Eco Data 12/21/21

    [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

    Summary 3/30 – 4/3

      Monday, Mar 30, 2020

      [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

      Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020

      [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

      Wednesday, Apr 1, 2020

      [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

      Thursday, Apr 2 2020

      [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

      Friday, Apr 3, 2020

      [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

      Summary 5/22 – 5/26

        Monday, May 22, 2017

        [php_everywhere] [/php_everywhere]

        Tuesday, May 23, 2017

        [php_everywhere] [/php_everywhere]

        Wednesday, May 24, 2017

        [php_everywhere] [/php_everywhere]

        Thursday, May 25, 2017

        [php_everywhere] [/php_everywhere]

        Friday, May 26, 2017

        [php_everywhere] [/php_everywhere].

        Eco Data 5/21/18

          [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

          Eco Data 1/24/22

            [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

            Summary 5/16 – 5/20

              Monday, May 16, 2022

              [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

              Tuesday, May 17, 2022

              [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

              Wednesday, May 18, 2022

              [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

              Thursday, May 19, 2022

              [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

              Friday, May 20, 2022

              [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

              Eco Data 2/11/22

                [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                Summary 4/25 – 4/29

                  Monday, Apr 25, 2022

                  [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                  Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022

                  [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

                  Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022

                  [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

                  Thursday, Apr 28 2022

                  [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

                  Friday, Apr 29, 2022

                  [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

                  Summary 5/7 – 5/11

                    Monday, May 7, 2018

                    [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                    Tuesday, May 8, 2018

                    [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

                    Wednesday, May 9, 2018

                    [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

                    Thursday, May 10, 2018

                    [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

                    Friday, May 11, 2018

                    [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

                    Eco Data 5/10/18

                      [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                      Eco Data 12/6/21

                        [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                        Eco Data 2/9/22

                          [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                          Eco Data 12/22/21

                            [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                            Eco Data 2/14/22

                              [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                              Eco Data 1/20/22

                                [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                                Eco Data 5/2/22

                                  [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                                  Summary 8/31 – 9/4

                                    Monday, Aug 31, 2020

                                    [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                                    Tuesday, Sep 1, 2020

                                    [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

                                    Wednesday, Sep 2, 2020

                                    [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

                                    Thursday, Sep 3, 2020

                                    [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

                                    Friday, Sep 4, 2020

                                    [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

                                    Summary 5/21 – 5/25

                                      Monday, May 21, 2018

                                      [php_everywhere instance=”1″]

                                      Tuesday, May 22, 2018

                                      [php_everywhere instance=”2″]

                                      Wednesday, May 23, 2018

                                      [php_everywhere instance=”3″]

                                      Thursday, May 24, 2018

                                      [php_everywhere instance=”4″]

                                      Friday, May 25, 2018

                                      [php_everywhere instance=”5″]

                                      Eco Data 5/15/23

                                        GMT Ccy Events Actual Forecast Previous Revised
                                        22:30 NZD Business NZ PSI Apr 49.8 54.4 53.8
                                        23:50 JPY PPI Y/Y Apr 5.80% 5.60% 7.20% 7.40%
                                        06:30 CHF Producer and Import Prices M/M Apr 0.20% -0.10% 0.20%
                                        06:30 CHF Producer and Import Prices Y/Y Apr 1.00% 1.10% 2.10%
                                        09:00 EUR EU Economic Forecasts
                                        09:00 EUR Eurozone Industrial Production M/M Mar -4.10% -1.20% 1.50%
                                        12:15 CAD Housing Starts Y/Y Apr 262K 221K 214K
                                        12:30 USD Empire State Manufacturing Index May -31.8 -1.9 10.8
                                        GMT Ccy Events
                                        22:30 NZD Business NZ PSI Apr
                                            Actual: 49.8 Forecast:
                                            Previous: 54.4 Revised: 53.8
                                        23:50 JPY PPI Y/Y Apr
                                            Actual: 5.80% Forecast: 5.60%
                                            Previous: 7.20% Revised: 7.40%
                                        06:30 CHF Producer and Import Prices M/M Apr
                                            Actual: 0.20% Forecast: -0.10%
                                            Previous: 0.20% Revised:
                                        06:30 CHF Producer and Import Prices Y/Y Apr
                                            Actual: 1.00% Forecast: 1.10%
                                            Previous: 2.10% Revised:
                                        09:00 EUR EU Economic Forecasts
                                            Actual: Forecast:
                                            Previous: Revised:
                                        09:00 EUR Eurozone Industrial Production M/M Mar
                                            Actual: -4.10% Forecast: -1.20%
                                            Previous: 1.50% Revised:
                                        12:15 CAD Housing Starts Y/Y Apr
                                            Actual: 262K Forecast: 221K
                                            Previous: 214K Revised:
                                        12:30 USD Empire State Manufacturing Index May
                                            Actual: -31.8 Forecast: -1.9
                                            Previous: 10.8 Revised:

                                        Eco Data 7/22/22

                                          [php_everywhere instance=”1″]