HomeLive CommentsBoJ members support persistent monetary easing, discussed side effects

BoJ members support persistent monetary easing, discussed side effects

In the Summary of Opinions from BoJ’s March meeting, many members expressed support for continuing with the current monetary easing and yield curve control. However, there were also discussions on potential side effects and concerns related to the policy.

One member acknowledged the side effects of the current monetary easing, such as distortions in the yield curve. They stressed the need for BoJ to examine market functioning without preconceptions while assessing the balance between positive effects and side effects. Nonetheless, this member believed that the bank should “persistently continue with large-scale monetary easing” in the current phase.

Another member commented that it would take time to examine the effects of modifications in yield curve control on market functioning. They expect that when observed CPI inflation declines and market projections of interest rates calm down, “distortions on the yield curve are expected to be corrected”.

A member warned against hasty policy changes, stating that the risk of missing the chance to achieve the price stability target should be considered more significant than the risk of delaying policy changes, given the current improvements in the price environment.

Another member emphasized the importance of BoJ maintaining its commitment to the 2% price stability target. They argued that starting a discussion on the target could lead to “unnecessary speculation” on monetary policy conduct, despite the growing possibility of achieving the target. Similarly, this member saw no need to revise the joint statement of the government and BoJ.

Full BoJ Summary of Opinions here.

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