to 2.25-2.50% today. The meeting bears much more importance then just the rate hike, as investors would be eager to know Fed’s rate path in 2019, which has become pretty unsure recently. The statement, voting, and economic projections could all play a part in shaping market expectations.

                                In the November statement, Fed concluded by saying that “In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its maximum employment objective and its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.”

                                That is, Fed based its decision on a wide range of meaningful data rather than just a few pieces of them. While Chair Jerome Powell might put more emphasis on data dependency, the statement itself is clear and comprehensive enough that doesn’t warrant a change.

                                Fed’s Septemebr projections.

                                On economic projections, the most important part is federal funds rate projections. As a recap, back in September, the longer run federal funds rate was estimated to be at 3.0%, with central tendency at 2.8-3.0% and 2.5-3.5%. Despite financial market volatility and signs of peaking growth momentum, it still a consensus among fed policies to lift rate to neutral. And if we take the central tendency as consensus, there should be at least one to two more rate hikes onwards.

                                But timing is the question. For 2019, the median federal funds rate projection was at 3.1%, with central tendency at 2.9-3.4%. That means, members leaned towards two to three more hikes in 2019, if economic conditions favored. At the same time, that would mean interest rate would go pass neutral a little.

                                While we won’t expect many changes to the projections, we won’t be surprised to see some. And changes or not, Dollar would be volatile on the figures.

                                Suggested readings on FOMC:

                                Asian business sentiment stays low on trade war concerns

                                  The Thomson Reuters/INSEAD Asian Business Sentiment Index rose to 63 in Q4, up from 58 in Q3 which was a near three year low. While readings above 50 still indicates a positive outlook, the result is still one of the lowest readings in years.

                                  Antonio Fatas from INSEAD noted in the release that “this confirms the reading of the previous quarter: there is more uncertainty, there are increasing concerns about growth,” And, “this doesn’t mean there is going to be a crisis over the next quarters, but if there is one, this is an indication that it wouldn’t be a large surprise to some.”

                                  Global trade war is, by some distance, the biggest perceived risks to business outlook. China slowdown and higher interest rates followed and then Brexit. The report also noted that, “the dispute between the world’s two biggest economies, threatens businesses throughout the region due to global value chains.”

                                  Full release here.

                                  UK to start no-deal Brexit preparation in full

                                    UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman said yesterday that the Cabinet agreed that the government should start no-deal Brexit preparation “in full”. He noted “we have now reached the point where we need to ramp up these preparations”. And, “we will now set in motion the remaining elements of our no-deal plans”.

                                    Additionally, “Cabinet also agreed to recommend businesses now also ensure they are similarly prepared, enacting their own no-deal plans as they judge necessary”.

                                    WTI crude oil resumes down trend, heading to 46.54 fibonacci level

                                      WTI crude oil’s down trend from 77.06 resumed this week and drops to as low as 48.09 so far today. Such decline is seen as at least correcting the long term rise from 27.69 (2016 low). Thus, further fall should be seen to 61.8% retracement of 27.69 to 77.06 (2018 high) at 46.54.

                                      We’d look at the reaction from 46.54, as well as the structure of the subsequent rebound to decide whether fall from 77.06 is an impulsive or corrective move. But in any case, break of 54.61 resistance is needed to be the first sign of near term reversal. Otherwise, outlook will remain bearish even in case of strong recovery.

                                      Into US session: Dollar broadly lower as Trump asks Fed to feel markets rather than read numbers

                                        Risk sentiments stabilized in European markets as major indices are trading mixed. US futures also point to a mild recovery at open. Focus turned to selloff in Dollar today as Trump continued with his verbal intervention on Fed’s monetary policy. In, he asked Fed policy makers to abandon “meaningless numbers”. Instead, they should “feel the market”.


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                                        Dollar is currently the weakest one for today. Canadian follows as second weakest as WTI crude oil extends recent decline to as low as 48.09, in spite of Dollar weakness. Swiss Franc is the third weakest. On the other hand, New Zealand Dollar is the strongest one for today, followed by Sterling, and then Yen.

                                        But technically, EUR/USD, GBP/USD AUD/USD and USD/CAD are staying in range. USD/JPY is trying to draw support from 112.23 support. There is not follow through selling in USD/CHF yet after breaching 0.9911. Dollar bears seem refusing to commit yet, as meaningless or not, Fed will release another set of numbers in economic projections tomorrow. They’re the ones critical for 2019 rate path.

                                        In European markets, at the time of writing:

                                        • FTSE is down -0.41%
                                        • DAX is up 0.38%
                                        • CAC is down -0.14%.
                                        • German 10 year yield is down -0.0178 at 0.242
                                        • Italian 10 year yield is up 0.004 at 2.953

                                        Earlier in Asia:

                                        • Nikkei closed down -1.82%
                                        • Singapore Strait Times dropped -2.21%
                                        • Hong Kong HSI dropped -1.05%
                                        • China Shanghai SSE dropped -0.82%
                                        • Japan 10 year JGB yield dropped another -0.0088 to 0.028

                                        China growth to slow to 6-6.5% next year, with help from loose policy

                                          Du Feilun, director of the Institute of Economic Research at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said the China’s growth would slow to 6.0-6.5% next year, with the help from moderately loose economic policy.

                                          He said there is “immense” short-term pressure on the economy, from domestic challenges and trade war with the US”. However, ” there is not too much upward pressure on prices, thus it provides a good environment for economic operations and a good space for monetary policy adjustments.”

                                          He expected China’s aggregate economic policy to be “moderately loose next year to maintain steady growth”. But he didn’t expect China to return to the “old path” of massive stimulus.