UK GDP grew 1.2% mom in December, above expectation of 1.0% mom rise. Index of services rose 1.7% mom. Index of production rose 0.2% mom. Manufacturing rose 0.3% mom. Construction dropped -2.9% mom. Agriculture rose 0.3% mom.
For Q4, GDP grew 1.0% qoq, well above expectation of 0.5% qoq. Index of services rose 0.6% qoq. Index of production rose 1.8% qoq. Manufacturing rose 3.3% qoq. Construction rose 4.6% qoq. Agriculture rose 0.7% qoq.
For 2020, annual average GDP contracted -9.9%, largest yearly fall on record. Services dropped -8.9%. Production dropped -8.6%. Construction dropped -12.5%. Agriculture dropped -9.4%.