HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisChina's May Official PMI Data Is Expected To Be Released On Sat

China’s May Official PMI Data Is Expected To Be Released On Sat

General Trend:

  • HK financials decline ahead of announcement from Trump, Standard Chartered drops over 4%
  • Geely drops over 9% in HK on stock placement
  • Australian equities lag amid declines in the financial sector
  • Austal (Aussie defense co.) rises over 6% on raised guidance, said impact of coronavirus was less than expected in April and May
  • Early gainers in Shanghai include consumer discretionary firms, financial and property shares drop
  • Sectors moving lower in Japan include Iron/Steel and Transportation
  • Nissan Motor declines by over 7% after reporting a FY loss
  • Hitachi expected to report results after the close in Japan
  • US Equity FUTs pared losses as Hang Seng moved off of opening lows
  • BoJ may announce bond buying schedule for June after the market close

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened -0.1%
  • (AU) Australia PM Morrison: Not considering sanctions on Chinese officials over Hong Kong
  • (AU) Australia Apr Private Sector Credit M/M: 0.0% v 0.6%e; Y/Y: +3.6% v 4.0%e
  • (NZ) New Zealand May Consumer Confidence Index: 97.3 v 84.8 prior
  • (NZ) Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ): Will seek to purchase NZ$1.08B v NZ$1.18B prior in government bonds next week
  • (NZ) Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) buys NZ$375M v NZ$400M prior in government bonds as part of QE v NZ$375M sought

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened -1.5%, Shanghai Composite -0.5%
  • (CN) Pres Trump: will give news conference about China on Friday [the time was not initially disclosed]
  • (CN) US Senators Van Hollen (D-MD) and Toomey (R-PA) reported to be bringing a China sanctions bill forward next week
  • (US) White House econ adviser Kudlow: China is making a ‘big mistake’ to take over Hong Kong; Reiterates that Phase 1 trade deal with China is still on “for the moment”
  • (CN) US said to expel Chinese students with ties to Chinese military schools – financial press
  • (CN) China’s Global Times: China may resolutely impose sanctions on US companies helping anti-China US politicians in separating China
  • (CN) China PBOC sets Yuan reference rate: 7.1316 v 7.1277 prior (weakest CNY fix since Feb 27 2008)
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Injects CNY300B in 7-day reverse repos v injects CNY240B in 7-day reverse repos prior; Net injection CN300B v CNY370B prior
  • (CN) China National Health Commission Coronavirus Update for May 28th: 0 additional case (0 imported v 2 prior) v 2 prior; Additional deaths: 0 v 0 prior
  • (CN) China Premier Li: Pandemic has impacted global economic growth in a very serious manner; will not hesitate in adopting new measures – closing remarks at NPC (comments from May 28th)
  • (HK) Hong Kong Chief Executive Lam: National security law is duty of central authorities, law only targets ‘small minority of illegal acts’ – Letter to citizens
  • (CN) US Embassy: Affirming that China regulator will extend flight limits to June 30th


  • Nikkei 225 opened -0.5%
  • (JP) JAPAN APR PRELIMINARY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION M/M: -9.1% V -5.7%E; Y/Y: -14.4% V -10.6%E (Largest drop since comp data became available in 2013)
  • (JP) JAPAN MAY TOKYO CPI Y/Y: +0.4% V 0.1%E; CPI (EX-FRESH FOOD) Y/Y: +0.2% V -0.2%E
  • *(JP) JAPAN APR RETAIL SALES M/M: -9.6% V -6.9%E; Y/Y: -13.7% V -11.2%E (Largest y/y drop since March 1998)
  • (JP) JAPAN APR JOBLESS RATE: 2.6% V 2.7%E (highest level since Dec 2017)
  • (JP) Japan Fin Min Aso: Jobless rate will likely worsen in May;Must improve economy, not raise taxes to improve tax revenue
  • (JP) Japan Chief Cabinet Suga: No need for an emergency declaration for cluster coronavirus cases in Kitakyushu; Expert panel will discuss coronavirus outbreak; Does not believe Kitakyushu cluster is coronavirus second wave
  • (JP) Tokyo (Japan) reported to further ease coronavirus restrictions in June, may move to ‘step 2’ on June 1st – local press


  • Kospi opened -0.5%
  • (KR) South Korea Fin Min:Volatility in Foreign exchange market has risen recently on KRW coupling with China Yuan (CNY); Coupling is not desirable
  • (KR) SOUTH KOREA APR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION M/M: -6.0% V -3.5%E; Y/Y: -4.5% V -0.5%E
  • (KR) South Korea confirms 58 additional coronavirus cases, 0 additional deaths
  • (KR) South Korea Health Min warned of critical period to slow latest coronavirus outbreak – FT

North America

  • (US) China extends anti-dumping probe into US and Japan Chemical exports
  • (US) Fed Total Balance Sheet Size as of May 27th: $7.15T (record) v $7.09T w/w; Net portfolio holdings of Corporate Credit Facilities LLC: $34.9B v $1.8B prior

Levels as of 1:20 ET

  • Nikkei 225, -0.1%, ASX 200 -0.7%, Hang Seng -0.5%; Shanghai Composite flat; Kospi +0.2%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.2%; Nasdaq100 flat, Dax -0.3%; FTSE100 -0.7%
  • EUR 1.1089-1.1069 ; JPY 107.71-107.37; AUD 0.6644-0.6612 ;NZD 0.6213-0.6188
  • Gold +0.3% at $1,718/oz; Crude Oil -1.5% at $33.20/brl; Copper -0.1% at $2.405/lb
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