HomeAction InsightSpecial TopicsCFTC Commitments of Traders - Risky Currencies Recovered Weeks of Selloff

CFTC Commitments of Traders – Risky Currencies Recovered Weeks of Selloff

As suggested in the CFTC Commitments of Traders report in the week ended December 3, NET LENGTH of USD index futures fell -1 014 contracts to 34 865. Bets on long and short increased +1 048 contracts and 2 062 contracts, respectively . Concerning European currencies, NET SHORT of EUR futures sank -14 941 contracts to 8 299 while that of GBP futures decreased -622 contracts to 38 277.

On safe-haven currencies, NET SHORT of CHF futures dropped -2 129 contracts to 12 053 while that of JPY futures soared +15 785 contracts to 63 081. Concerning commodity currencies, NET SHORT of AUD futures added +1 607 contracts to 81 792. NET LENGTH for NZD futures added +78 contracts to 10 708 during the week. NET SHORT of CAD futures slipped -4 717 contracts to 9 358.

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