HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisEquities Trade Generally Lower In Asia

Equities Trade Generally Lower In Asia

General Trend:

  • Chinese financial, property and energy shares are among the early decliners
  • Telecom services index out performs in China; ZTE rises over 10% post earnings
  • China bank earnings in focus: China Construction Bank declines post earnings
  • ICBC is expected to report results later today, Bank of China and Agbank seen on Friday
  • China property developer Vanke rises over 2%, announced stock offering to repay foreign debt
  • Financial, Energy and Resources companies rise in Australia
  • Marine/Transportation and Securities Brokers under perform in Japan
  • Japanese automakers trade broadly lower
  • Japan’s Gunma Bank declines over 7% after profit warning
  • Yen gains amid lower bond yields and equity declines
  • Kiwi (NZD) rebounds from the initial losses seen after weaker business confidence data
  • Indonesia plays down contagion concerns related to Turkey
  • US/China due to hold trade talks in China on March 28-29th (Thursday-Friday)
  • Upcoming end of Japan’s fiscal year in focus (March 31st)

Headlines/Economic Data

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened slightly lower
  • (NZ) New Zealand 8-month Budget Surplus NZ$2.26B, NZ$347M wider than forecasted
  • (NZ) New Zealand Fin Min Robertson: economy is well placed to weather a global downturn
  • (NZ) New Zealand Mar ANZ Activity Outlook: 6.3 v 10.5 prior (lowest level since August); Business Confidence: -38.0 v -30.9 prior; Inflation expectations 2.05% v 2.06% prior
  • (AU) Australia Feb Job Vacancies: 1.4% v 1.6% prior
  • (NZ) New Zealand sells NZ$200M v NZ$200M indicated in April 2025 bonds, avg yield 1.4456% v 1.9118% prior, bid to cover 2.4x v 4.4x prior


  • Nikkei 225 opened -0.9%
  • (JP) Japan Investors Weekly Net Buying of Foreign Bonds: ÂĄ1.8T v -ÂĄ595.3B prior; Foreign Buying of Japan Stocks: -ÂĄ1.1T v -ÂĄ1.59T prior
  • (JP) Japan Chief Cabinet Sec Suga: Nissan/Renault merger needs to satisfy all parties
  • 8697.JP Confirms basic agreement to merge with TOCOM, no terms disclosed, expected to close in Sept
  • (JP) Japan MoF sells ÂĄ2.1T v ÂĄ2.1T indicated in 0.10% (0.10% prior) 2-yr JGBs, avg yield: -0.175% v -0.167% prior, bid to cover 5.28x v 6.08x prior
  • (JP) Japan Fin Min Aso: Fiscal year budget aimed at smoothing demand around the upcoming sales tax increase (after the close yesterday)


  • Kospi opened -0.7%
  • (KR) US Sec State Pompeo: Time we see real action by North Korea on nuclear talks
  • (KR) US Commander in S. Korea, Army Gen. Robert Abrams, North Korea’s nuclear and missile activities have been “inconsistent” with its pledge to denuclearize, the commander of US forces in South Korea – Yonhap
  • 000660.KR To invest KRW1.2T for new chip manufacturing complex, targeting to start construction from 2022

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened -0.2%; Shanghai Composite opened -0.4%
  • (CN) Trump Administration Official: China tariffs will be key sticking point and will be resolved as part of the deal; no specific time frame set for trade deal, talks could conclude anytime from April to June
  • (CN) China Premier Li: Have not adopted loose monetary policy to stimulate growth, policies are paying off, Economic indicators steady in first 2 months of the year, market expectations are improving; Cannot rule out some fluctuation in quarterly economic growth this year, enough policy tools to deal with any slowdowns
  • (CN) China Feb Swift Global Payments CNY: 1.9% v 2.2% prior
  • (CN) Pork stocks in Shandong said to decline amid impact of African swine fever outbreak – HK Press
  • 2202.HK Announces placement of 263M H shares at HK$29.68/shr for HK$7.8B
  • 2628.HK Reports FY18 (CNY) Net 11.4B v 32.3B y/y, Total Rev 627.4B v 643.4B y/y
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Skips for 7th consecutive session; Net drains CNY0B v CNY0B prior
  • (CN) China PBoC sets yuan reference rate: 6.7263 v 6.7141 prior (weakest setting since Feb 20th)
  • (US) US President Trump: We’re going to make ‘very good’ deal with China – US media interview
  • (CN) China General Administration of Customs: To cut import VAT tax by CNY225B ($33.5B) in 2019, effective April 1 – Xinhua

North America

  • (US) Fed’s George (hawk, voter): Support Fed outlook to be patient on policy in a good place for it, current outlook for inflation looks benign; sees 2019 GDP ~2.0%
  • (US) DOE CRUDE: +2.8M V -0.5ME; GASOLINE: -2.9M V -2.5ME; DISTILLATE: -2.1M V -1ME


  • (UK) Parliament approves legislation to delay date of Brexit (as expected); Vote count was 441 to 105
  • (UK) UK Parliament indicative votes: no majority reached on any indicative votes (as expected); MP Letwin proposes parliament should vote again on Monday to reconsider these matters
  • (UK) PM May told Tory MPs that she’ll hand over leadership once Brexit is delivered; does not offer a specific timetable for stepping down
  • (UK) Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Foster says she regrets DUP cannot support PM May’s Brexit deal while it poses a threat to the integrity of the UK – press
  • (UK) Tory Lawmaker Rees-Moog: If PM May brings Brexit deal to vote, will support DUP

Levels as of 1:20 ET

  • Nikkei 225, -1.6%, ASX 200 +0.7%, Hang Seng -0.1%; Shanghai Composite -0.3%; Kospi -0.7%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.3%; Nasdaq100 -0.3%, Dax -0.3%; FTSE100 +0.3%
  • EUR 1.1259-1.1243 ; JPY 110.53-110.11 ; AUD 0.7100-0.7073 ;NZD 0.6823-0.6780
  • Gold -0.1% at $1,316/oz; Crude Oil -0.3% at $59.23/brl; Copper flat at $2.862/lb
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