According to the CFTC Commitments of Traders report for the week ended January 14. NET LENGTH for crude oil futures declined -36 960 contracts to 530 312 for the week. Speculative long positions fell -28 565 contracts while shorts gained +8 395 contracts. For refined oil products, NET LENGTH for gasoline rose +11 166 contracts to 124 738, while heating oil drifted to NET SHORT of 12 881 contracts. NET SHORT for natural gas futures rose +33 078 contracts to 239 182 contracts for the week. NET LENGTH for gold futures dropped -3 056 contracts to 319 235. Speculative long positions decreased -6 671 contracts, while shorts were down -3 615. Silver futures’ NET LENGTH added +120 contracts to 67 373. Speculative long positions gained +1 538 contracts while shorts added +1 418. For PGMs, NET LENGTH of Nymex platinum futures gained +2 244 contracts to 64 525 while that for palladium decreased -237 contracts to 11 340.