HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisThe Dollar Index Is Consolidating. Investors Assess US-China Trade Deal

The Dollar Index Is Consolidating. Investors Assess US-China Trade Deal

During yesterday’s trading session, the US dollar fell slightly against a basket of major currencies. The dollar index (#DX) closed yesterday in the red zone (-0.14%). The day before China and the US signed the phase-one trade deal in the White House, taking a step towards resolving the trade dispute. US Vice President Mike Pence said the second phase of negotiations has already begun, and the parties are working to resolve the differences. As part of the first phase, Washington reduced duties on Chinese goods $120 billion worth, from 15% to 7.5%. Beijing, in turn, agreed to increase purchases of US manufactured goods, agriculture, energy and services by $200 billion over the next two years.

Yesterday, the US House of Representatives delegation referred charges against President Donald Trump to the Senate. It will be the third impeachment process in US history. The trial should begin next week.

The “black gold” prices are rising. Currently, futures for the WTI crude oil are testing the $58.10 mark per barrel. At 17:30 (GMT+2:00), US crude oil inventories will be published.

Market Indicators

  • Yesterday, there was a variety of trends in the US stock market: #SPY (-0.15%), #DIA (+0.07%), #QQQ (-0.39%).
  • The 10-year US government bonds yield has declined. At the moment, the indicator is at the level of 1.79-1.80%.

The Economic News Feed for 16.01.2020:

  • ECB monetary policy meeting account at 14:30 (GMT+2:00);
  • Philadelphia Fed manufacturing index at 15:30 (GMT+2:00);
  • Report on retail sales in the US at 15:30 (GMT+2:00).
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