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Daily Tecnical Analysis


Current level – 1.2244

The currency pair managed to stay above the support at around 1.2240 and the sentiment remains positive – for a new rally. Potential targets for the bulls could be the resistance zones at 1.2340 and at 1.2420. The expectations for a weaker U.S. dollar remain unchanged, but if the rally does not take place, it is very possible that the market will need more time to breakout and trade could return back to the support of 1.2170. A daily support bulls can expect at around 1.2240.

Resistance Support
intraday intraweek intraday intraweek
1.2270 1.2340 1.2240 1.2126
1.2340 1.2400 1.2170 1.2065


Current level – 108.73

The market continues to struggle to find а clear direction and trading remains limited between the zones of 108.55 and 108.97. The support at 108.55 is holding back the bearish pressure for now, but it is not attracting much interest from the buyers, either. It is possible that the zone will be breached and the declines will deepen towards 108.20 or 107.80. On the other hand, a breach above 108.97 would tip the scales in favor of the bulls and they might try to take on 109.20 and 109.67. The mood is mixed and a breach in either zone would form short-term sentiment for the market participants.

Resistance Support
intraday intraweek intraday intraweek
108.97 109.67 108.55 107.80
109.21 110.52 108.20 107.50


Current level – 1.4141

The pause in the uptrend continues, with the main supports being 1.4100 and 1.4035. Buyers remain strong and are managing to hold their ground. A breach of 1.4200 is the most likely scenario for the pair at the moment. The first target may be the zone at 1.4270 or 1.4350.

Resistance Support
intraday intraweek intraday intraweek
1.4208 1.4270 1.4144 1.4035
1.4270 1.4350 1.4100 1.3920

DeltaStock Inc.
DeltaStock Inc.http://www.deltastock.com/
These analyses are for information purposes only. They DO NOT post a BUY or SELL recommendation for any of the financial instruments herein analyzed. The information is obtained from generally accessible data sources. The forecasts made are based on technical analysis. However, Delta Stock’s Analyst Dept. also takes into consideration a number of fundamental and macroeconomic factors, which we believe impact the price moves of the observed instruments. Delta Stock Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in these materials, nor shall it be liable for damages arising out of any person's reliance upon the information on this page. Delta Stock Inc. shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, losses or unrealized gains that may result. Any information is subject to change without notice.

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