HomeLive CommentsPro-Brexit MPs discussed ousting PM May, who pledged to fight on

Pro-Brexit MPs discussed ousting PM May, who pledged to fight on

In the UK, BBC reported that around 50 pro-Brexit MPs met to discuss how to oust Prime Minister Theresa May. The so called European Research Group, who prefers a clearer divorce with the EU, met yesterday with comments like “everyone I know says she has to go”, “she’s a disaster” and “this can’t go on,” flowing around. It’s clearly that Brexiteers are unhappy with the Chequers plan for the close tie with EU after Brexit.

May’s spokesman said today that she would fight any attempt by her lawmakers to oust her. Also,the spokesman added “we have been working on the issue of the Northern Irish border for two years and we have looked at a significant number of potential solutions and we believe that the plan put forward by Chequers is the only credible and negotiable one.”

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