HomeLive CommentsFed’s Beige Book signals slowdown with widespread stagnation across districts

Fed’s Beige Book signals slowdown with widespread stagnation across districts

Fed’s latest Beige Book report highlights a growing economic slowdown across the US. While economic activity grew slightly in three Districts, the number of Districts reporting flat or declining activity increased from five in the previous period to nine in the current period, indicating broader stagnation.

Employment levels were generally “flat to up slightly”, with five Districts noting modest increases in headcounts. However, some Districts reported that firms are reducing shifts, leaving positions unfilled, or trimming headcounts through attrition, though layoffs remain uncommon. Wage growth continues at a modest pace, consistent with the recent trend of slowing wage increases.

Overall, prices increased modestly during the reporting period, but three Districts saw only slight rises in selling prices. Nonlabor input costs were mostly described as modest to moderate and generally easing, though one District reported a slight uptick in input cost increases.

Full Fed’s Beige Book report here.

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