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China working on phase 1 trade deal, inviting US trade officials to visit again

Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng reiterated at that China is willing to work with US to address each other’s core concerns to reach the phase one trade deal. And, “this is in line with the interests of both China and the United States, and of the world”. Gao also dismissed “outside rumors” regarding farm purchases and tariff rollbacks a sticking points as “not accurate”.

WSJ reported that China has invited top US trade negotiators for another round of face-to-face meeting in Beijing, preferably before next Thursday’s Thanksgiving holiday. But US have indicated that they’re only willing to travel if China would make clear its commitments on intellectual property protection, forced technology transfers and agricultural purchases.

Separately, on the issue of Hong Kong, China continued to express strong objections to the passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. Geng Shuang, spokesman at Foreign Ministry, said “we urge the U.S. side to cease this activity, stop before it’s too late and take measures to prevent these measures from becoming law, stop meddling in Hong Kong’s affairs and China’s affairs”. He added, “If they must insist on going down this wrong path China will take strong counter-measures.”

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