US Ross: No big trade meetings with China, no deal signing scheduled

    Risk aversion dominates the Asian markets following the steep decline in US overnight. Renewed concerns over US-China trade negotiations were the main driver behind the bearish moves. It’s not getting more unlikely that the phase one trade deal would be agreed in time to avert tariff escalation on December 15. That’s a big step back in expectations given that investors were hoping for some tariffs rollbacks just weeks ago.

    US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC yesterday that no high-level trade talks are scheduled before December 15. He said, “there’s no big meetings scheduled right now, and there certainly is no signing date scheduled.” He also noted that waiting until 2020 election to strike a trade deal would take away China’s ability to pressure the US.

    “That takes off the table something that they may think gives them some leverage. Because once the election occurs… and he’s back in, now that’s no longer a distraction that can detract from our negotiating position,” Ross said. He also emphasized that “the president’s objective always has been to get the right deal independently of when or anything else like that. So his objectives haven’t changed. And if we don’t have a deal, he’s perfectly happy to continue with the tariffs as we have.”

    His comment came just after President Trump said that “I have no deadline, no,” regarding the trade agreement phase one. “In some ways, I like the idea of waiting until after the election for the China deal. But they want to make a deal now, and we’ll see whether or not the deal’s going to be right; it’s got to be right.”

    Politically, tensions between US and China will also likely intensify after House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly pass a bill to toughen the response to China’s crackdown on Uyghurs in Xijiang. The Uighur Act of 2019, passed by 407-1, was step up to the Senate version passed back in September. The bill requires the President to condemn abuses against Muslims and call for the closure of mass detention camps in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. It also calls for sanctions against senior Chinese officials who it says are responsible. Just last week, Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act into law. Both drew fierce objections from China.

    Trump has no deadline for China trade deal, could wait until after election

      US stock futures tumble after President Donald Trump indicated today that he has no deadline for China trade deal, and could wait until after 2020election to make it.

      He told reporters in London that “I have no deadline” regarding the phase one trade agreement with China. “I like the idea of waiting until after the election for the China deal,” he added. “But they want to make a deal now and we’ll see whether not the deal is going to be right. It’s got to be right.”

      Trump further said that “the China trade deal is dependent on one thing: Do I want to make it? Because we’re doing very well with China right now and we could do even better with the flick of a pen.”

      Eurozone PPI at 0.1% mom, -1.9% yoy in Oct

        Eurozone PPI rose 0.1% mom, down -1.9% yoy in October, versus expectation of 0.0% mom, -1.9% yoy. On monthly comparison, Eurozone PPI rose by 0.7% mom in the energy sector, by 0.3% mom for non-durable consumer goods and by 0.1% mom for both capital goods and durable consumer goods, while they fell by -0.3% mom for intermediate goods. Prices in total industry excluding energy fell by -0.1% mom.

        In EU28, PPI rose 0.1% mom, 1.6% yoy. The highest increases in industrial producer prices were recorded in Belgium (2.3% mom), Netherlands (0.9% mom), Denmark and Spain (both 0.5% mom), while the largest decreases were observed in Greece (-2.0% mom), Estonia (-0.7% mom), and Latvia (-0.6% mom).

        Full release here.

        UK PMI construction rose to 45.3, upcoming election sends a chill breeze

          UK PMI Construction improved to 45.3 in November, up from 44.2 and beat expectation of 44.5. Markit said that output fell in all three broad categories of construction. There was sharp drop in new work. Also, staffing levels decreased for the eighth month in a row.

          Tim Moore, Economics Associate Director at IHS Markit, which compiles the survey:

          “UK construction output fell again in November as Brexit uncertainty and the forthcoming General Election continued to send a chill breeze across the sector. The speed of the downturn in construction work eased a little since October, but the survey continues to signal a notable drop-off in business conditions compared with the first half of 2019.

          “Greater hesitancy among clients led to a decline in overall new work for the eighth consecutive month during November. Construction companies reported a particularly sharp fall in demand for commercial projects amid a greater squeeze from domestic political uncertainty and delayed investment decisions.

          “House building has been the most resilient category of construction output in 2019. However, it remains a concern that overall volumes of residential building work have dropped in each month since June, which is the longest phase of decline since the start of 2013.

          “Greater spending on transportation and energy projects had been expected to help boost infrastructure work this year and next, but survey respondents indicated a sustained soft patch for overall civil engineering activity in November. Some construction companies reaffirmed their concern about the delivery of road and rail projects, with delays to contract awards acting as an additional headwind to growth projections for 2020.”

          Full release here.

          France Le Maire said EU ready to riposte new US tariffs

            In response to the threat of new tariffs by US, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire criticized the proposals as “unacceptable”. He warned that EU would be “ready to riposte” to the tariffs. Junior Economy Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher also said France would be “pugnacious” in its dealings with US. And,

            Late Monday, US Trade Representative said it’s considering to impose punitive tariffs of up to 100% on USD 2.4B of French champagne, handbags, cheese and other products, as response to the country’s new international digital services tax. USTR said such tax was “inconsistent with prevailing principles of international tax policy”.

            Trump still believes China wants a trade deal

              US President Donald Trump indicated he still believed China wants a trade deal with the US. But the passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act “doesn’t make it better”. “The Chinese are always negotiating. I’m very happy where we are,” he added, The Chinese want to make a deal. We’ll see what happens.”

              Separately, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross indicated that the next batch of tariffs on China is going to taken effect “if nothing happens between now and then”. US is set to impose 15% of around USD 156B of Chinese imports on December 15. Meanwhile, whether there will be tariff rollbacks also all depends on China’s “behavior between now and then”.

              Also, Trump’s administration announced a series of tariffs actions yesterday. Firstly, steel and aluminum tariffs on Brazil and Argentine were restored. The US Trade Representative said it would review raising tariffs on EU products and added new ones because of the “lack of progress” in resolving the aircraft subsidies disputes. USTR also said it planned to raise tariffs on USD 2.4B in French products, including Champagne and handbags by 100%, as measures to France’s new digital services tax.

              Trump blames weak manufacturing on Fed, urges rate cuts

                DOW closed down -0.96%, or -268.37, overnight as weighed down by new tariff threats and poor ISM manufacturing index. US President Donald Trump blamed that “manufacturers are being held back by the strong Dollar, which is being propped up by the ridiculous policies of the Federal Reserve”.

                He went on further to urge Fed to “lower rates” and “loosen”, as “there is almost no inflation”. And that would make the US “competitive with other nations, and manufacturing will SOAR!


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                RBA kept cash rate unchanged at 0.75% as expected, prepared to ease if needed

                  RBA kept cash rate unchanged at 0.75% as widely expected. It noted in the statement that given “the long and variable lags in the transmission of monetary policy”, the central bank was on hold to monitor developments, “including in the labour market”.

                  Though, it reiterated that due to both global and domestic factors, ” it was reasonable to expect that an extended period of low interest rates will be required”. RBA is also “prepared to ease monetary policy further” if needed.

                  Full statement below.

                  Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision

                  At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 0.75 per cent.

                  The outlook for the global economy remains reasonable. While the risks are still tilted to the downside, some of these risks have lessened recently. The US–China trade and technology disputes continue to affect international trade flows and investment as businesses scale back spending plans because of the uncertainty. At the same time, in most advanced economies unemployment rates are low and wages growth has picked up, although inflation remains low. In China, the authorities have taken steps to support the economy while continuing to address risks in the financial system.

                  Interest rates are very low around the world and a number of central banks have eased monetary policy over recent months in response to the downside risks and subdued inflation. Expectations of further monetary easing have generally been scaled back. Financial market sentiment has continued to improve and long-term government bond yields are around record lows in many countries, including Australia. Borrowing rates for both businesses and households are at historically low levels. The Australian dollar is at the lower end of its range over recent times.

                  After a soft patch in the second half of last year, the Australian economy appears to have reached a gentle turning point. The central scenario is for growth to pick up gradually to around 3 per cent in 2021. The low level of interest rates, recent tax cuts, ongoing spending on infrastructure, the upswing in housing prices and a brighter outlook for the resources sector should all support growth. The main domestic uncertainty continues to be the outlook for consumption, with the sustained period of only modest increases in household disposable income continuing to weigh on consumer spending. Other sources of uncertainty include the effects of the drought and the evolution of the housing construction cycle.

                  The unemployment rate has been steady at around 5¼ per cent over recent months. It is expected to remain around this level for some time, before gradually declining to a little below 5 per cent in 2021. Wages growth is subdued and is expected to remain at around its current rate for some time yet. A further gradual lift in wages growth would be a welcome development and is needed for inflation to be sustainably within the 2–3 per cent target range. Taken together, recent outcomes suggest that the Australian economy can sustain lower rates of unemployment and underemployment.

                  Inflation is expected to pick up, but to do so only gradually. In both headline and underlying terms, inflation is expected to be close to 2 per cent in 2020 and 2021.

                  There are further signs of a turnaround in established housing markets. This is especially so in Sydney and Melbourne, but prices in some other markets have also increased recently. In contrast, new dwelling activity is still declining and growth in housing credit remains low. Demand for credit by investors is subdued and credit conditions, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, remain tight. Mortgage rates are at record lows and there is strong competition for borrowers of high credit quality.

                  The easing of monetary policy this year is supporting employment and income growth in Australia and a return of inflation to the medium-term target range. The lower cash rate has put downward pressure on the exchange rate, which is supporting activity across a range of industries. It has also boosted asset prices, which in time should lead to increased spending, including on residential construction. Lower mortgage rates are also boosting aggregate household disposable income, which, in time, will boost household spending.

                  Given these effects of lower interest rates and the long and variable lags in the transmission of monetary policy, the Board decided to hold the cash rate steady at this meeting while it continues to monitor developments, including in the labour market. The Board also agreed that due to both global and domestic factors, it was reasonable to expect that an extended period of low interest rates will be required in Australia to reach full employment and achieve the inflation target. The Board is prepared to ease monetary policy further if needed to support sustainable growth in the economy, full employment and the achievement of the inflation target over time.

                  Dollar and DOW drop on poor ISM manufacturing and Trump’s steel tariffs

                    Dollar drops sharply in US morning as partly weighed down by US President Donald Trump’s decision to restore steel tariffs on Brazil and Argentina. Further selloff is seen, together with stocks too, after poor ISM manufacturing index. For now, the greenback is only slightly better than the sleeping Sterling and oil price pressured Canadian.

                    DOW is currently down over -200 pts. Considering that daily MACD is staying below signal line, today’s steep decline should confirm short term topping at 28174.97. Deeper pull back in now in favor for the near term, to 55 day EMA (now at 27319.3). But we’d expect stronger support from there to bring rebound and then up trend resumption.

                    US ISM manufacturing dropped to 48.1, fourth straight month of contraction

                      US ISM Manufacturing Index dropped to 48.1 in November, down from 48.3, missed expectation of 49.4. It’s the fourth month of sub-50 contraction reading. ISM’s Timothy R. Fiore warned “global trade remains the most significant cross-industry issue”.

                      Looking at some details, all components stayed are in contraction except supplier deliveries. New orders dropped -1.9 to 47.2. Employment dropped -1.1 to 46.6. New export orders dropped into contraction, by -2.5 to 47.9. On the the hand, production rose 2.9 to 49.1 while prices rose 1.2 to 46.7.

                      Full release here.

                      ECB Lagarde: Eurozone growth remains weak due to global factors

                        In the prepared statement for ECON committee of the European Parliament, ECB President Christine Lagarde said Eurozone growth “remains weak” and has been “mainly due to global factors”. “Sluggish and uncertain” global outlook lowers demand for euro area goods and services and also affects business sentiment and investment. Manufacturing industry has been “suffering the most” and policymakers are also seeing “signs of spillover” to services. Nevertheless, consumption has held up “fairly well” with improving labor market conditions.

                        She added that the “relative resilience of services so far is the key reason why employment has not been affected by the global manufacturing slowdown.” The measures announced back in September were to ensuring that financing conditions remain favourable. The new two-tier regime of excess reserve remuneration will ensure that banks remain willing and able to pass on very accommodative financing conditions to the economy.

                        Lagarde’s full statement here.

                        Trump restores steel tariffs on Brazil and Argentina, urges Fed to loosen

                          Risk appetite appears to be weighed down mildly by US President Donald Trump’s decision to restore steel and aluminum tariffs on Brazil and Argentina. In a series of tweets, he complained that “Brazil and Argentina have been presiding over a massive devaluation of their currencies, which is not good for our farmers.” Therefore, “effective immediately, I will restore the Tariffs on all Steel & Aluminum that is shipped into the U.S. from those countries.”

                          He also defended that US markets are “up as much as 21%” since tariffs were announced in 2018. And US is “taking in massive amounts of money (and giving some to our farmers, who have been targeted by China)!

                          Bedsides, he urged Fed to “act so that countries, of which there are many, no longer take advantage of our strong dollar by further devaluing their currencies.. And Fed should “Lower Rates & Loosen”.


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                          China announced retaliations against US on HKHRDA

                            China’s Foreign Ministry announced today retaliations against US passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights Democracy Act. US military ships and aircrafts are banned from visiting Hong Kong. Also, sanctions are imposed against several US NGO, including the National Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House.

                            Spokeswoman Hua Chunying said “we urge the U.S. to correct the mistakes and stop interfering in our internal affairs. China will take further steps if necessary to uphold Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity and China’s sovereignty”. She added that the NGOs “shoulder some responsibility for the chaos in Hong Kong and they should be sanctioned and pay the price.”

                            Separately, Axios reported on Sunday that trade negotiations between US and China “stalled” before of the “Hong Kong legislation”, referring to the HKHRDA.

                            UK PMI manufacturing finalized at 48.9, signs of a two-speed economy persisted

                              UK PMI Manufacturing was finalized at 48.9 in November, revised up from 48.3, down from October’s 49.6. Markit noted that output, new orders and employment all declined. Stocks depleted and purchasing reduced following Brexit delay.

                              Rob Dobson, Director at IHS Markit, which compiles the survey:

                              “November saw UK manufacturers squeezed between a rock and hard place, as the uncertainty created by a further delay to Brexit was accompanied by growing paralysis ahead of the forthcoming general election. Downturns in output and new orders continued amid a renewed contraction in exports. The pace of job losses also hit a seven-year high as firms sought to reduce overheads in the face of falling sales. Destocking at manufacturers and their clients following the latest Brexit delay was a major contributor to the weakness experienced by the sector. Inflationary pressures meanwhile showed signs of moderating further, with input costs falling slightly for the first time since March 2016.

                              “Signs of a two-speed economy persisted, with intensifying business uncertainty leading to a further steep drop in demand for machinery and equipment as firms cut back on investment, but rising demand for consumer goods suggests that households continue to provide some support to the economy.

                              “Manufacturers across all sectors will be hoping that the New Year brings clarity on the political, trade and economic fronts, providing a more certain foundation to plan and rebuild as the next decade begins.”

                              Full release here.

                              Eurozone PMI Manufacturing finalized at 46.9, still a major drag on the economy

                                Eurozone PMI Manufacturing is finalized at 46.9 in November, up from October’s 45.9. Markit noted milder falls in new orders and output recorded during the month. But job losses sustained despite improve in confidence. Looking at the member states, Germany PMI Manufacturing improved to 5-month high of 44.1, but stayed well below 50 no-change mark. The Netherlands dropped to 49.6, a 77-month low. Only Greece and France were above 50.

                                Commenting on the final Manufacturing PMI data, Chris Williamson, Chief Business Economist at IHS Markit said:

                                “A further steep drop in manufacturing output in November means the goods-producing sector is likely to have acted as a major drag on the eurozone economy again in the closing quarter of 2019. The survey data for the fourth quarter so far are indicating a quarterly rate of contraction in excess of 1% for manufacturing.

                                “Although still signalling a steep rate of decline, the manufacturing PMI nonetheless brings some encouraging signals which will fuel speculation that the worst is over for euro area producers, barring any new set-backs (notably in relation to Brexit and trade wars). In particular, November saw the rate of loss of export sales easing further from July’s recent record, helping pull other indicators such as output, employment, order books and purchasing off their recent lows.

                                “Perhaps most promising is a marked upturn in business sentiment, particularly in Germany, with optimism about production in the year ahead hitting a five-month high in November. Producers’ renewed optimism in part reflects reduced concerns over trade wars. We nevertheless still need to see a further notable easing in the rate of loss of orders before getting too excited about the prospect of an imminent return to growth for manufacturing.”

                                Full release here.

                                New Zealand Treasury: GDP growth likely falls below budget forecasts

                                  In its Monthly Economic Indicators report, New Zealand Treasury Department noted that November data were “fair mixed” with some pointing to “further slowing in GDP growth”. Others indicated growth may be “leveling out”. On balance, “weaker-than-forecast investment and services exports are likely to see overall New Zealand GDP growth fall below Budget forecasts”

                                  It’s also noted that news flow surrounding trade tensions “continues to seesaw”. But “prospects of a US-China trade agreement have generally supported sentiment over the last month”.

                                  Full report here.

                                  Also from New Zealand, terms of trade index rose 1.9% in Q3, above expectation of 1.1%.

                                  China Caixin Manufacturing PMI rose to 51.8, but business confidence remained subdued

                                    China Caixin Manufacturing PMI rose slightly to 51.8 in November, up from 51.7 and beat expectation of 51.4. Markit noted there were solid increases in output and new business. Employment was broadly stable while inflationary pressures remained weak.

                                    Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI™ data, Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, Director of Macroeconomic Analysis at CEBM Group said:

                                    “China’s manufacturing sector continued to recover in November, with both domestic and overseas demand rising and the employment subindex returning to expansionary territory for the second time this year.

                                    “However, business confidence remained subdued, as concerns about policies and market conditions persisted, and their willingness to replenish stocks remained limited. This is a major constraint on economic recovery, which requires continuous policy support. Currently, manufacturing investment may be lingering near a recent bottom. A low inventory level has lasted for a long time. If trade negotiations between China and the U.S. can progress in the next phase and business confidence can be repaired effectively, manufacturing production and investment is likely to see a solid improvement.”

                                    Full release here.

                                    Released over the weekend, the official PMI Manufacturing rose to 50.2 in November, up from 49.3 and beat expectation of 49.5. PMI Non-Manufacturing rose to 54.4, up from 52.8 and beat expectation of 53.1.


                                    Japan PMI manufacturing finalized 48.9, seventh month of contraction

                                      Japan PMI Manufacturing was finalized at 48.9 in November, up from 48.4 in October. That’s the seven straight month of sub-50 reading, signalling a continuation of the downturn in the manufacturing sector. Jibun Bank noted that solid decline in new orders led to further output cutbacks. Economic weakness across Asia hit exports. Selling charges also decreased for the sixth month running.

                                      Commenting on the latest survey results, Joe Hayes, Economist at IHS Markit, said:

                                      “Japan’s manufacturing sector remains firmly stuck in contraction, with the same issues which have plagued the industrial world once again hitting firms where it hurts. In particular, export orders dropped at the fastest rate since mid-year amid reports of demand weakness at key trade destinations, namely China.

                                      “At the sub-sectors, it was intermediate and investment goods which were the primary sources of economic decline, whereas consumer goods makers observed improvements in business conditions.

                                      “Signs of how deeply-rooted this manufacturing downturn in Japan has become were seen in other survey data. Price discounting has been a trend in each of the past six months, highlighting that firms are now actively trying to tackle the sluggish demand conditions. Inventories of inputs also fell at a sharp rate, suggesting that firms are not expecting output requirements to rise anytime soon.”

                                      Full release here.

                                      Australia AiG manufacturing index dropped to 48.1, lowest since 2016

                                        Economic data released from Australia are generally disappointing. AiG Performance Index dropped to 48.1 in November, down from 51.6. That’s also the lowest level since August 2016, and indicates contraction in the sector. AiG said: “. The faster rate of contraction of the new orders index in November suggests a weak Christmas period ahead for Australian manufacturers. However, some manufacturing sectors are reporting better conditions than others, with manufacturers in the large food and beverage sector continuing to report buoyant conditions.”

                                        Also released, company gross operating profits dropped -0.8% qoq in Q3 versus expectation of 1.0% qoq rise. Building permits dropped -8.1% mom in October, versus expectation of -1.0% mom. TD securities inflation rose 0.0% mom in November.

                                        Canada GDP grew 0.1% in Sep, 0.3% in Q3

                                          Canada GDP grew 0.1% mom in September, matched expectations. Increase in services (+0.2%) slightly outpacing the increase in goods (+0.1%). Growth was recorded in 13 of 20 industrial sectors.

                                          For Q3, GDP growth slowed to 0.3%, down from Q2’s 0.9%. Expressed at annualized rate GDP grew 1.3%. Business investment rose 2.6% in the third quarter, the fastest pace since the fourth quarter of 2017. Growth in household spending accelerated to 0.4%, after rising 0.1% in the second quarter. These increases were moderated by a 0.4% decline in exports, while imports were flat.

                                          Also from Canada, IPPI rose 0.1% mom in October, above expectation of 0.0% mom. RMPI dropped -1.9% mom, matched expectations.