HomeContributorsFundamental AnalysisChina Markets Fluctuate After Monday’s Plunge

China Markets Fluctuate After Monday’s Plunge

General Trend:

  • Shanghai Composite moves between gains and losses during morning session
  • China listed Luxshare rises on profit forecast upgrade
  • IT index underperforms in Australia
  • Equities in New Zealand decline for 7th straight session
  • Electric Appliances and Marine Transportation stocks weigh on Japan equity markets
  • Tokyo Stock Exchange having problems with server related to equity trading, which caused some trade delays
  • Papa John’s rises in the afterhours on takeover speculation
  • IMF cuts world 2018 and 2019 GDP forecast by 0.2% to 3.7% (first cut since 2016); risk of balance has shifted to the downside due to escalating trade conflicts and tighter financial conditions
  • No ‘trade’ talks expected between top US and China officials at this week’s global meetings (HK Press)
  • China continues to weaken the yuan following recent holiday
  • Questions about the yuan (CNY) would be addressed in the US Treasury’s next Foreign Exchange Report, likely to be released during the week of Oct 15th (US Treasury Official)
  • China money market rates continue to rise despite recent RRR cut
  • China is expected to hold its roadshow for planned US dollar denominated bond issuance today
  • US Treasury yields rise in Asian trading
  • Hong Kong Chief Executive Lam expected to issue policy speech on Wed

Headlines/Economic Data


  • Nikkei 225 opened -1.0%
  • (JP) Japan Aug Adj Current Account: : ¥1.43T v ¥1.52Te; Current Account: ¥1.84T v ¥1.89Te; Trade Balance: -¥219.3B v -¥208.0Be
  • 8358.JP Japan Post Bank to limit its efforts to promote loans offered by Suruga – US financial press [-8%]


  • Kospi closed for holiday
  • Kakai, 035720.KR Blockchain subsidiary, Ground X, announced plans to launch a testnet version of its proprietary blockchain platform Klaytn
  • (NK) North Korea hackers said to have broke into banks and sought $1.1B – financial press (US session)

China/Hong Kong

  • Hang Seng opened 0.0%, Shanghai Composite -0.1%
  • (CN) Top trade negotiators from China and the US are unlikely to meet this week during the IMF and World Bank annual meetings – Hong Kong Press
  • (CN) China Daily editorial: Recent RRR cut together with previous three cuts this year, help channel funds into the country’s real economy and boost the growth of the Chinese economy
  • (US) US Treasury Dept Official: US is concerned about China currency depreciation and is monitoring developments – IMF event (US session)
  • (CN) China PBoC Open Market Operation (OMO): Skips OMO v skipped prior: Net: CNY60B drain v CNY100B drain prior (drains liquidity for the 8th straight session, 3rd consecutive skip)
  • (CN) China offering 16% tax rebate to exporters – HK press
  • (CN) China state-backed Global Times: China must take ‘strong’ stimulus measures to support growth, country is in a critical period of stabilizing its economy
  • (CN) S&P: China recent RRR cut is not enough to boost select lending, does not signal significant change in monetary policy

Australia/New Zealand

  • ASX 200 opened -0.3%
  • (NZ) New Zealand 2017/18 operating surplus NZ$5.53B v NZ$3.14B forecasted; debt to GDP 19.9% v 20.8% forecasted
  • (NZ) New Zealand Sept ANZ Truckometer Heavy m/m: -2.6% v +1.0% prior
  • (AU) Australia sells A$150M v A$150M indicated in 0.75% 2027 indexed bonds, avg yield 0.8078%, bid to cover 4.97x
  • (AU) Australia Sept NAB Business Conditions: 15 v 14 prior; Confidence: 6 v 5 prior
  • (NZ) New Zealand Sept ANZ Inflation Gauge M/M: +0.3% v 0.6% prior; Y/Y: 2.9% v 2.8% prior

North America

  • PZZA Trian Fund Management said to be in early stages of putting together a possible bid; also has interest from possible strategic buyer – financial press [+16.6% afterhours]


  • (UK) UK Sept Barclaycard Consumer Spending Y/Y: +3.9% v +4.5% prior (slowest rise since April)
  • (NO) Norway Central Bank (Norges) Gov Olsen: Reiterates view of suggesting cautious approach to rate setting

Levels as of 01:30ET

  • Hang Seng +0.2%; Shanghai Composite +0.3%; Kospi closed for holiday; Nikkei225 -1.3%; ASX 200 -1.0%
  • Equity Futures: S&P500 -0.1%; Nasdaq100 +0.0%, Dax -0.1%; FTSE100 -0.3%
  • EUR 1.1503-1.1485; JPY 113.22.-112.93; AUD 0.7093-0.7066;NZD 0.76459-0.6443
  • Dec Gold -0.5% at $1,194/oz; Nov Crude Oil +0.4% at $74.61/brl; Dec Copper +0.4% at $2.78/lb
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