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RBNZ Downgrades Growth Outlook While Keeping OCR At 1.75%

As widely anticipated, RBNZ left the OCR unchanged at 1.75% in September Policymakers downgraded the domestic growth outlook and suggested that the accommodative monetary policy would stay for a “considerable period'. Thanks to the recent decline in New Zealand, driven by heightened political uncertainty, RBNZ tweaked its warning over currency strength. It noted that a lower exchange rate would "would help" raise tradables inflation. We expect RBNZ to keep the policy rate unchanged for the rest of the year, and likely through 2018.

Dollar Rally Extends after Strong Durable Goods Orders, Look into Trump’s Tax Plan Now

Dollar's rally extends in early US session after solid economic data. Headline durable goods orders rose 1.7% in August, versus consensus of 1.0%. Ex-transport orders rose 0.2%, in line with expectation. Dollar traders are keenly looking forward to US President Donald Trump's announcement of tax reform (or just tax cuts?). It's reported that corporate tax rate would be brought down from 35% to 20% level. Top individual income tax rate will also brought down from 39.6% to 35%. Trump is scheduled to deliver a speech in Indianapolis later in the afternoon to promote his plan.

Dollar Stays Firm after Yellen Speech, Trump’s Tax Plan Awaited

Dollar remains broadly firm today, unmoved by the cautious comments from Fed Chair Janet Yellen. Traders are eagerly awaiting the long-awaited tax reform from US President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Euro and Kiwi continue to suffer post election weakness. It's reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel have begun the coalition talk between CDU, CSU, GDP and Greens. But the common currency could stay pressured until the picture becomes clearer. And, it's consistent with the technical development that EUR/USD is in a medium term correction that would take some more time to complete.

Dollar Strengthens as Markets Eye Yellen Today, Tax Plan Tomorrow

Dollar trades broadly higher today as markets are awaiting Fed Chair Janet Yellen's speech on inflation, uncertainty and monetary policy at the National Association for Business and Economics in Cleveland. Yellen is likely to maintain the tone that Fed is on course for gradual stimulus removal. Her comments regarding slowdown in inflation will also be closely watched. With the job market maintaining solid growth momentum, inflation is the main obstacle to another hike by Fed this year. Comments from other Fed officials are mixed so far. For example, New York Fed President Dudley just reiterated his expectation for inflation to climb back to 2% target after "idiosyncractic" factors fade. But Chicago Fed President Charles Evans is a little bit concerned that the slowdown in inflation is structural.

Euro Soft But Holding on to Support, Dollar Losing Ground to Yen

While Euro is staying soft, after post German election selloff, it's still holding above near term support against Dollar and Yen. Weakness is mainly seen against Sterling as 0.8773 support is taken out. Also, the common currency has not yet shown any sign of a rebound. Meanwhile, Dollar is turning slightly softer against others while Yen is picking up some strength. Mixed comments from Fed officials provided little support the the greenback. While are still pricing in more than 70% chance of a December Fed hike, the decision will remain very much data dependent. Tensions between US and North Korea remain tight as verbal exchanges between leaders continued to escalate.

Euro Still Holding on to Support Levels after Post German Elections Selloff

Euro dips notably today in reaction to the results of Germany elections. And, the common currency is trading as the second weakest one so far, just next to New Zealand Dollar. While Angela Merkel won her fourth term as Chancellor, there are big questions and what the coalition government would be. First runner up Social Democrats are very clearly and determined to be a "strong opposition" and the "grand coalition" is ruled out. Meanwhile, the prospect of the Jamaica coalition of CDU, business friendly FDP and Greens is seen by many as having intrinsic instability. The rise of antit-EU AfD might prompt some worries over EU reforms. But AfD has already in disarray as its chair Frauke Petry walked out at a press conference and declared she won't sit with the party in the Bundestag, showing huge internal dissent.

Merkel Wins Fourth Term But Biggest Challenge Ahead

Despite the general perception that the German election would be a boring game, the outcomes contain several surprises and should drag the process of deeper EU integration. Angela Merkel's CDU and its sister party CSU have secured 246, out of 709 seats in the new Bundestag, marking a decline of -65 seats from the 2013 term. With CDU remaining the biggest party, Merkel will no doubt be the Chancellor for a fourth term. However, it is challenging for her to form a coalition government this time. Back in 2013, the CDU/CSU formed a Grand Coalition government, with SPD as its junior partner. This time, with SPD's number of seats sharply falling to 153 (down -40 seats from 2014), the party has pledged that it would head into opposition this time. Indeed, the SPD during the election period had been complaining about the loss of popularity after forming coalition with CDU/CSU. Yet, Merkel has asked Martin Schulz, SPD's leader, to re-think. The Grand Coalition is expected to be the best for the financial markets, providing the least uncertainty and most favorable for deeper EU integration.

New Zealand General Election: Economics Clouded By Politics

While the final result would be formally announced on October 7 (due to the complex arithmetic of the mixed-member proportion system), the available information confirmed that the centre-right National Party remains the biggest party but would again be shy of being a majority government. Worse still, it would also be challenging for Nationals to form a minority government with consent of smaller parities. While many believe that the most likely result would be a Nationals+ NZ First coalition, it is not yet a done deal as it is still possible for NZ First form a coalition government with centre-left Labors and left-wing Greens. With plenty of uncertainties remains and the populist NZ First likely be a kingmaker in this term, New Zealand dollar got hit, losing over -1% against US dollar and Australian dollar.

Euro and New Zealand Dollar Mildly Lower after Elections, Brexit Negotiation to Resume

Euro gaps lower against Dollar as another week starts. Markets seem to be dissatisfied with Germany election result even though Angela Merkel won her fourth term as Chancellor. Nonetheless, loss in the common currency is limited and it quickly recovers. Meanwhile, Kiwi also trades lower after indecisive election results. Yen is mildly weaker and risk sentiments are steady even though US President Donald Trump continued his verbal exchanges with North Korea officials. Yen traders' are probably more on Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's press conference for snap election, rather than the words of the two sides that are on "suicide mission". Sterling is mildly firmer as the fourth round of Brexit negotiations starts.

Euro Resilient after an Eventful Week, Focus Stays on Politics ahead

There were a lot of happenings in the financial markets last week. The more hawkish than expected FOMC announce was supposed to give Dollar a strong boost. But it was the resilience of Euro that's much more convincing. New Zealand Dollar ended as the strongest one leading up to Saturday's election. Kiwi traders should be given a relief after the ruling National Party won the election, even though without outright majority. On the other hand, Canadian Dollar ended as the weakest as recent consolidation continued. Yen and Swiss Franc followed as the next weakest in an era of global monetary stimulus exit.

Euro Shines on Strong PMI, Dollar Strength Limited by North Korea Tension

Yen trades broadly higher today on resurgence of geopolitical risks. North Korea threatens to launch hydrogen bomb in Pacific Ocean, in response to US President Donald Trump's "total destruction" provocation, and new sanctions. But overall, Yen is the weakest one for the week so far with risk appetite and global monetary stimulus exit in the background. This is also reflected in Swiss Franc, which is the second weakest for the week. On the other hand, Euro reversed the post FOMC selloff and is occupying the top spot among major currencies. The common currency is also getting support from solid data. Dollar is firm too but the uncertainty over the tension with North Korea is limiting its strength.

Yen Higher as Geopolitics Back in Focus, North Korea Threatens Hard-Line Countermeasures to Mentally Deranged Trump

Yen recovers broadly today while Asian equities are trading generally lower as geopolitics is back haunting the markets. Tensions between North Korea and the US escalated again this week after US President Donald Trump's threat of "total destruction". This was followed by an executive order by Trump to forcefully push through trade embargo with North Korea. Then, North Korea responded by pledging to strike back with with countermeasures, including the use of hydrogen bomb. Dollar is mixed today as the boost from FOMC faded. Aussie and Kiwi are under much pressure. Aussie is still feeling heavy after China rate downgrade. Kiwi is cautious ahead of election in the weekend. On the other hand, Euro is staying firm ahead of Germany election on Sunday. Sterling is mixed a UK Prime Minister Theresa May's high profile Brexit speech is awaited.

German Election: Not as Boring as You Think

Despite the comfortable lead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its sister party, the Christian Socialist Union (CSU), in polls, Germany, as well as the EU, would never be the same again after upcoming German election on September 24. Merkel is on the course to pursue her fourth, and the last term, as the Chancellor. Her party is unlikely to form a government without forming coalition other party(ies). While the Grand Coalition (CDU/CSU+SPD as the junior partner), just like the one we have had since 2013 and between 2005-2009, is the most favorable to the economy and the financial markets, it cannot be seen as a done deal.

Aussie Tumbles as S&P Downgraded China, Dollar Paring Some Gains

Dollar is maintaining most of the post-FOMC gains against other major currencies. But it's turning softer against Euro and Sterling today. Better than expected job data provides no inspiration to the greenback. While developments in USD/CHF and USD/JPY are bullish, GBP/USD shows the Pound is still having an upper hand against Dollar. EUR/USD is staying well above 1.1822 support zone and maintaining near term bullishness too. Nonetheless, it's the selloff in Aussie and Kiwi that catches most eyes. RBA Governor Philip Lowe's comments suggest that he's in no hurry to follow other central banks in tightening. But the main driver is S&P's downgrade of China's sovereign credit rating.

Dollar Firm after Hawkish FOMC, BoJ Dove Not Too Dovish

The financial markets responded to Fed's hawkish announcement overnight rather positively. DOW gained 41.79 pts or 0.19% to close at 22412.59. S&P 500 rose 1.59 pts or 0.06% to end at 2508.25. Both indices made new record high. In short, Fed's new economic projections showed that policymakers are still projecting another rate hike in December, and three more next year. Fed fund futures are pricing in 73.4% chance of a December hike, comparing to 57.7% chance a day ago, and 48.6% a week ago. 10 year yield rose 0.034 to close at 2.277, extend recent rebound from 2.034. Dollar is now trading as one of strongest for the week among Aussie and Kiwi. Yen and Swiss Franc are trading as the softest ones. Gold dipped lower and breached 1300 handle following Dollar's strength.

Fed To Reduce Balance Sheet From October, Committed To One More Rate Hike This Year

The Fed finally made formal announcement that it would begin normalizing the balance sheet in October. As indicated in June, the process does not involve active selling of securities, but a passive run-off of its holdings. The policy rate also stayed unchanged at 1-1.25%. The overall tone of the statement and the press conference came in more hawkish than expected. Depsite downward revision in the core CPI for this year, the staff upgraded the economic growth outlook and downgraded the unemployment rate forecast. The median dot plot continued to project one more rate hike this year, followed by three more increases in 2018. As CME's 30-day Fed funds futures suggested, bets for a December hike markedly jumped to 73.4% from 57.7% in the prior day.

Dollar Surges as Fed Keeps Intererst Rate Projections Unchanged, EUR/USD Forming Head and Shoulder Top

Dollar jumps after FOMC kept the target range of federal funds rate at 1.00-1.25% as widely expected. Fed also confirmed that the balance sheet normalization program will be initiated in October. The Dollar positive parts of the announcement are firstly, GDP growth projection for 2017 and 2019 are revised up. Secondly, unemployment rate forecast for 2018 and 2019 are revised down. Federal fund rates projection for 2017 and 2018 are kept unchanged. That indicates Fed is still on course for another rate hike this year and three hikes next year. Nonetheless, core PCE projection for 2017 and 2018 are both revised down.

Dollar Stays Soft ahead of FOMC, Sterling Supported by Strong Retail Sales

Dollar is trading broadly lower today as markets await FOMC policy decision and press conference. It's widely expected that Fed would formally announce the schedule of the long-awaited normalization of its USD 4.5T balance sheet. At the June meeting, the Fed revealed the plan to "gradually reduce" its securities holdings by "decreasing its reinvestment of the principal payments" received. More details are awaited as the plan is formalized. Inflation has remained persistently soft despite the upside surprise in the August data. We believe some members would raise concerns that weak price levels might last longer than previously anticipated. There might be downward revisions in the inflation forecast in 2018. Meanwhile, there are some speculations that the Fed might reduce its average Fed funds rates projections. Thus, the so called dot-plot will also be closely watched.

Dollar Trading Mildly Lower as Fed Awaited, Little Reaction to Trump’s Threat to Totally Destroy North Korea

US equities surged to new records highs overnight as markets await FOMC's announcement on balance sheet normalization. DOW closed up 39.45 pts or 0.18% at 22370.80. S&P 500 gained 2.78 pts, or 0.11%, to 2506.65. 10 year yield also extended recent rebound and rose 0.014 to 2.243. But Dollar is trading generally lower in Asian session today. For the week, Euro, Aussie and Kiwi remain the strongest ones. Meanwhile, Canadian Dollar is under pressure as rate hike speculations cooled. Strong risk appetite in the market is pressuring Yen as the second weakest. Markets have little to response to US President Donald Trump's provocative talk to totally destroy North Korea.

New Zealand Election: Change in Government is NZD-Negative in Near-Term

The upcoming New Zealand election would be a tight race between the incumbent National Party and Labor Party. Polls of polls compiled by both RNZ and Stuff indicate that supports for both parties are at around 40%. Moreover, opinion polls have been suggesting that neither of the parties would be able to a government without forming coalition with smaller parties. This is such uncertainty that has increased the volatility of New Zealand dollar of late. This report compares the impacts of various scenarios on the economic growth outlook and the monetary policy, hence the exchange rate. We believe that maintain the status quo - a minority government led by Nationals- would be the most NZD-favorable, while a Labor + Green+ NZ First trio would lead to an immediate, but short-term selloff in the currency.