HomeEconomic CalendarEco Data 6/19/23

Eco Data 6/19/23

GMT Ccy Events Actual Forecast Previous Revised
22:30 NZD Business NZ PSI May 53.3 49.8 50.1
12:30 CAD Industrial Product Price M/M May -1.00% 0.20% -0.20% -0.60%
12:30 CAD Raw Material Price Index M/M May -4.90% 2.40% 2.90% 1.80%
14:00 USD NAHB Housing Market Index Jun 55 50 50
GMT Ccy Events
22:30 NZD Business NZ PSI May
    Actual: 53.3 Forecast:
    Previous: 49.8 Revised: 50.1
12:30 CAD Industrial Product Price M/M May
    Actual: -1.00% Forecast: 0.20%
    Previous: -0.20% Revised: -0.60%
12:30 CAD Raw Material Price Index M/M May
    Actual: -4.90% Forecast: 2.40%
    Previous: 2.90% Revised: 1.80%
14:00 USD NAHB Housing Market Index Jun
    Actual: 55 Forecast: 50
    Previous: 50 Revised:

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